< 2 Mojzes 37 >

1 Becalél je naredil skrinjo iz akacijevega lesa. Dva komolca in pol je bila njena dolžina, komolec in pol njena širina, komolec in pol njena višina,
Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood. Its length was two and a half cubits; its width was one cubit and a half; and its height was one cubit and a half.
2 in jo zunaj in znotraj prevlekel s čistim zlatom in ji naokoli naredil krono iz zlata.
He covered it inside and out with pure gold and made for it a border of gold around its top.
3 Zanjo je ulil štiri obroče iz zlata, da bi bili vstavljeni pri njenih štirih vogalih; celo dva obroča na eni njeni strani in dva obroča na drugi njeni strani.
He cast four rings of gold for its four feet, with two rings on one side of it, and two rings on the other side.
4 Naredil je drogova iz akacijevega lesa in ju prevlekel z zlatom.
He made poles of acacia wood and covered them with gold.
5 Drogova je položil v obroča pri straneh skrinje, za prenašanje skrinje.
He put the poles into the rings on the ark's sides, in order to carry the ark.
6 Naredil je sedež milosti iz čistega zlata. Dva komolca in pol je bila njegova dolžina ter komolec in pol njegova širina.
He made an atonement lid of pure gold. Its length was two and a half cubits, and its width was one and a half cubits.
7 Naredil je dva keruba iz zlata, naredil ju je skovana iz enega kosa, na dveh koncih sedeža milosti;
Bezalel made two cherubim of hammered gold for the two ends of the atonement lid.
8 enega keruba na koncu, na tej strani in drugega keruba na drugem koncu, na tisti strani. Iznad sedeža milosti je naredil keruba na dveh njegovih koncih.
One cherub was for one end of the atonement lid, and other cherub was for the other end. They were made as one piece with the atonement lid.
9 Keruba sta svoji peruti razprostirala navzgor in s svojimi perutmi pokrivala nad sedežem milosti, s svojima obrazoma drug proti drugemu; torej k sedežu milosti sta bila obraza kerubov.
The cherubim spread out their wings upward and overshadowed the atonement lid with them. The cherubim faced one another and looked toward the center of the atonement lid.
10 Naredil je mizo iz akacijevega lesa. Dva komolca je bila njena dolžina, komolec njena širina ter komolec in pol njena višina.
Bezalel made the table of acacia wood. Its length was two cubits, its width was one cubit, and its height was one and a half cubits.
11 Prevlekel jo je s čistim zlatom in k temu naokoli naredil krono iz zlata.
He covered it with pure gold and put a border of pure gold around the top.
12 K temu je naokoli naredil tudi okvir za širino dlani in naredil krono iz zlata za njen okvir naokoli.
He made a surrounding frame for it one handbreadth wide, with a surrounding border of gold for the frame.
13 Zanjo je ulil štiri obroče iz zlata in jih dal na njene štiri vogale, ki so bili na njenih štirih nogah.
He cast for it four rings of gold and attached the rings to the four corners, where the four feet were.
14 Nasproti okvira so bili obroči, prostori za drogova, za prenašanje mize.
The rings were attached to the frame to provide places for the poles, in order to carry the table.
15 Naredil je drogova iz akacijevega lesa in ju prevlekel z zlatom, za prenašanje mize.
He made the poles out of acacia wood and covered them with gold, in order to carry the table.
16 Naredil je posode, ki so bile na mizi, njene sklede, njene žlice, njene skledice in njena pokrivala, da jo z njimi pokrije, iz čistega zlata.
He made the objects that would be on the table—the dishes, spoons, the bowls, and pitchers to be used to pour out the offerings. He made them out of pure gold.
17 Naredil je svečnik iz čistega zlata. Iz kovanega dela je naredil svečnik; njegovo držalo in njegovo vejo, njegove skledice, njegove popke in njegove rože so bile iz istega.
He made the lampstand of pure hammered gold. He made the lampstand with its base and shaft. Its cups, its leafy bases, and its flowers were all made of one piece with it.
18 In šest mladik, ki so izhajale iz njegovih strani; tri mladike iz svečnika iz ene njegove strani in tri mladike iz svečnika iz druge njegove strani.
Six branches extended out from its sides—three branches extended from one side, and three branches of the lampstand extended from the other side.
19 Tri skledice je naredil po videzu mandljev iz ene mladike, popek in rožo in tri skledice je naredil podobne mandljem na drugi mladiki, popek in rožo. Tako povsod po šestih mladikah, ki izhajajo iz svečnika.
The first branch had three cups made like almond blossoms, with a leafy base and a flower, and three cups made like almond blossoms in the other branch, with a leafy base and a flower. It was the same for all six branches extending out from the lampstand.
20 Na svečniku so bile štiri skledice narejene podobne mandljem, njegovim popkom in njegovim cvetovom;
On the lampstand itself, the central shaft, there were four cups made like almond blossoms, with their leafy bases and the flowers.
21 popek pod dvema mladikama iz istega in popek pod dvema mladikama iz istega in popek pod dvema mladikama iz istega, glede na šest mladik, izhajajočih iz njega.
There was a leafy base under the first pair of branches—made as one piece with it, and a leafy base under the second pair of branches—also made as one piece with it. In the same way there was a leafy base under the third pair of branches, made as one piece with it. It was the same for all six branches extending out from the lampstand.
22 Njihovi popki in njihove veje so bile iz istega. Vse to je bilo eno kovano delo iz čistega zlata.
Their leafy bases and branches were all one piece with it, one beaten piece of work of pure gold.
23 Naredil je njegovih sedem svetilk in njegova utrinjala in njegove pladnje za utrinjala iz čistega zlata.
Bezalel made the lampstand and its seven lamps, its tongs and their trays of pure gold.
24 Iz talenta čistega zlata ga je naredil in vse njegove posode.
He made the lampstand and its accessories with one talent of pure gold.
25 Naredil je kadilni oltar iz akacijevega lesa. Njegova dolžina je bila komolec in njegova širina komolec; bil je štirioglat in dva komolca je bila njegova višina; njegovi rogovi so bili iz istega.
Bezalel made the incense altar. He made it with acacia wood. Its length was one cubit, and its width one cubit. It was square, and its height was two cubits. Its horns were made as one piece with it.
26 Prevlekel ga je s čistim zlatom, tako njegovo površino kot njegove strani naokoli in njegove rogove. Naokoli mu je naredil tudi krono iz zlata.
He covered the incense altar with pure gold—its top, its sides, and its horns. He also made a surrounding border of gold for it.
27 Zanj je naredil dva obroča iz zlata pod njegovo krono, pri njegovih dveh vogalih, na njegovih straneh, da bodo prostori za drogova, da ga z njima prenašajo.
He made two golden rings to be attached to it under its border on its two opposite sides. The rings were holders for poles to carry the altar.
28 Naredil je drogova iz akacijevega lesa in ju prevlekel z zlatom.
He made the poles of acacia wood, and he covered them with gold.
29 Naredil je sveto mazilno olje in čisto kadilo iz prijetnih dišav, glede na lekarnarjevo delo.
He made the holy anointing oil and the pure fragrant incense, the work of a perfumer.

< 2 Mojzes 37 >