< Ezekiel 11 >

1 Poleg tega me je duh dvignil navzgor in me privedel k vzhodnim velikim vratom Gospodove hiše, ki so gledala proti vzhodu. Glej, pri vratih velikih vrat sem zagledal petindvajset mož; med njimi sem videl Jaazanjá, Azúrjevega sina in Pelatjája, Benajájevega sina, princa ljudstva.
And lift me up doth a spirit, and it bringeth me in unto the east gate of the house of Jehovah, that is facing the east, and lo, at the opening of the gate twenty and five men, and I see in their midst Jaazaniah son of Azzur, and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, heads of the people.
2 Potem mi je rekel: »Človeški sin, to so možje, ki snujejo vragolijo in dajejo zloben nasvet v tem mestu,
And He saith unto me, 'Son of man, these [are] the men who are devising iniquity, and who are giving evil counsel in this city;
3 ki pravijo: › To ni blizu; dajmo, gradimo hiše; to mesto je kotel in mi smo meso.‹
who are saying, It [is] not near — to build houses, it [is] the pot, and we the flesh.
4 Zato prerokuj zoper njih, prerokuj, oh človeški sin.«
Therefore prophesy concerning them, prophesy, son of man.'
5 In Gospodov Duh je padel name ter mi rekel: »Govori: ›Tako govori Gospod: ›Tako ste rekli, oh Izraelova hiša; kajti poznam besede, ki pridejo v vaš um, vsako izmed njih.
And fall upon me doth the Spirit of Jehovah, and He saith unto me, 'Say: Thus said Jehovah: Rightly ye have said, O house of Israel, And the steps of your spirit I have known.
6 Pomnožili ste svoje umorjene v tem mestu in njegove ulice ste napolnili z umorjenimi.‹
Ye multiplied your wounded in this city, And filled its out-places with the wounded.
7 Zato tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Vaši umorjeni, ki ste jih položili v njegovi sredi, oni so meso in to mesto je kotel, toda jaz vas bom privedel iz njegove srede.
Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Your wounded whom ye placed in its midst, They [are] the flesh, and it [is] the pot, And you he hath brought out from its midst.
8 Bali ste se meča; pa bom nad vas privedel meč, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
A sword ye have feared, And a sword I bring in against you, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.
9 ›Privedel vas bom iz njegove srede in vas izročil v roke tujcem in med vami bom izvršil sodbe.
And I have brought you out of its midst, And given you into the hand of strangers, And I have done among you judgments.
10 Pod mečem boste padli; sodil vas bom na Izraelovi meji, in spoznali boste, da jaz sem Gospod.
By the sword ye do fall, On the border of Israel I do judge you, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.
11 To mesto ne bo vaš kotel niti ne boste meso v njegovi sredi; temveč vas bom jaz sodil na Izraelovi meji
It is not to you for a pot, Nor are ye in its midst for flesh, At the border of Israel I do judge you.
12 in spoznali boste, da jaz sem Gospod, kajti niste živeli po mojih zakonih niti izvrševali mojih sodb, temveč ste počeli po navadah poganov, ki so naokoli vas.‹«
And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah, For in My statutes ye have not walked, And My Judgments ye have not done, And according to the judgments of the nations Who are round about you — ye have done!'
13 In pripetilo se je, ko sem prerokoval, da je Benajájev sin Pelatjája umrl. Potem sem padel na svoj obraz in jokal z močnim glasom ter rekel: »Ah, Gospod Bog! Ali hočeš narediti popoln konec Izraelovemu preostanku?«
And it cometh to pass, at my prophesying, that Pelatiah son of Benaiah is dying, and I fall on my face, and cry — a loud voice — and say, 'Ah, Lord Jehovah, an end Thou art making of the remnant of Israel.'
14 Ponovno je prišla k meni Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,
15 »Človeški sin, tvoji bratje, celó tvoji bratje, možje tvojega sorodstva in vsa celotna Izraelova hiša, ali so oni tisti, ki so jim prebivalci [prestolnice] Jeruzalem rekli: ›Spravite se daleč od Gospoda. Nam je dana ta dežela v posest.‹
'Son of man, thy brethren, thy brethren, men of thy kindred, and all the house of Israel — all of it, [are] they to whom inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, Keep far off from Jehovah;
16 Zato reci: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Čeprav sem jih vrgel daleč proč med pogane in čeprav sem jih razkropil med dežele, vendar jim bom kakor majhno svetišče v deželah, v katere bodo prišli.‹
it [is] ours, the land hath been given for an inheritance; therefore say: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because I put them afar off among nations, And because I scattered them through lands, I also am to them for a little sanctuary, In lands whither they have gone in.
17 Zato reci: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Jaz vas bom celo zbral izmed ljudstev in vas zbral izmed dežel, kamor ste bili razkropljeni in jaz vam bom dal Izraelovo deželo.
Therefore say: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: And I have assembled you from the peoples, And I have gathered you from the lands, Into which ye have been scattered, And I have given to you the ground of Israel.
18 In prišli bodo tja in od tam bodo odvzeli vse njene ostudne stvari in vse njene ogabnosti.
And they have gone in thither. And turned aside all its detestable things, And all its abominations — out of it.
19 Dal jim bom eno srce in znotraj vas bom položil novega duha; in odvzel bom kamnito srce iz njihovega mesa in jim dal meseno srce,
And I have given to them one heart, And a new spirit I do give in your midst, And I have turned the heart of stone out of their flesh, And I have given to them a heart of flesh.
20 da se bodo lahko ravnali po mojih zakonih in se držali mojih odredb in jih izvajali in bodo moje ljudstvo in jaz bom njihov Bog.
So that in My statutes they walk, And My judgments they keep, and have done them, And they have been to me for a people, And I am to them for God.
21 Toda glede tistih, čigar srce hodi za srcem njihovih ostudnih stvari in njihovih ogabnosti, bom njihovo pot poplačal na njihovih lastnih glavah, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.«
As to those whose heart is going unto the heart Of their detestable and their abominable things, Their way on their head I have put, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.'
22 Potem so kerubi dvignili svoje peruti in kolesa poleg njih; in slava Izraelovega Boga je bila zgoraj nad njimi.
And the cherubs lift up their wings, and the wheels [are] over-against them, and the honour of the God of Israel [is] over them above.
23 In Gospodova slava se je vzdignila iz srede mesta in se ustavila nad goro, ki je na vzhodni strani mesta.
And the honour of Jehovah goeth up from off the midst of the city, and standeth on the mountain, that [is] on the east of the city.
24 Potem me je duh vzel gor in me v videnju, po Božjem Duhu, privedel v Kaldejo, k tem iz ujetništva. Tako se je videnje, ki sem ga videl, dvignilo od mene.
And a spirit hath lifted me up, and bringeth me in to Chaldea, unto the Removed, in a vision, by the Spirit of God, and go up from off me doth the vision that I have seen;
25 Potem sem tistim iz ujetništva, spregovoril vse stvari, ki mi jih je Gospod pokazal.
and I speak unto the Removed all the matters of Jehovah that He hath shewed me.

< Ezekiel 11 >