< 5 Mojzes 21 >

1 Če je nekdo najden ubit na polju, ki ti ga Gospod, tvoj Bog, daje v last, ležeč na polju in se ne ve kdo ga je umoril,
If one shall be found slain in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it, lying in the field, and it be not known who hath slain him:
2 potem bodo prišli tvoje starešine in tvoji sodniki in bodo izmerili [razdaljo] do mest, ki so naokoli tega, ki je umorjen.
Then thy elders and thy judges shall come forth, and they shall measure to the cities which are around him that is slain:
3 Zgodilo se bo, da mesto, ki je bliže umorjenemu človeku, celo starešine tega mesta bodo vzeli telico, s katero še niso delali in ki še ni vlekla jarma,
And it shall be, that the city which is next to the slain man, even the elders of that city shall take an heifer, which hath not been worked, and which hath not pulled the yoke;
4 in starešine tega mesta bodo telico privedli dol v valovito dolino, ki ni niti obdelana niti posejana in tam, v dolini, bodo telici zlomili vrat
And the elders of that city shall bring down the heifer to a rough valley, which is neither tilled nor sown, and shall strike off the heifer’s neck there in the valley:
5 in duhovniki, sinovi Lévijevcev, se bodo približali, kajti njih je Gospod, tvoj Bog, izbral, da mu služijo in da blagoslavljajo v Gospodovem imenu, in po njihovi besedi bo vsaka polemika in vsak udarec preizkušen
And the priests the sons of Levi shall come near; for them the LORD thy God hath chosen to minister to him, and to bless in the name of the LORD; and by their word shall every controversy and every stroke be tried:
6 in vse starešine tega mesta, ki je bliže umorjenemu človeku, si bodo roke umili nad telico, ki je obglavljena v dolini
And all the elders of that city, that are next to the slain man, shall wash their hands over the heifer that is beheaded in the valley:
7 in odgovorili bodo ter rekli: ›Naše roke niso prelile te krvi niti naše oči tega niso videle.
And they shall answer and say, Our hands have not shed this blood, neither have our eyes seen it.
8 Bodi usmiljen, oh Gospod, svojemu ljudstvu Izraelu, ki si ga odkupil in ne polagaj nedolžne krvi na svoje ljudstvo Izrael, ki je najbliže.‹ In kri jim bo odpuščena.
Be merciful, O LORD, to thy people Israel, whom thou hast redeemed, and lay not innocent blood to the charge of thy people Israel. And the blood shall be forgiven them.
9 Tako boš izmed sebe odvzel krivdo nedolžne krvi, ko boš storil to, kar je pravilno v Gospodovih očeh.
So shalt thou remove the guilt of innocent blood from among you, when thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the LORD.
10 Ko greš naprej v vojno zoper svoje sovražnike in ti jih Gospod, tvoj Bog, izroči v tvoje roke in si jih zajel kot ujetnike
When thou goest forth to war against thy enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thy hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
11 in vidiš med ujetniki lepo žensko in imaš do nje poželenje, da bi jo imel za svojo ženo,
And thou seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire to her, that thou wouldest have her for thy wife;
12 potem jo boš privedel domov, v svojo hišo. Ona si bo obrila svojo glavo in postrigla svoje nohte
Then thou shalt bring her home to thy house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 in iz sebe bo odložila oblačila svojega ujetništva in ostala bo v tvoji hiši in cel mesec bo objokovala svojega očeta in svojo mater. Potem boš šel noter k njej in boš njen soprog in ona bo tvoja žena.
And she shall put off from her the raiment of her captivity, and shall remain in thy house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in to her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
14 In zgodilo se bo, če z njo ne boš imel veselja, potem jo boš pustil oditi kamor ona hoče. Toda, ker si jo ponižal, je nikakor ne boš prodal za denar, iz nje ne boš naredil trgovskega blaga.
And it shall be, if thou shalt have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go where she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
15 Če ima mož dve ženi, eno ljubljeno in drugo osovraženo in sta mu rodili otroke, obe, ljubljena in osovražena in če je prvorojenec od tiste, ki je bila osovražena,
If a man shall have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have borne him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated:
16 potem se bo zgodilo, ko daje svojim sinovom podedovati to, kar ima, da ne sme narediti sina ljubljene prvorojenca pred sinom osovražene, ki je zares prvorojenec,
Then it shall be, when he maketh his sons to inherit that which he hath, that he may not prefer the son of the beloved firstborn before the son of the hated, which is indeed the firstborn:
17 temveč bo sina osovražene priznal za prvorojenca s tem, da mu da dvojni delež od vsega, kar ima, kajti on je začetek njegove moči; pravica prvorojenca je njegova.
But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated for the firstborn, by giving him a double portion of all that he hath: for he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his.
18 Če ima človek trmoglavega in upornega sina, ki noče ubogati glasu svojega očeta ali glasu svoje matere in ko sta ga karala, da ju noče poslušati,
If a man shall have a stubborn and rebellious son, who will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and who, when they have chastened him, will not hearken to them:
19 potem naj ga njegov oče in njegova mati primeta in ga privedeta k starešinam njegovega mesta in k velikim vratom njegovega kraja
Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out to the elders of his city, and to the gate of his place;
20 in starešinam mesta bosta rekla: ›Ta najin sin je trmoglav in uporen, noče ubogati najinega glasu. Požeruh je in pijanec.‹
And they shall say to the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
21 In vsi ljudje iz njegovega mesta ga bodo kamnali s kamni, da ta umre. Tako boš zlo odstranil proč izmed vas in ves Izrael bo slišal in se bal.
And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he may die: so shalt thou remove evil from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
22 Če je moški zagrešil greh, vreden smrti, in bo usmrčen in ga obesiš na drevo,
And if a man shall have committed a sin worthy of death, and he must be put to death, and thou shalt hang him on a tree:
23 naj njegovo truplo ne ostane vso noč na drevesu, temveč ga boš vsekakor tisti dan pokopal (kajti ta, ki je obešen, je preklet od Boga), da tvoja dežela, ki ti jo Gospod, tvoj Bog, daje za dediščino, ne bo omadeževana.
His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt surely bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God; ) that thy land may not be defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.

< 5 Mojzes 21 >