< 2 Mojzes 25 >
1 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 »Govori Izraelovim otrokom, da mi prinesejo daritev. Od vsakega človeka, ki to daje voljno, s svojim srcem, boste vzeli mojo daritev.
“Speak to the sons of Israel, so that they may take the first-fruits to me. You shall accept these from every man who offers of his own accord.
3 To je darovanje, ki ga boste jemali od njih: zlato, srebro, bron,
Now these are the things that you must accept: Gold, and silver, and brass,
4 modro, vijolično, škrlatno in tanko laneno platno, kozjo dlako,
hyacinth and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine linen, the hair of goats,
5 rdeče barvane ovnove kože, jazbečeve kože, akacijev les,
and the skins of rams, dyed red, and skins of violet, and setim wood,
6 olje za svetlobo, dišave za mazilno olje, za dišeče kadilo,
oil to prepare lights, aromatics as ointments and sweet-smelling incense,
7 oniksove kamne in kamne, da bodo vdelani v efód in v naprsnik.
onyx stones and gems to adorn the ephod as well as the breastplate.
8 In naj mi naredijo svetišče, da bom lahko prebival med njimi.
And they shall make a sanctuary for me, and I will live in their midst.
9 Glede na vse, kar sem ti pokazal, po vzorcu šotorskega svetišča in vzorcu vseh njegovih priprav, celo tako boste to naredili.
According to exact likeness of the tabernacle, and all of the vessels for its rituals, that I will reveal to you, so shall you make it.
10 Skrinjo bodo naredili iz akacijevega lesa. Dva komolca in pol bo njena dolžina, komolec in pol njena širina ter komolec in pol njena višina.
Join together an ark of setim wood, whose length shall hold two and one half cubits; the width, one and one half cubits; the height, likewise, one and one half cubits.
11 Prevlekel jo boš s čistim zlatom; znotraj in zunaj jo boš prevlekel in na njej naokoli boš naredil krono iz zlata.
And you shall overlay it with the finest gold, inside and out. And over it, you shall fashion a gold crown all around,
12 Zanjo boš ulil štiri obroče iz zlata in jih namestil na njene štiri vogale. Dva obroča bosta na eni njeni strani, dva obroča pa na drugi njeni strani.
and four gold rings, which you shall set into the four corners of the ark. Let two rings be on one side and two on the other.
13 Naredil boš drogova iz akacijevega lesa in ju prevlekel z zlatom.
Likewise, you shall make bars of setim wood and cover them with gold.
14 Drogova boš položil v obroča pri obeh straneh skrinje, da bo skrinja lahko z njima prenašana.
And you shall put them through the rings that are in the sides of the ark, so that it may be carried on them.
15 Drogova naj bosta v obročih skrinje. Naj ne bosta vzeta od nje.
These must always be in the rings, neither shall they ever be drawn out of them.
16 V skrinjo pa boš položil pričevanje, ki ti ga bom dal.
And you shall place the testimony, which I will give to you, in the ark.
17 Naredil boš sedež milosti iz čistega zlata. Dva komolca in pol naj bo njegova dolžina ter komolec in pol njegova širina.
You shall also make a propitiatory of the finest gold. Its length shall hold two and one half cubits, and the width, one and one half cubits.
18 Naredil boš dva keruba iz zlata, iz kovanega dela ju boš naredil, na dveh koncih sedeža milosti.
Likewise, you shall make two Cherubim of formed gold, on both sides of the oracle.
19 Enega keruba naredi na enem koncu, drugega keruba pa na drugem koncu. Iz sedeža milosti boš naredil keruba na dveh njegovih koncih.
Let one Cherub be on the one side, and the other be on the other.
20 Keruba naj svoji peruti iztegujeta na visoko, pokrivajoč sedež milosti s svojimi perutmi in njuna obraza naj gledata drug proti drugemu. Proti sedežu milosti naj bosta obraza kerubov.
And let them cover both sides of the propitiatory, spreading their wings and covering the oracle, and let them look out toward one another, their faces being turned toward the propitiatory, with which the ark is to be covered,
21 Sedež milosti boš položil zgoraj nad skrinjo, v skrinjo pa boš položil pričevanje, ki ti ga bom dal.
in which you will place the testimony that I will give to you.
22 Tam se bom srečeval s teboj in se iznad sedeža milosti posvetoval s teboj, izmed dveh kerubov, ki sta nad skrinjo pričevanja, izmed vseh stvari, ki jih bom dal tebi v zapoved Izraelovim otrokom.
From there, I will warn you and speak to you, above the propitiatory and from the middle of the two Cherubim, which will be over the ark of the testimony, about everything that I will command of the sons of Israel through you.
23 Naredil boš tudi mizo iz akacijevega lesa. Dva komolca naj bo njena dolžina in komolec njena širina ter komolec in pol njena višina.
You shall also make a table of setim wood, having two cubits of length, and one cubit in width, and one cubit and one half cubits in height.
24 Prekril jo boš s čistim zlatom in k temu naokoli naredil krono iz zlata.
And you shall overlay it with the purest gold. And you shall make it with a gold lip all around,
25 Naokoli ji boš naredil rob, za roko širok in k njenemu robu naokoli boš naredil zlato krono.
and for the lip itself an engraved crown, four fingers high, and above it another little gold crown.
26 Zanjo boš naredil štiri zlate obroče iz zlata in obroče vstavil v štiri vogale, ki so na njenih štirih stopalih.
Likewise, you shall prepare four gold rings and set them in the four corners of the same table, over each foot.
27 Nasproti robu bodo obroči za prostor drogovoma, za prenašanje mize.
Under the crown, there shall be gold rings, so that the bars may be put through them and the table may be carried.
28 Drogova boš naredil iz akacijevega lesa in ju prevlekel z zlatom, da bo z njima miza lahko prenašana.
Likewise, the bars themselves you shall make of setim wood, and surround them with gold, to lift up the table.
29 Naredil boš njene sklede in njene žlice in njene pokrove in njene skledice, da [jo] s tem pokriješ. Iz čistega zlata jih boš naredil.
You shall also prepare small cups, as well as bowls, censers, and measuring cups, with which the libations shall be offered, out of the purest gold.
30 Na mizi boš pred menoj nenehno postavljal hlebe navzočnosti.
And you shall place upon the table the bread of the presence, in my sight always.
31 Naredil boš svečnik iz čistega zlata. Iz kovanega dela bo svečnik narejen. Njegovo držalo, njegove veje, njegove skledice, njegovi popki in njegovi cvetovi bodo iz istega.
You shall also make a lampstand, formed from the finest gold, along with its stem and arms, its bowl and little spheres, as well as the lilies proceeding from it.
32 Šest vej naj izhaja iz njegovih strani; tri veje iz svečnika iz ene strani in tri veje iz svečnika iz druge strani;
Six branches shall go out from the sides: three out of one side and three out of the other.
33 tri skledice, narejene podobne mandljem, s popkom in cvetom na eni veji; in tri skledice, narejene podobne mandljem, na drugi strani, s popkom in cvetom. Na takšen način na šestih vejah, ki izhajajo iz svečnika.
Three bowls, the size of nuts, shall be on each branch, and a little sphere with it, and a lily. And three similar bowls, in the likeness of nuts, shall be on the other branch, and a little sphere with it, and a lily. This shall be the form of the six branches, which are to proceed from the stem.
34 Na svečniku naj bodo štiri skledice narejene podobne mandljem, z njihovimi popki in njihovimi cvetovi.
Then, in the lampstand itself, there shall be four bowls, the size of nuts, and each with little spheres and lilies.
35 Tam bo popek pod dvema vejama iz istega in popek pod dvema vejama iz istega in popek pod dvema vejama iz istega, glede na šest vej, ki izhajajo iz svečnika.
Little spheres under two branches in three places, which together make six, shall proceed from one of the stems.
36 Njihovi popki in njihove veje bodo iz istega. Vse to bo eno kovano delo iz čistega zlata.
Thus both the little spheres and the branches shall be made out of the same thing: entirely formed from the purest gold.
37 Naredil boš sedem njegovih svetilk in te bodo osvetljevale njegove svetilke, da mu bodo lahko nasproti dajale svetlobo.
You shall also make seven lamps, and you shall place them upon the lampstand, so that they may give light in every direction.
38 Njegovi utrinjači in pladnji za utrinke naj bodo iz čistega zlata.
Likewise, the candle snuffers, and the place where the candles will be extinguished, shall be made from the purest gold.
39 Iz talenta čistega zlata bo to naredil, z vsemi temi posodami.
The entire weight of the candlestick, with all its parts, shall hold one talent of the purest gold.
40 Glej, da jih narediš po njihovem vzorcu, ki ti je bil pokazan na gori.
Observe, and then make it according to the example that was shown to you on the mountain.”