< 2 Tesaloničanom 3 >
1 Končno, bratje, molíte za nas, da bi Gospodova beseda imela prosto pot in bi bila proslavljena, tako kakor je pri vas,
As for the other matters, [our] fellow believers, pray for us that more and more [people will] hear [PRS] our message [about our] Lord [Jesus]. Pray that they will believe this message, as you [have done].
2 in da bi bili mi lahko rešeni pred nerazumnimi in zlobneži, kajti vsi ljudje nimajo vere.
Pray also for us that we will be rescued {that God will rescue us} from those very perverse/evil people [here] who [cause us to suffer. Pray like that] because [they and many others] refuse to believe [LIT] [this message].
3 Toda Gospod je zvest, ki vas bo utrdil in vas varoval pred zlom.
[Remember that our] Lord [Jesus] is trustworthy! [So we are sure that] he will cause you to continue to be steadfast. [We are also sure that] he will protect you from [Satan], the evil one (OR, from evil).
4 Glede vas pa imamo zaupanje v Gospodu, da tako delate, kakor boste delali stvari, ki vam jih zapovedujemo.
[Because of your close relationship with our] Lord [Jesus], we are confident that you are obeying what we have commanded you, and we are confident that you will obey what we are commanding [you in this letter].
5 In Gospod naj vodi vaša srca v Božjo ljubezen in v potrpežljivo čakanje na Kristusa.
[We pray that our] Lord [Jesus] would enable you to continue [knowing] that God loves you. [We pray] also that Christ will cause you to continue [being] steadfast (OR, being steadfast as he [was steadfast]).
6 Torej vam naročamo, bratje, v imenu našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa, da se oddaljite od vsakega brata, ki živi neredno in ne po izročilu, ki ga je prejel od nas.
[Our] fellow believers, we command you, with the authority [MTY] that our Lord Jesus Christ [has given to us], that you stop associating with every fellow believer who is lazy and refuses to work. That is, you must stay away from those who are not [conducting their lives] in the manner that we taught you.
7 Kajti vi sami veste, kako nas morate posnemati, kajti med vami se nismo vedli neredno
[We tell you this] because you yourselves know that you should [behave] like we [behaved]. We (did not just sit [around] without working/were never lazy) [while we were living] among you.
8 niti nismo zastonj jedli kruha kateregakoli človeka, temveč smo noč in dan delali z muko in garanjem, da ne bi bili nikomur izmed vas v breme.
Specifically, we did not eat anyone’s food if we did not pay [that person] for it. Instead, we worked very hard ([to support ourselves/to earn the money to buy what we needed]). We worked hard [DOU] during the day and during the night, in order that we would not have to depend on any of you [to supply what we needed].
9 Ne, ker ne bi imeli avtoritete, temveč da sebe naredimo za zgled vam, da bi nas posnemali.
We have always had the right [to depend on you for money, but instead we worked hard in order to make ourselves] examples for you, in order that you should behave like we behave.
10 Kajti celó, ko smo bili z vami, smo vam zapovedali to, da če kdorkoli noče delati, naj tudi ne bi jedel.
Remember that when we were [there] with you, we kept commanding you that if any [fellow believer] refuses to work, [you should not give] him food to eat.
11 Kajti slišimo, da so med vami nekateri, ki živijo neredno, ki sploh ne delajo, temveč so vtikljivci.
[We are commanding the same thing] again now, because someone has told us that some of you are lazy and not working at all, just interfering [with what other people are doing]!
12 Torej tem, ki so takšni, velevamo in jih spodbujamo pri našem Gospodu Jezusu Kristusu, da v spokojnosti delajo in jedo svoj lastni kruh.
We command those fellow believers who are not working, and urge [them] by the authority [MTY] of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they settle down and (support themselves by working/work to earn money to buy what they need).
13 Toda vi, bratje, ne bodite izmučeni v počenjanju dobrega.
Fellow believers! Do not ever get tired of doing what is right!
14 In če kdorkoli ni poslušen naši besedi v tej poslanici, tega človeka si zaznamujte in se ne družite z njim, da bo osramočen.
If any [fellow believer refuses to work] and does not obey what I have written in this letter, ([publicly] identify that person/tell the congregation what that person is doing). Then do not associate with him, in order that he may become ashamed.
15 Vendar ga ne imejte za sovražnika, ampak ga opominjajte kakor brata.
Do not think of him as though he was [your] enemy; instead, warn him as [you would warn your other] fellow believers.
16 Torej sam Gospod miru [naj] vam vsekakor vedno daje mir. Gospod bodi z vami vsemi.
[I pray that our] Lord [Jesus] himself, who [gives inner] peace [to his people], will give [inner] peace to you always (and in every situation/whatever happens). 2 Thessalonians 3:16b-18 I [pray that our] Lord [Jesus will continue to] help you all.
17 Pozdrav od Pavla z mojo lastno roko, kar je simbol v vsaki poslanici. Tako pišem.
Now, having taken the pen from my scribe, I, Paul, am sending this greeting to you as I write this myself [SYN]. I do this in all my letters in order that you may know that it is truly I who have sent this letter. This is how I always end my letters.
18 Milost našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa bodi z vami vsemi. Amen. [Druga poslanica Tesaloníčanom je bila napisana iz Aten.]
I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to act kindly to you all.