< Amos 1 >

1 Besede Amosa, ki je bil med čredniki iz Tekóe, ki jih je videl glede Izraela v dneh Uzíjaha, Judovega kralja in v dneh Jerobeáma, Jehoáševega sina, Izraelovega kralja, dve leti pred potresom.
The wordes of Amos, who was among the heardmen at Tecoa, which he sawe vpon Israel, in the dayes of Vzziah king of Iudah, and in the dayes of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash King of Israel, two yeere before the earthquake.
2 Rekel je: » Gospod bo rjovel iz Siona in izustil svoj glas iz Jeruzalema in prebivališča pastirjev bodo žalovala in vrh Karmela se bo posušil.«
And he saide, The Lord shall roare from Zion, and vtter his voyce from Ierusalem, and the dwelling places of the shepheards shall perish, and the top of Carmel shall wither,
3 Tako govori Gospod: »Zaradi treh prestopkov Damaska in zaradi štirih ne bom odvrnil njegove kazni, ker so Gileád mlatili z mlatilnimi orodji iz železa.
Thus saith the Lord, For three transgressions of Damascus, and for foure I will not turne to it, because they haue threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of yron.
4 Temveč bom poslal ogenj v Hazaélovo hišo, ki bo použil Ben Hadádove palače.
Therefore will I sende a fire into the house of Hazael, and it shall deuoure the palaces of Ben-hadad.
5 Zlomil bom tudi zapah Damaska in iztrebil prebivalca iz ravnine Aven in tistega, ki drži žezlo, iz edenske hiše in ljudstvo iz Sirije bo šlo v ujetništvo v Kir, « govori Gospod.
I will breake also the barres of Damascus, and cut off the inhabitant of Bikeath-auen: and him that holdeth the scepter out of Beth-eden, and the people of Aram shall goe into captiuitie vnto Kir, sayth the Lord.
6 Tako govori Gospod: »Zaradi treh prestopkov Gaze in zaradi štirih ne bom odvrnil njene kazni, ker so odvedli proč ujete, celotno ujetništvo, da jih izročijo Edómu;
Thus sayth the Lord, For three transgressions of Azzah, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because they caried away prisoners the whole captiuitie to shut them vp in Edom.
7 toda poslal bom ogenj na obzidje Gaze, ki bo pogoltnil njene palače
Therefore will I sende a fire vpon the walles of Azzah, and it shall deuoure the palaces thereof.
8 in iztrebil bom prebivalca iz Ašdóda in tistega, ki drži žezlo iz Aškelóna. Svojo roko bom obrnil zoper Ekrón in preostanek Filistejcev bo izginil, « govori Gospod Bog.
And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him that holdeth the scepter from Ashkelon, and turne mine hande to Ekron, and the remnant of the Philistims shall perish, sayth the Lord God.
9 Tako govori Gospod: »Zaradi treh prestopkov Tira in zaradi štirih ne bom odvrnil njegove kazni, ker so celotno ujetništvo izročili Edómu in se niso spomnili bratske zaveze.
Thus sayth the Lord, For three transgressions of Tyrus, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because they shut the whole captiuitie in Edom, and haue not remembred the brotherly couenant.
10 Toda jaz bom na obzidje Tira poslal ogenj, ki bo požrl njegove palače.«
Therefore wil I send a fire vpon ye walles of Tyrus, and it shall deuoure the palaces thereof.
11 Tako govori Gospod: »Zaradi treh prestopkov Edóma in zaradi štirih ne bom odvrnil njegove kazni, ker je svojega brata zasledoval z mečem in zavrgel vse usmiljenje in je njegova jeza neprestano trgala in je svoj bes ohranjal na veke;
Thus sayeth the Lord, For three transgressions of Edom, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because hee did pursue his brother with the sworde, and did cast off all pitie, and his anger spoyled him euermore, and his wrath watched him alway.
12 toda poslal bom ogenj nad Temán, ki bo požrl palače v Bocri.«
Therefore will I send a fire vpon Teman, and it shall deuoure the palaces of Bozrah.
13 Tako govori Gospod: »Zaradi treh prestopkov Amónovih otrok in zaradi štirih ne bom odvrnil njegove kazni, ker so razparali nosečnice iz Gileáda, da bi lahko razširili svojo mejo.
Thus sayth ye Lord, For three transgressions of the children of Ammon, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because they haue ript vp the women with child of Gilead, that they might enlarge their border.
14 Toda jaz bom zanetil ogenj na obzidju Rabe in ta bo požrl njene palače z vpitjem na dan bitke, z viharjem na dan vrtinčastega vetra.
Therefore will I kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah, and it shall deuoure the palaces thereof, with shouting in the day of battell, and with a tempest in the day of the whirlewinde.
15 Njihov kralj bo šel v ujetništvo, on in njegovi princi skupaj, « govori Gospod.
And their King shall go into captiuitie, he and his princes together, saith the Lord.

< Amos 1 >