< Apostolska dela 25 >

1 Torej ko je Fest prišel v provinco, se je po treh dneh povzpel iz Cezareje v Jeruzalem.
And when Festos came to Cesarea, after three days he went up to Urishlem.
2 Potem sta ga véliki duhovnik in judovski voditelj poučila zoper Pavla in ga rotila
And the chief priest and elders showed him concerning Paulos, and besought from him,
3 ter zoper njega želela naklonjenosti, da bi ga dal poslati v Jeruzalem, prežeč na poti, da ga ubijejo.
asking of him this favour, that he would bring him to Urishlem, while they would act treacherously in the way by killing him.
4 Toda Fest je odgovoril, da naj bo Pavel čuvan v Cezareji in da bo sam v kratkem odšel tja.
And Festos returned the word, That Paulos was kept in Cesarea, and I am hastening to proceed;
5 »Naj torej tisti, « je rekel, »ki so med vami zmožni, odidejo z menoj dol in tega moža obtožijo, če je v njem kakršnakoli zlobnost.«
let those therefore of you who are able, go down with us, and accuse him of whatever guilt there is in the man.
6 In ko se je med njimi mudil več kot deset dni, je odšel dol v Cezarejo; in naslednji dan je sedeč na sodnem stolu zapovedal, naj pripeljejo Pavla.
And when he had been there eight days or ten, he went down to Cesarea. And the day after he sat on the tribunal, and commanded to bring Paulos.
7 In ko je ta prišel, so naokoli stali Judje, ki so prišli dol iz Jeruzalema in zoper Pavla vložili mnoge in boleče ovadbe, ki jih niso mogli dokazati.
And when he had come, the Jihudoyee who had come down from Urishlem surrounded him, and accusations many and hard brought against him, which they were not able to prove;
8 Medtem se je zagovarjal: »Niti zoper judovsko postavo, niti zoper tempelj, niti zoper cesarja nisem čisto nič zagrešil.«
while Paulos put forth the mind, that he had not offended in any thing, neither against the law of the Jihudoyee, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar.
9 Toda Fest je, voljan ustreči Judom, Pavlu odgovoril in rekel: »Hočeš iti gor v Jeruzalem in biti tam, pred menoj, sojen o teh stvareh?«
But Festos, because he willed to accord a favour to the Jihudoyee, said to Paulos, Art thou willing to go up to Urishlem, and there concerning these things to be judged before me?
10 Potem je Pavel rekel: »Pred cesarskim sodnim stolom stojim, kjer moram biti sojen. Judom nisem storil nobene krivice, kakor ti zelo dobro veš.
Paulos answered, and said, At the tribunal of Caesar stand I. There it is right for me to be judged. Not any thing have I transgressed against the Jihudoyee, as also thou knowest;
11 Kajti če sem prestopnik ali sem zagrešil karkoli vrednega smrti, se ne branim umreti, toda če ni nobene od teh stvari, za katere me ti tožijo, me noben človek ne more izročiti njim. Na cesarja se sklicujem.«
and if a crime I have committed, or any thing worthy of death, I ask not (to be exempted) from death. But, if there be nothing in me of which these accuse me, no man shall give me to them as a gift. I invoke the appeals of Caesar.
12 Tedaj je Fest, ko se je posvetoval z zborom, odgovoril: »Na cesarja si se skliceval? K cesarju pojdeš.«
Then Festos, having spoken with the sons of his council, said, The appeals of Caesar hast thou invoked? To Caesar goest thou.
13 In po nekaj dneh sta v Cezarejo prišla kralj Agripa in Bereníka, da pozdravita Festa.
AND when days had been, Agripos the king and Bernike came down to Cesarea to salute Festos.
14 In ko sta bila tam mnogo dni, je Fest kralju razodel Pavlovo zadevo, rekoč: »Tukaj je nek mož, ki ga je Feliks pustil v vezeh,
And when they had been with him (some) days, Festos recounted to the king the judgment of Paulos, saying, A certain man has been left bound by Felix;
15 o katerem so me, ko sem bil v Jeruzalemu, visoki duhovniki in judovski starešine obvestili, ker so proti njemu želeli imeti sodbo.
and when I was at Urishlem, the chief priests and elders of the Jihudoyee informed me against him, and begged that I would do for them judgment against him.
16 Katerim sem odgovoril: ›Rimljani nimajo navade kateregakoli človeka izročiti, da umre, preden se ta, ki je obtožen, ne sooči s tožniki in ima dovoljenje, da se brani glede zločina, vloženega zoper njega.‹
And I told them, it was not the custom of the Romans to give any man as a gift to be killed, until his adversaries have come and accused him to his face, and there be given him place to defend himself against that of which he is accused.
17 Torej ko so prišli sèm, sem brez kakršnegakoli odlašanja naslednji dan sédel na sodni stol in ukazal, da moža privedejo.
And when I had come hither, without delay, the day after I sat on the tribunal, and commanded to bring the man to me.
18 Proti kateremu, ko so tožniki vstali, niso prinesli nobene obtožbe o takšnih stvareh, kakor sem predpostavljal,
And his accusers stood up with him, but could not find any evil accusation to prove against him, (such) as I had expected,
19 temveč so imeli zoper njega neka vprašanja o njihovem lastnem praznoverju in o nekem Jezusu, ki je bil mrtev, o katerem je Pavel trdil, da živi.
but (had) various questions with him regarding their worship, and concerning Jeshu, a man who was dead, of whom Paulos said that he was alive.
20 In ker sem dvomil o takšnem načinu zaslišanj, sem ga vprašal, ali bi odšel v Jeruzalem in bi bil tam sojen o teh stvareh.
And because I stood not upon the investigation of these (matters), I said to Paulos, Dost thou require to go to Urishlem, and there be judged concerning these?
21 Toda ko se je Pavel skliceval, da se zadrži za Avgustovo zaslišanje, sem ukazal, da ga stražijo, dokler ga ne pošljem k cesarju.«
But he required to be kept unto the judgment of Caesar; and I commanded that he should be kept until I may send him to Caesar.
22 Potem je Agripa rekel Festu: »Tudi sam bi rad slišal tega človeka.« »Naslednji dan, « je rekel, »ga boš slišal.«
And Agripos said, I would hear this man. And Festos said, To-morrow thou shalt hear him.
23 In naslednji dan, ko sta z velikim pompom prišla Agripa in Bereníka in vstopila na kraj zaslišanja z vrhovnimi poveljniki ter glavnimi možmi mesta, je bil na Festovo zapoved priveden Pavel.
And the day after came Agripos and Bernike with great pomp, and entered the house of judgment, with the tribunes and the chiefs of the city. And Festos commanded, and Paulos came.
24 In Fest je rekel: »Kralj Agripa in vsi ljudje, ki ste z nami tukaj prisotni, vidite tega človeka, glede katerega se je vsa množica Judov pogajala z menoj, tako v Jeruzalemu kakor tudi tukaj in kričala, da ne bi smel več živeti.
And Festos said, King Agripos, and all men who are with us, concerning this man whom you see have all the people of the Jihudoyee taken me at Urishlem and here, crying, that This ought not further to live;
25 Toda ko sem spoznal, da ni zagrešil ničesar vrednega smrti in da se je on sam skliceval na Avgusta, sem določil, da ga pošljem.
but I perceived not that he had done any thing worthy of death. And because he required to be reserved for the judgment of Caesar, I have commanded that he should be sent.
26 O katerem ne vem nobene zanesljive stvari, da napišem svojemu gospodu. In zato sem ga privedel pred vas in zlasti predte, oh kralj Agripa, da bi po zaslišanju lahko imel kaj napisati.
But (as) I know not what to write of him unto Caesar, therefore have I willed to bring him before you, and especially before thee, king Agripos, that, having inquired into his case, I may find what to write.
27 Kajti zdi se mi nerazumno poslati jetnika in istočasno ne naznaniti zločinov, vloženih zoper njega.«
For it is not fit when we send a man bound, not to record his transgression.

< Apostolska dela 25 >