< Daniel 7 >
1 V prvem letu babilonskega kralja Belšacárja je imel Daniel sanje in videnja svoje glave na svoji postelji. Potem je sanje zapisal in povedal povzetek stvari.
In the first year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon, Daniel, beheld, a dream, and visions of his head upon his bed, —then, the dream, he wrote, the sum of the matters, he told.
2 Daniel je spregovoril in rekel: »Videl sem v svojem videnju ponoči in glej, štirje vetrovi neba so se borili nad velikim morjem.
Daniel spake and said, I was looking, in my vision [which came] with the night, —when, lo! the four winds of the heavens, bursting forth upon the great sea;
3 Štirje veliki zverniki so prišli iz morja, različni drug od drugega.
and four large wild beasts, coming up out of the sea, —diverse, one from another: —
4 Prvi je bil podoben levu in imel je orlove peruti. Gledal sem, dokler niso bile njegove peruti izpuljene in dvignjen je bil z zemlje in primoran stati na stopalih kakor človek, in temu je bilo dano človeško srce.
The foremost, like a lion, having, the wings of an eagle, —I looked until the wings thereof, were torn out, and it was lifted up from the earth, and, upon its feet, like a man, was it caused to stand, and, the heart of a man, was given to it.
5 Glej še en zvernik, drug, podoben medvedu in ta se je dvignil na eno stran in v ustih, med svojimi zobmi, je imel tri rebra. Rekli so mu takole: ›Vzdigni se, požri veliko mesa.‹
And, lo! another wild beast, a second, resembling a bear, and, on one side, was it raised up, with three ribs in its mouth, between its teeth, —and, thus, were they saying to it, Rise! devour much flesh.
6 Potem sem zagledal in glej drug, podoben leopardu, ki je imel na svojem hrbtu štiri krila perjadi. Zvernik je imel tudi štiri glave in dano mu je bilo gospostvo.
After that, I was looking, and lo! another like a leopard, and it, had four wings of a bird upon its back, —and four heads, had the wild beast, and dominion, was given to it,
7 Potem sem v nočnih videnjih zagledal in glej četrtega zvernika, groznega, strašnega in silno močnega. Ta je imel velike železne zobe. Požiral je in lomil na koščke in preostanek poteptal s svojimi stopali. Ta je bil različen od vseh zvernikov, ki so bili pred njim, in ta je imel deset rogov.
After that, I was looking in the visions of the night, when lo! a fourth wild beast, terrible and well-hipped and exceeding strong, and it had, large teeth of iron, it devoured and brake in pieces, and, the residue—with its feet, it trampled down, —and, it, was diverse from all the wild beasts that were before it, and it had, ten horns.
8 Opazoval sem rogove in glej, tam se je med njimi vzdignil drug, majhen rog, pred katerim so bili trije izmed prvih rogov izruvani s koreninami. Glej na tem rogu so bile oči, podobne očem človeka in usta, ki so govorila velike stvari.
I was considering the horns, when lo! another horn, a little one, came up among them, and, three of the former horns, were uprooted from before it, —and lo! eyes, like the eyes of a man, in this horn, and, a mouth, speaking great things.
9 Gledal sem, dokler niso bili prestoli zrušeni in se je Starodavni usedel, katerega obleka je bila bela kakor sneg in lasje njegove glave podobni čisti volni. Njegov prestol je bil podoben ognjenemu plamenu in njegova kolesa kakor goreč ogenj.
I continued looking, until that, thrones, were placed, and, the Ancient of days, took his seat, —whose, garment, like snow, was white, and, the hair of his head, like pure wool, his throne, was flames of fire, his wheels, a burning fire.
10 Goreč tok je izviral in prihajal izpred njega. Tisoči tisočev so mu služili in desettisočkrat deset tisoči so stali pred njim. Sodba je bila odrejena in knjige so bile odprte.
A stream of fire, was flowing on and issuing forth from before him, a thousand thousand, waited upon him and, ten thousand times ten thousand, before him, stood up, —Judgment, took its seat, and, books, were opened.
11 Takrat sem gledal zaradi glasu velikih besed, ki jih je rog spregovoril. Gledal sem, dokler ni bil zvernik pokončan, njegovo telo uničeno in izročeno gorečemu plamenu.
I continued looking, then because of the sound of the great words which the horn was speaking, I continued looking, until that the wild beast, was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning of the fire.
12 Glede ostalih zvernikov, njihovo gospostvo jim je bilo odvzeto. Vendar so bila njihova življenja podaljšana za obdobje in čas.
As concerning the rest of the beasts, their dominion, was taken away, —but, a lengthening of life, was given to them, until time and season.
13 Videl sem v nočnih videnjih in glej, nekdo, podoben Sinu človekovemu, je prišel z oblaki neba in prišel k Starodavnemu in privedli so ga blizu predenj.
I continued looking in the visions of the night, when lo! with the clouds of the heavens, one like a son of man, was coming, —and, unto the Ancient of days, he approached, and, before him, they brought him near;
14 Dano mu je bilo gospostvo, slava in kraljestvo, da bi mu služila vsa ljudstva, narodi in jeziki. Njegovo gospostvo je večno gospostvo, ki ne bo preminilo in njegovo kraljestvo tisto, ki ne bo uničeno.
and, unto him, were given dominion and dignity and kingship, that all peoples, races and tongues, unto him, should do service, —his dominion, was an age-abiding dominion, which should not pass away, and, his kingdom, that which should not be destroyed.
15 Jaz, Daniel, sem bil užaloščen v svojem duhu v sredi svojega telesa in videnja moje glave so me vznemirila.
The spirit of, me, Daniel, was grieved in the midst of the sheath, —and, the visions of my head, terrified me.
16 Približal sem se k tistemu izmed njih, ki je stal poleg in ga vprašal resnico o vsem tem. Tako mi je povedal in mi dal spoznati razlago o stvareh.
I drew near unto one of them who stood by, and made exact enquiry of him, concerning all this, —so he told me, and, the interpretation of the things, made he known unto me.
17 Ti veliki zverniki, ki so štirje, so štirje kralji, ki se bodo vzdignili iz zemlje.
These great wild beasts, which are four, —are four kings who shall arise out of the earth;
18 Toda Sveti Najvišjega bodo prejeli kraljestvo in kraljestvo bodo obdržali v lasti na veke, celo na veke vekov.
but the holy ones of the Highest, shall receive the kingdom, —and shall possess the kingdom for the age, yea for the age of ages.
19 Potem sem želel vedeti resnico o četrtem zverniku, ki je bil različen od vseh ostalih, silno grozen, katerega zobje so bili iz železa in njegovi kremplji iz brona, ki je žrl, lomil na koščke in preostanek poteptal s svojimi stopali
Then desired I to be sure, concerning the fourth wild beast, which was diverse from all of them, —exceeding terrible, whose, teeth, were iron, and, his claws, of bronze, he devoured, brake in pieces, and, the residue—with his feet, he trampled down;
20 in o desetih rogovih, ki so bili na njegovi glavi in o drugem, ki se je dvignil in pred katerim so trije padli. Celo o tistem rogu, ki je imel oči in usta, ki so govorila zelo velike stvari, katerega pogled je bil arogantnejši kakor od njegovih tovarišev.
also concerning the ten horns, which were in his head, and the other, which came up, and there fell—from among them that were before it—three, —and this horn which had, eyes, and, a mouth, speaking great things, and, his look, was more proud than his fellows:
21 Pogledal sem in isti rog je začel vojno s svetimi in prevladal zoper njih,
I continued looking, when, this horn, made war with the holy ones, —and prevailed against them:
22 dokler ni prišel Starodavni in je bila sodba dana svetim Najvišjega in je prišel čas, da so sveti vzeli v last kraljestvo.
until that the Ancient of Days, came, and, justice, was granted to the holy ones of the Highest, —and, the time, arrived, that the holy ones should possess, the kingdom.
23 Tako je rekel: ›Četrti zvernik bo četrto kraljestvo na zemlji, ki bo različno od vseh kraljestev in požrlo bo celotno zemljo in jo pomendralo ter jo zlomilo na koščke.
Thus, he said, The fourth wild beast, is a fourth kingdom which shall be in the earth, which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, —and shall devour all the earth, and shall trample it down, and break it in pieces.
24 Deset rogov iz tega kraljestva je deset kraljev, ki bodo vstali in drug bo vstal za njimi. Ta bo različen od prvega in podvrgel bo tri kralje.
And, the ten horns of that kingdom, are ten kings who will arise, —and, another, will arise after them, and, he, will be diverse from the former ones, and, three kings, will he cast down;
25 Govoril bo velike besede zoper Najvišjega in izmučil bo svete Najvišjega in mislil, da spremeni čase in postave, oni pa bodo dani v njegovo roko do časa in [dveh] časov in polovice časa.
and, words against the Most High, will he speak, and, the holy ones of the Highest, will he afflict, —and will hope to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand, for a season and seasons and the dividing of a season,
26 F Toda sodba se bo usedla in odvzeli bodo njegovo gospostvo, da použije in da ga uniči do konca.
but, Judgment, will take its seat, —and, his dominion, will they take away, to destroy and make disappear unto an end.
27 Kraljestvo, gospostvo in veličina kraljestva pod celotnim nebom bo dano ljudstvu svetih Najvišjega, katerega kraljestvo je večno kraljestvo in vsa njegova gospostva mu bodo služila in ga ubogala.‹
And, the kingdom, and the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under all the heavens, shall be given to the people of the holy ones of the Highest, —his kingdom, is an age-abiding kingdom, and, all the dominions, unto him, will render service, and show themselves obedient.
28 Do zdaj je konec zadeve. Kar se tiče mene, Daniela, me je moje poglobljeno razmišljanje zelo vznemirilo in moje obličje na meni je bilo spremenjeno, toda zadevo sem obdržal v svojem srcu.‹«
Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, greatly did my thoughts terrify me, and, my bright looks, were changed upon me, but, the matter—in mine own heart, I kept.