< Pridigar 7 >
1 Dobro ime je boljše kakor dragoceno mazilo in dan smrti [je boljši] kakor dan rojstva nekoga.
[Having] a good reputation [MTY] is better than fine perfume, and the day that we die is better than the day that we are born.
2 Bolje je iti v hišo žalujočega, kakor iti v hišo pojedine, kajti to je konec vseh ljudi; in živi si bodo to položili k srcu.
It is better to go to a house where people are mourning [about someone who has died] than to go to a house where people are feasting, because everyone will die some day, and people who are alive should think seriously [IDM] about that.
3 Bridkost je boljša kot smeh, kajti z žalostjo obličja je srce postalo boljše.
It is better to be sad than to be [always] laughing, because being sad can cause us to think more about how we should conduct our lives [IDM].
4 Srce modrega je v hiši žalovanja, toda srce bedakov je v hiši veselja.
Wise [people] who go to where others are mourning think about [the fact that some day they also will] die, but foolish people [PRS] [do not think about that]; they are always [MTY] laughing.
5 Bolje je poslušati oštevanje modrega, kakor za človeka poslušati pesem bedakov.
It is better to pay attention to [someone who is wise] you than to listen to the songs of a foolish person.
6 Kajti kakor je prasketanje trnja pod loncem, tak je smeh bedaka. Tudi to je ničevost.
By [listening to] foolish people laughing we will not [learn any more than by listening to] the crackling of thorns [being burned] under a pot. Listening to fools is senseless.
7 Zatiranje modrega zagotovo dela besnega in podkupnina uničuje srce.
When wise people say to others, “You must pay me a lot of money for me to protect you,” that causes those wise people to become foolish, and [accepting] bribes causes people to become unable to do what is fair/just.
8 Boljši je konec stvari kakor njen začetek, in potrpežljivi v duhu je boljši kakor ponosni v duhu.
Finishing something is better than starting something, and being patient is better than being proud.
9 V svojem duhu ne bodi nagel, da bi bil jezen, kajti jeza počiva v naročju bedakov.
Do not quickly (lose your temper/react to things angrily), because it is foolish people [SYN] who become very angry.
10 Ne reci: »Kaj je razlog, da so bili prejšnji dnevi boljši kakor tile?« Kajti glede tega nisi modro poizvedel.
Do not say, “Things were a lot better [RHQ] previously,” because it is people who are not wise who say that.
11 Modrost je dobra z dediščino; in z njo je korist tistim, ki gledajo sonce.
Being wise is better than inheriting [valuable things]; being wise provides lasting benefits for every person on the earth [MTY].
12 Kajti modrost je obramba in denar je obramba, toda odličnost spoznanja je, da modrost daje življenje tem, ki jo imajo.
We are [sometimes] protected by being wise like we are [sometimes] protected by having a lot of money, but being wise is better [than having a lot of money], [because] being wise prevents us from [doing foolish things that would] cause us to die.
13 Preudari Gospodovo delo, kajti kdo lahko izravna to, kar je on skrivil?
Think [carefully about] what God has done. Certainly no one can [RHQ] cause to become straight the things that God has caused to be crooked.
14 Na dan uspevanja bodi radosten, toda na dan nadloge preudari; tudi Bog je postavil enega nasproti drugemu, z namenom, da človek ne bi ničesar našel za njim.
When things are going well for you, be happy, and when things are not going well for you, remember that God is the one who causes good things to happen and who also causes disasters.
15 Vse stvari sem videl v dneh svoje ničevosti. Je pravičen človek, ki propada v svoji pravičnosti in je zloben človek, ki v svoji zlobnosti podaljšuje svoje življenje.
During all the time that I have been alive I have seen a lot of [HYP] things that seem senseless. I have seen righteous people die [while they are still young], and I have seen wicked people remain alive for a very long time in [spite of] their continuing to be wicked.
16 Ne bodi preko mere pravičen niti se ne delaj preveč modrega. Zakaj bi samega sebe uničil?
[So] do not think that you are very righteous and do not think that you are very wise, [because if you think those things], you will destroy yourself.
17 Ne bodi preveč zloben niti ne bodi nespameten. Zakaj bi umrl pred svojim časom?
If you do what is evil or do what is foolish, you might die while you are still young.
18 Dobro je, da bi to zgrabil, da, tudi pred tem ne umikaj svoje roke, kajti kdor se boji Boga, bo izmed vseh prišel naprej.
Continue to avoid doing what is evil and doing what is foolish; avoid doing both of those things by continually revering God.
19 Modrost krepi modrega bolj kakor deset silnih mož, ki so v mestu.
If you are wise, you will be more powerful/influential than the ten most powerful/influential men in your city.
20 Kajti na zemlji ni pravičnega človeka, ki dela dobro in ne greši.
There is no one in this world who [always] does what is right and who never sins.
21 Prav tako se ne oziraj na vse besede, ki so izgovorjene, da ne bi slišal svojega služabnika [kako] te preklinja,
Do not pay attention [IDM] to everything that people say, because if you do that, you might hear your servant cursing you.
22 kajti pogosto tudi tvoje lastno srce ve, da si ti sam podobno preklinjal druge.
You know that you have also cursed other people.
23 Vse to sem preizkusil z modrostjo. Rekel sem: »Moder bom, « toda to je bilo daleč od mene.
I said [to myself] that I would use my wisdom to study all the things [that I have written about], but I was not able to do it successfully.
24 To, kar je daleč proč in presegajoče globoko, kdo to lahko spozna?
Wisdom seems to be far from me; there is no one [RHQ] who can truly understand everything.
25 Svoje srce sem posvetil védenju in preiskovanju in iskanju modrosti in razlogu za stvari in da spoznam zlobnost neumnosti, celo nespametnost in norost.
But I decided to investigate things and by my wisdom try to understand the reason for everything. I also wanted to understand why people act wickedly and why they act very foolishly.
26 Našel sem grenkejše kakor smrt, žensko, čigar srce so pasti in mreže in njene roke kakor trakovi. Kdorkoli ugaja Bogu, bo zbežal pred njo, toda grešnik bo vzet po njej.
[One thing I learned was that] (allowing a woman to seduce you/having sex with a woman to whom you are not married) is worse than dying. A woman who tries to seduce men is [as dangerous as] a trap [MET]. [If you allow her to put] her arms [around you, it will be as though she will be fastening you with] chains. Women like that will capture sinful men, but men who please God will escape from such women.
27 »Glej, to sem našel, « pravi pridigar, naštevajoč enega za drugim, da spozna razlog.
This is what I have learned: I tried to learn more and more about things to try to find out the reason for everything,
28 Kar vendar moja duša išče, toda ne najdem. Našel sem enega med tisočimi, toda ženske med vsemi tistimi nisem našel.
and I continued to try to learn more, but I could not find [all that I was searching for]. [But] one thing that I found out was that among 1,000 [people] I found one righteous man, but I did not find even one righteous woman.
29 Glej, samo to sem našel, da je Bog človeka naredil poštenega, toda oni so iskali mnoge domiselnosti.
[But] I did learn one thing: When God created people, they were righteous, but they have found many ways to do many evil things.