< Apostolska dela 9 >
1 Savel pa, ki je še vedno izdihoval grožnje in poboj zoper Gospodove učence, je odšel k vélikemu duhovniku
And Saul was still full of threats and deadly hatred against the disciples of our Lord.
2 in si od njega izprosil pisem za shodnice v Damasku, da če najde kogarkoli od te poti, bodisi moške ali ženske, bi jih lahko zvezane privedel v Jeruzalem.
And he requested that a letter from the high priest might be given him unto Damascus to the synagogues; that if he should find persons pursuing this course, men or women, he might bind and bring them to Jerusalem.
3 Medtem ko je potoval, se je približal Damasku in nenadoma je naokoli njega zasvetila svetloba iz nebes
And as he was going, and began to approach Damascus, suddenly there was poured upon him a light from heaven.
4 in padel je na tla ter zaslišal glas, ki mu je rekel: »Savel, Savel, zakaj me preganjaš?«
And he fell to the ground; and he heard a voice which said to him: Saul! Saul! why persecutest thou me? It will be hard for thee to kick against the goads.
5 On pa je rekel: »Kdo si ti, Gospod?« In Gospod je rekel: »Jaz sem Jezus, ki ga ti preganjaš. Zate je to težko, da se upiraš bodicam.«
He replied, and said: Who art thou, my Lord? And our Lord said: I am Jesus the Nazarean, whom thou persecutest.
6 In ta je trepetajoč in osupel rekel: »Gospod, kaj hočeš, da storim?« In Gospod mu je rekel: »Vstani in pojdi v mesto in povedano ti bo, kaj moraš storiti.«
But arise and go into the city, and there it will be told thee what thou oughtest to do.
7 Možje, ki so potovali z njim, pa so stali brez besed, ker so poslušali glas, vendar niso videli nobenega človeka.
And the men who travelled with him in the way, stood amazed; for they heard merely the voice, and no one was visible to them.
8 In Savel se je dvignil s tal in ko so bile njegove oči odprte, ni videl nobenega človeka, ampak so ga vodili za roko in ga privedli v Damask.
And Saul arose from the ground; and nothing was visible to him, with his eyes opened. And they took him by the hand, and led him into Damascus.
9 In tri dni je bil brez vida in ni ne jedel, ne pil.
And he had no sight for three days; and he neither ate nor drank.
10 V Damasku pa je bil nek učenec, po imenu Hananija in njemu je Gospod v videnju rekel: »Hananija.« In ta je rekel: »Glej, jaz sem tu, Gospod.«
And there was in Damascus a certain disciple, whose name was Ananias. And the Lord said to him, in a vision: Ananias! And he said: Lo, I am here, my Lord.
11 In Gospod mu je rekel: »Vstani in pojdi v ulico, ki se imenuje Ravna in v Judovi hiši povprašaj za nekoga, ki se imenuje Savel iz Tarza; kajti glej, on moli
And our Lord said to him: Arise, go to the street which is called Straight; and inquire in the house of Judas, for Saul who is from the city of Tarsus: for, lo, while he prayed,
12 in v videnju je videl moža, imenovanega Hananija, ki je vstopil in nanj položil svojo roko, da bi lahko prejel svoj vid.«
he saw in vision a man named Ananias, who came and laid his hand upon him, that his eyes might be opened.
13 Potem je Hananija odgovoril: »Gospod, od mnogih sem slišal o tem človeku, koliko zla je storil tvojim svetim v Jeruzalemu
And Ananias said: My Lord, I have heard of this man, from many, how much evil he hath perpetrated towards thy saints at Jerusalem.
14 in tukaj ima od visokih duhovnikov oblast, da zveže vse, ki kličejo tvoje ime.«
And, lo, here also, he hath authority from the chief priests, to bind all them that call on thy name.
15 Toda Gospod mu je rekel: »Odpravi se, kajti on mi je izbrana posoda, da ponese moje ime pred pogane in kralje in Izraelove otroke,
The Lord said to him: Arise and go; for he is to me a chosen vessel, to carry my name to the Gentiles, and to kings, and among the sons of Israel.
16 kajti pokazal mu bom, kako velike stvari mora trpeti zaradi mojega imena.«
For I will show him, how much he is to suffer on account of my name.
17 In Hananija je odšel svojo pot ter vstopil v hišo in ko je svoje roke položil nanj, je rekel: »Brat Savel, Gospod, celó Jezus, ki se ti je prikazal na poti, ko si prihajal, me je poslal, da lahko prejmeš svoj vid in izpolnjen boš s Svetim Duhom.«
Then Ananias went to the house to him; and he laid his hand upon him, and said to him: Saul, my brother, our Lord Jesus, he who appeared to thee by the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thy eyes might be opened, and thou be filled with the Holy Spirit.
18 In takoj so z njegovih oči padle, kot bi bile luskine, in nemudoma je prejel vid in vstal ter bil krščen.
And immediately there fell from his eyes something like a scab; and his eyes were opened. And he arose and was baptized.
19 In ko je prejel hrano, je bil okrepljen. Potem je bil Savel nekaj dni z učenci, ki so bili v Damasku.
And he took food, and was invigorated. And he was some days with the disciples of Damascus.
20 In nemudoma je v sinagogah oznanjal Kristusa, da je on Božji Sin.
And forthwith he announced Jesus, in the synagogues of the Jews, that he is the Son of God.
21 Toda vsi, ki so ga slišali, so bili osupli in rekli: »Ali ni to tisti, ki je uničil tiste, ki so se v Jeruzalemu sklicevali na to ime in je prišel sèm zaradi tega namena, da bi jih lahko zvezane privedel k visokim duhovnikom?«
And all they that heard him were amazed; and they said: Is not this he, who persecuted all them that call on this name in Jerusalem? And lo, for this very thing also, was he sent hither, that he might bind and carry them to the chief priests.
22 Toda Savel je še bolj narasel v moči in zbegal Jude, ki so prebivali v Damasku ter dokazoval, da je ta pravi Kristus.
But Saul was the more strengthened; and he confounded those Jews who dwelt at Damascus, while be demonstrated that this is the Messiah.
23 In potem, ko so bili izpolnjeni mnogi dnevi, so se Judje posvetovali, da ga ubijejo,
And when he had been there many days, the Jews formed a conspiracy against him, to kill him.
24 toda njihovo prežanje v zasedi je bilo sporočeno Savlu. In noč in dan so stražili velika vrata, da ga ubijejo.
And the plot which they sought to execute upon him, was made known to Saul: and they watched the gates of the city by day and by night, in order to kill him.
25 Potem so ga učenci ponoči vzeli in ga v košari spustili dol ob obzidju.
Then the disciples placed him in a basket, and let him down from the wall by night.
26 In ko je Savel prišel v Jeruzalem, se je poskusil pridružiti učencem, toda vsi so se ga bali in niso verjeli, da je bil učenec.
And he went to Jerusalem; and he wished to join himself with the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, and did not believe that he was a disciple.
27 Vendar ga je Barnaba vzel in ga privedel k apostolom ter jim razodel, kako je na poti videl Gospoda in da mu je govoril ter kako je v Damasku pogumno oznanjal v Jezusovem imenu.
But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the legates, and related to them how the Lord appeared to him in the way, and how he conversed with him; and how, in Damascus, he had discoursed openly in the name of Jesus.
28 In bil je z njimi in prihajal in odhajal iz Jeruzalema.
And he went in and out with them, at Jerusalem.
29 In pogumno je govoril v imenu Gospoda Jezusa ter se prerekal proti Grkom, toda oni so ga poskušali umoriti.
And he spoke openly in the name of Jesus and disputed with those Jews who understood Greek. But they wished to kill him:
30 Nakar, ko so bratje [to] izvedeli, so ga odvedli dol v Cezarejo in ga poslali v Tarz.
and when the brethren knew it, they conducted him by night to Caesarea, and from there they sent him to Tarsus.
31 Potem so imele cerkve po vsej celotni Judeji in Galileji ter Samariji mir in se izgrajevale, in ker so živele v strahu Gospodovem ter v tolažbi Svetega Duha, so bile pomnožene.
Moreover the church, in all Judaea, and in Galilee, and in Samaria, had peace and was edified; and it walked in the fear of God, and abounded in the consolation of the Holy Spirit.
32 In pripetilo se je, ko je Peter potoval po vseh celotnih okoliših, [da] je prišel tudi dol k svetim, ki so prebivali v Lidi.
And it occurred, that, as Simon travelled about the cities, he came down to the saints also who dwelt in the city of Lydda.
33 In tam je našel nekega moža, po imenu Enéj, ki se je osem let držal svoje postelje in je bil bolan zaradi paralize.
And he found a certain man whose name was 'neas, who had lain on a bed and been paralytic eight years.
34 In Peter mu je rekel: »Enéj, Jezus Kristus te celostno ozdravlja. Vstani in postelji svojo posteljo.« In ta je takoj vstal.
And Simon said to him: 'neas, Jesus the Messiah doth heal thee; arise, and spread thy bed. And he rose up immediately.
35 In vsi tisti, ki so prebivali v Lidi in Šarónu, so ga videli ter se obrnili h Gospodu.
And all they that dwelt at Lydda and Saron, saw him; and they turned to God.
36 Torej v Jopi je bila neka učenka, po imenu Tabíta, kar se po razlagi imenuje Gazela. Ta ženska je bila polna dobrih del in dejanj miloščine, ki jih je storila.
And there was in the city of Joppa, a certain female disciple named Tabitha; and she was rich in good works, and in the alms which she did.
37 In pripetilo se je v tistih dneh, da je bila bolna in je umrla. Ko so jo umili, so jo položili v zgornjo sobo.
And she fell sick in those days, and died; and they washed her, and laid her in an upper room.
38 Ker pa je bila Lida blizu Jope in so učenci slišali, da je bil tam Peter, so k njemu poslali dva moža, ki sta ga prosila, da ne bi odlašal priti k njim.
And the disciples heard that Simon was in the city of Lydda, which is near to Joppa; and they sent two men to him, to request of him that he would not delay to come to them.
39 Potem je Peter vstal in odšel z njima. Ko je prišel, so ga odvedli v zgornjo sobo, in vse vdove so jokaje stale poleg njega in kazale plašče ter obleke, ki jih je naredila Gazela, dokler je bila z njimi.
And Simon arose and went with them. And when he arrived, they conducted him to the chamber; and there were assembled around her all the widows, weeping, and showing him the tunics and the cloaks which Tabitha had given them when alive.
40 Vendar jih je Peter vse vrgel ven ter pokleknil in molil, in ko se je obrnil k telesu, je rekel: »Tabíta, vstani.« In odprla je svoje oči, in ko je zagledala Petra, se je usedla.
And Simon put all the people out, and fell on his knees and prayed; and he turned to the corpse and said: Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes; and when she saw Simon, she sat up.
41 In dal ji je svojo roko ter jo dvignil. In ko je poklical svete ter vdove, jo je izročil živo.
And he reached to her his hand, and raised her up: and he called the saints and the widows, and presented her to them alive.
42 In to se je razvedelo po vsej celotni Jopi in mnogi so verovali v Gospoda.
And this became known throughout the city; and many believed on our Lord.
43 In pripetilo se je, da je mnogo dni ostal v Jopi pri nekem strojarju Simonu.
And he tarried in Joppa not a few days: and he lodged in the house of Simon a tanner.