< 2 Samuel 8 >

1 Po tem se je pripetilo, da je David udaril Filistejce in jih podjarmil. David je vzel Meteg–amo iz roke Filistejcev.
Some time later, David defeated the Philistines, subdued them, and took Metheg-ammah from the hand of the Philistines.
2 Udaril je Moábce in jih premeril z vrvico, [medtem ko] jih je vrgel na tla. Celo z dvema vrvicama je premeril, da jih usmrti in z eno polno vrvico, da jih ohrani žive. Tako so Moábci postali Davidovi služabniki in prinašali darila.
David also defeated the Moabites, made them lie down on the ground, and measured them off with a cord. He measured off with two lengths those to be put to death, and with one length those to be spared. So the Moabites became subject to David and brought him tribute.
3 David je udaril tudi Rehóbovega sina Hadadézerja, kralja iz Cobe, ko je odšel, da obnovi svojo mejo pri reki Evfratu.
David also defeated Hadadezer son of Rehob, king of Zobah, who had marched out to restore his dominion along the Euphrates River.
4 David je od njega vzel tisoč bojnih voz, sedemsto konjenikov in dvajset tisoč pešcev in David je prerezal Ahilove tetive vsem konjem bojnih vozov, toda izmed njih jih je prihranil za sto bojnih vozov.
David captured from him a thousand chariots, seven thousand charioteers, and twenty thousand foot soldiers, and he hamstrung all the horses except a hundred he kept for the chariots.
5 Ko so prišli Sirci iz Damaska, da okrepijo Hadadézerja, kralja iz Cobe, je David izmed Sircev usmrtil dvaindvajset tisoč mož.
When the Arameans of Damascus came to help King Hadadezer of Zobah, David struck down twenty-two thousand men.
6 Potem je David postavil garnizije v Siriji, v Damasku in Sirci so postali Davidovi služabniki in prinašali darila. In Gospod je varoval Davida kamorkoli je odšel.
Then he placed garrisons in Aram of Damascus, and the Arameans became subject to David and brought him tribute. So the LORD made David victorious wherever he went.
7 David je vzel ščite iz zlata, ki so bili na Hadadézerjevih služabnikih in jih prinesel v Jeruzalem.
And David took the gold shields that belonged to the officers of Hadadezer and brought them to Jerusalem.
8 Iz Betaha in iz Berotája, Hadadézerjevih mest, je kralj David vzel silno veliko brona.
And from Betah and Berothai, cities of Hadadezer, King David took a large amount of bronze.
9 Ko je Toí, kralj Hamáta, slišal, da je David udaril vso Hadadézerjevo vojsko,
When King Toi of Hamath heard that David had defeated the entire army of Hadadezer,
10 potem je Toí poslal h kralju Davidu svojega sina Joráma, da ga pozdravi in da ga blagoslovi, ker se je bojeval zoper Hadadézerja in ga udaril, kajti Hadadézer je imel vojne s Toíjem. In Jorám je s seboj prinesel posode iz srebra, posode iz zlata in posode iz brona,
he sent his son Joram to greet King David and bless him for fighting and defeating Hadadezer, who had been at war with Toi. Joram brought with him articles of silver and gold and bronze,
11 ki jih je tudi kralj David posvetil Gospodu, skupaj s srebrom in zlatom, ki ga je posvetil od vseh narodov, ki jih je podjarmil;
and King David dedicated these to the LORD, along with the silver and gold he had dedicated from all the nations he had subdued—
12 od Sirije in od Moába in od Amónovih otrok in od Filistejcev in od Amáleka in od Hadadézerjevega plena, Rehóbovega sina, kralja Cobe.
from Edom and Moab, from the Ammonites and Philistines and Amalekites, and from the spoil of Hadadezer son of Rehob, king of Zobah.
13 David si je pridobil ime, ko se je vrnil iz udarjanja Sircev v solni dolini, ki jih je bilo osemnajst tisoč mož.
And David made a name for himself when he returned from striking down eighteen thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.
14 Postavil je garnizije v Edómu, po vsem Edómu je postavil garnizije in vsi tisti iz Edóma so postali Davidovi služabniki. In Gospod je varoval Davida kamorkoli je šel.
He placed garrisons throughout Edom, and all the Edomites were subject to David. So the LORD made David victorious wherever he went.
15 David je kraljeval nad vsem Izraelom in David je izvajal sodbo in pravico vsemu svojemu ljudstvu.
Thus David reigned over all Israel and administered justice and righteousness for all his people:
16 Cerújin sin Joáb je bil nad vojsko, Ahilúdov sin Józafat je bil letopisec,
Joab son of Zeruiah was over the army; Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud was the recorder;
17 Ahitúbov sin Cadók in Abjatárjev sin Ahiméleh sta bila duhovnika, Serajá je bil pisar,
Zadok son of Ahitub and Ahimelech son of Abiathar were priests; Seraiah was the scribe;
18 Jojadájev sin Benajá je bil tako nad Keretéjci in Péletovci, Davidovi sinovi pa so bili glavni vladarji.
Benaiah son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites and Pelethites; and David’s sons were priestly leaders.

< 2 Samuel 8 >