< Apostolska dela 21 >
1 In pripetilo se je, da potem, ko smo odšli od njih in odrinili, smo z ravno smerjo prispeli na Kos in naslednji dan na Rodos in od tam v Pátaro,
And we separated from them and voyaged directly unto Ko the island, and the day after we came to Rodos, and from thence to Patara;
2 in ko smo našli ladjo, ki je jadrala preko do Fenikije, smo se vkrcali in odpotovali.
and we found there a ship which was going to Punike, and we ascended into her and voyaged.
3 Torej ko smo odkrili Ciper, smo ga pustili na levi roki in odjadrali v Sirijo ter pristali v Tiru, kajti tam je ladja iztovorila svoj tovor.
And coming near Kypros the island, we left it on the left hand and came unto Syria, and thence came we to Tsur: for there was the ship to relieve from her burden.
4 In ko smo našli učence, smo tam ostali sedem dni. Ti so Pavlu po Duhu povedali, da naj ne bi šel gor v Jeruzalem.
And having found disciples there, we sojourned with them seven days. And these said daily unto Paulos in the Spirit, That he should not go unto Urishlem.
5 In ko smo te dneve dovršili, smo se odpravili in odšli [po] naši poti. In na našo pot so nas vsi pospremili z ženami in otroki, dokler nismo bili izven mesta, in pokleknili smo na obali ter molili.
And after those days we departed to go on the way. And they accompanied us, all of them, they and their wives and their children, till without the city, and kneeled upon their knees on the sea shore, and prayed. And we kissed one another,
6 In ko smo se poslovili drug od drugega, smo se odpeljali z ladjo, oni pa so se ponovno vrnili domov.
and we ascended to the ship, and they returned to their homes.
7 In ko smo dokončali naše potovanje iz Tira, smo prišli v Ptolemáido in pozdravili brate in en dan ostali z njimi.
But we voyaged from Tsur, and came to Aku the city, and gave the salutation to the brethren who were there, and abode among them one day.
8 In naslednji dan smo mi, ki smo bili iz Pavlove skupine, odšli ter prišli v Cezarejo in vstopili v hišo evangelista Filipa, ki je bil eden izmed sedmih; in ostali z njim.
And the day after we departed and came to Cesarea; and we entered and abode in the house of Philipos the preacher, he who was of the seven.
9 In isti mož je imel štiri hčere, device, ki so prerokovale.
And he had four virgin daughters who prophesied.
10 In ko smo se tam mudili mnogo dni, je prišel dol iz Judeje nek prerok, po imenu Agab.
And when we had been there many days, there came down from Jihud a certain prophet whose name was Agabos.
11 In ko je prišel k nam, je vzel Pavlov pas ter si zvezal svoje lastne roke in stopala ter rekel: »Tako govori Sveti Duh: ›Tako bodo Judje v Jeruzalemu zvezali moža, ki ima v lasti ta pas in ga izročili v roke poganom.‹«
And he came in to us, and took the loins'-girdle of Paulos, and bound his own feet and his hands, and said, Thus saith the Spirit of Holiness, So the man the master of this girdle will the Jihudoyee bind in Urishlem; and they will deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.
12 In ko smo slišali te stvari, smo ga rotili, tako mi kakor tudi tisti iz tega kraja, naj ne hodi gor v Jeruzalem.
And when we heard these words, we and the sons of the place entreated of him not to go unto Urishlem.
13 Potem je Pavel odgovoril: »Kaj mislite, da jokate in da mi lomite moje srce? Pripravljen sem ne samo biti zvezan, temveč v Jeruzalemu tudi umreti za ime Gospoda Jezusa.«
THEN answered Paulos and said, What do you, weeping and bruising my heart? For not to be bound only am I prepared, but also to die in Urishlem, for the sake of the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
14 In ko ni želel biti pregovorjen, smo prenehali, rekoč: »Zgôdi se Gospodova volja.«
And when he would not be persuaded by us, we desisted, and said, The will of our Lord be done.
15 In po teh dneh smo vzeli svojo prtljago in odšli gor v Jeruzalem.
And after those days we prepared and went up to Urishlem.
16 Z nami so šli tja tudi nekateri učenci iz Cezareje in s seboj so privedli nekega Mnazona iz Cipra, starega učenca, pri katerem naj bi prenočili.
And there went with us men, disciples, from Cesarea, who conducted with them a certain brother of the first disciples whose name was Mnason, and he was from Kypros, to receive us into his house.
17 In ko smo prišli v Jeruzalem, so nas bratje veselo sprejeli.
And when we were come to Urishlem, the brethren received us joyfully.
18 In naslednji dan je Pavel z nami odšel k Jakobu in prisotne so bile vse starešine.
And the day following we entered with Paulos to Jakub, while all the presbyters were with him.
19 In ko jih je pozdravil, je podrobno pojasnil, kakšne stvari je Bog po njegovi službi storil med pogani.
And we gave them salutation. And Paulos recounted to them in order what Aloha had done among the Gentiles by his ministry.
20 In ko so to slišali, so slavili Gospoda in mu rekli: »Vidiš, brat, kako mnogo tisočev Judov je tukaj, ki verujejo, in vsi so goreči za postavo,
And when they heard, they glorified Aloha. And they said to him, Thou seest, our brother, how many myriads there are in Jihud who believe, and all of them are zealous for the law.
21 o tebi pa so obveščeni, da vse Jude, ki so med pogani, učiš, da zapustijo Mojzesa, rekoč, da jim ni treba obrezati njihovih otrok niti živeti po običajih.
But it hath been said to them of thee, that thou teachest all the Jihudoyee who are among the Gentiles to remove from Musha; telling them that they should not circumcise their sons, nor walk in the customs of the law.
22 Kaj je to torej? Množica mora brezpogojno priti skupaj, kajti slišali bodo, da si prišel.
On this account, when they hear that thou art come hither, do that which we tell thee.
23 Pravimo ti, stôri torej tole: ›Imamo štiri može, ki imajo na sebi zaobljubo;
We have four men who have a vow to be purified.
24 vzemi jih in se z njimi očisti in naj bodo tvoji stroški, da si bodo lahko obrili svoje glave, in vsi bodo lahko spoznali, da te stvari, o katerih so bili glede tebe obveščeni, niso nič, temveč da tudi sam živiš redno in se držiš postave.‹
Take them, and go, purify with them, and lay out upon them the expenses, that they may shave their heads; and it will be known to every man that what hath been said against thee is false, and that thou fulfillest and keepest the law.
25 Kar zadeva pogane, ki verujejo, smo pisali in sklenili, da [naj] ne obeležujejo nobene takšne stvari, razen samo, da se varujejo pred stvarmi darovanim malikom in pred krvjo in pred zadavljenim in pred prešuštvom.«
Concerning those of the Gentiles who believe, we wrote that they should keep themselves from sacrifices, and from fornication, and from the strangled, and from blood.
26 Tedaj je Pavel vzel može in naslednji dan, ko se je očistil, je z njimi vstopil v tempelj, da naznani dovršitev dni očiščevanja, dokler se ne bi za vsakega izmed njih darovala daritev.
Then Paul took those men the day after, and was purified with them. And he entered and went into the temple, making known to them the fulfillment of the days of the purification, so that an oblation might be offered for each man of them.
27 In ko se je sedem dni skoraj dokončalo, so Judje, ki so bili iz Azije, ko so ga zagledali v templju, razvneli vso množico in nanj položili roke
And when the seventh day was come the Jihudoyee who were from Asia saw him in the temple, and stirred up against him all the people. And they lifted their hands against him,
28 ter vzklikali: »Možje Izraelci, pomagajte: ›To je človek, ki povsod vse može uči proti ljudem in postavi ter temu kraju, in razen tega je tudi Grke privedel v tempelj in oskrunil ta sveti prostor.‹«
crying out, and saying, Men, sons of Israel, help! This is the man who contrary to our people teacheth every where, and contrary to the law, and against this place. And also Aramoyee hath he brought into the temple, and profaned this holy place.
29 (Kajti prej so v mestu videli z njim Efežana Trofima, za katerega so domnevali, da ga je Pavel privedel v tempelj.)
For they had before seen with him Trophimus the Ephesian in the city, and supposed that with Paulos he had entered the temple.
30 In vse mesto je bilo razdraženo in ljudje so tekli skupaj in prijeli so Pavla ter ga odvlekli iz templja in nemudoma so bila vrata zaprta.
And the whole city was commoved, and all the people assembled, and they laid hold of Paulos, and dragged him without from the temple; and instantly the gates were shut.
31 In medtem ko so ga poskušali ubiti, so prišle k vrhovnemu poveljniku čete novice, da je bil ves Jeruzalem v vstaji.
And while the multitude sought to kill him, the tribune of the cohort heard that the whole city was agitated.
32 Ki je takoj vzel vojake in stotnike ter stekel dol k njim. In ko so zagledali vrhovnega poveljnika in vojake, so Pavla prenehali pretepati.
And forthwith took he a centurion and many soldiers and ran upon them; and when they saw the tribune and the soldiers, they desisted from beating Paulos.
33 Tedaj se je približal vrhovni poveljnik in ga prijel ter mu ukazal, naj bo zvezan z dvema verigama in zahteval je kdo je bil in kaj je storil.
And the tribune drew near and took him, and commanded them to bind him with two chains. And he asked concerning him who (he was), and what he had done?
34 In nekateri so med množico vpili eno stvar, nekateri drugo in ko ni mogel zanesljivo izvedeti gotovosti za hrup, je ukazal, da ga s seboj vzamejo v grad.
And men from the crowd cried against him variously, and because of their crying he was not able to know what was the truth; and he commanded that they should lead him to the fortress.
35 In ko je prišel na stopnice, je bilo tako, da so ga zaradi nasilja množice nesli vojaki.
And as Paulos came to the stairs the soldiers carried him, on account of the violence of the people:
36 Kajti množica ljudi je sledila za njimi in kričala: »Proč z njim.«
for after him was much people; and they cried, and said, Away with him!
37 In ko naj bi bil Pavel odveden v grad, je vrhovnemu poveljniku rekel: »Ti smem spregovoriti?« Ki je rekel: »Znaš govoriti grško?
And as they came to enter into the fortress, Paulos himself said to the tribune, May I be permitted to speak to the people?
38 Ali nisi ti tisti Egipčan, ki je pred temi dnevi naredil vstajo in v divjino odvedel štiri tisoč mož, ki so bili morilci?«
But he said to him, Javanith knowest thou? Art thou not that Metsroya who before these days stirred up and led forth into the waste four thousand men workers of evils?
39 Vendar je Pavel rekel: »Jaz sem človek, ki sem Jud iz Tarza, mesta v Kilikiji, meščan ne nepomembnega mesta, in rotim te, dovoli mi, da spregovorim ljudem.«
Paulos said to him, I am a man a Jihudoya from Tarsos of Cilicia, an illustrious city in which I was born: I pray you permit me to speak to the people.
40 In ko mu je dal dovoljenje, je Pavel stal na stopnicah in z roko dal znamenje ljudem. In ko je nastala velika tišina, jim je spregovoril v hebrejskem jeziku, rekoč:
And when he had permitted him, Paulos stood upon the stairs, and signed to them with his hand; and when they had ceased, he spoke to them in Hebrew, and said to them,