< 2 Samuel 15 >
1 Pripetilo se je po tem, da si je Absalom pripravil vozove, konje in petdeset mož, da so tekli pred njim.
And it came to pass, after this, that Absolom prepared him chariots and horses, —and fifty men, to run before him.
2 Absalom je vstajal zgodaj in stal poleg poti velikih vrat in to je bilo tako, da ko je katerikoli človek imel polemiko, je prišel h kralju za sodbo, potem mu je Absalom zaklical in rekel: »Iz katerega mesta si?« In ta je rekel: »Tvoj služabnik je iz enega izmed Izraelovih rodov.«
And Absolom used to rise up early, and take his stand beside the way of the gate, —and so it was—when any man who had a controversy would come unto the king for judgment, then Absalom called unto him, and said: Of what city, art, thou? And he said, Of one of the tribes of Israel, is thy servant. And Absolom said unto him,
3 Absalom mu je rekel: »Poglej, tvoje zadeve so dobre in pravilne; toda tam ni nobenega človeka, poslanega od kralja, da te sliši.«
See! thy cause, is good and right, —but, to hear it, thou hast no one, from the king.
4 Poleg tega je Absalom rekel: »Oh da bi mene postavili za sodnika v deželi, da bi vsak človek, ki ima kakršnokoli tožbo ali zadevo, lahko prišel k meni in bi mu jaz storil pravico!«
And Absalom said, Oh would that I were appointed to judge in the land! that, unto me, might come every man having a complaint or a defence, then would I see him righted.
5 In to je bilo tako, da ko je katerikoli moški prišel blizu k njemu, da se mu globoko prikloni, je svojo roko iztegnil naprej, ga prijel in ga poljubil.
Moreover, so it used to be, that, when any man came near to do him homage, he would put forth his hand, and lay hold of him, and kiss him.
6 Na ta način je Absalom počel vsemu Izraelu, ki so hodili h kralju po sodbo. Tako je Absalom kradel srca Izraelovih mož.
And Absolom did, after this manner, to all Israel who came for judgment, unto the king, —so Absolom stole away the heart of the men of Israel.
7 Pripetilo se je po štiridesetih letih, da je Absalom rekel kralju: »Prosim te, naj grem in izpolnim svojo zaobljubo, ki sem jo zaobljubil Gospodu v Hebrónu.
And it came to pass, at the end of forty years, that Absolom said unto the king—Let me go, I pray thee, that I may pay my vow which I have vowed unto Yahweh, in Hebron;
8 Kajti tvoj služabnik se je zaobljubil, medtem ko je prebival pri Gešurju v Siriji, rekoč: ›Če me bo Gospod zares ponovno privedel v Jeruzalem, potem bom služil Gospodu.‹«
for thy servant vowed, a vow, while I abode in Geshur in Syria, saying, —If Yahweh, will but bring me back, unto Jerusalem, then will I serve Yahweh,
9 Kralj mu je rekel: »Pojdi v miru.« Tako je vstal in odšel v Hebrón.
And the king said unto him—Go and prosper! So he arose and went to Hebron.
10 Toda Absalom je poslal oglednike po vseh Izraelovih rodovih, rekoč: »Takoj ko zaslišite zvok šofarja, potem boste rekli: ›Absalom kraljuje v Hebrónu.‹«
And Absolom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, —When ye hear the sound of the horn, then shall ye say, Absolom hath become king in Hebron!
11 Z Absalomom je iz Jeruzalema odšlo dvesto mož, ki so bili poklicani. Odšli pa so v svoji toposti in niso vedeli nobene stvari.
And, with Absolom, went two hundred men, out of Jerusalem, who, having been bidden, were going in their simplicity, —neither knew they anything.
12 Absalom je poslal po Gilčana Ahitófela, Davidovega svetovalca, iz njegovega mesta, torej iz Gila, medtem ko je daroval klavne daritve. In zarota je bila močna, kajti ljudstvo je nenehno naraščalo z Absalomom.
And Absalom sent and called Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s counsellor, out of his city, out of Gilo, when he was offering sacrifices, —and so it was that the conspiracy was strong, and, the people, went on multiplying with Absolom.
13 K Davidu je prišel poslanec, rekoč: »Srca Izraelovih mož sledijo Absalomu.«
Then came one bearing tidings unto David, saying, —It hath come about, that the heart of the men of Israel goeth after Absolom.
14 David je rekel vsem svojim služabnikom, ki so bili z njim pri Jeruzalemu: »Vstanimo in pobegnimo, kajti sicer ne bomo pobegnili pred Absalomom. Pohitimo, da nas ne bi nenadoma dohitel in nad nas privedel zla in mesto udaril z ostrino meča.«
Then said David, to all his servants who were with him in Jerusalem—Arise and let us flee, or we shall have no way of escape from the face of Absolom, —make speed to depart, lest he make speed, and so overtake us, and bring down misfortune upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword.
15 Kraljevi služabniki so rekli kralju: »Glej, tvoji služabniki so pripravljeni storiti, karkoli bo moj gospod kralj določil.«
And the king’s servants said unto the king, —According to all that my lord the king shall choose, here are thy servants.
16 Kralj je odšel naprej in vsa njegova družina za njim. Kralj pa je pustil deset žensk, ki so bile priležnice, da varujejo hišo.
So the king went forth, with all his household attending him, —but the king left ten women who were concubines, to keep the house.
17 Kralj je odšel naprej in vse ljudstvo za njim in se mudil na kraju, ki je bil daleč proč.
Thus then the king went forth, with all the people attending him, —and they came to a stand at a place that was far off.
18 Vsi njegovi služabniki so šli poleg njega in vsi Keretéjci in vsi Péletovci in vsi Gitéjci, šeststo mož, ki so prišli za njim iz Gata, so prečkali pred kraljem.
And, all his servants, were passing on beside him, and all the Cherethites, and all the Pelethites, —and, all the Gittites—six hundred men, who had accompanied him from Gath, —were passing on before the king.
19 Potem je kralj rekel Gitéjcu Itáju: »Čemu greš tudi ti z nami? Vrni se na svoj kraj in prebivaj s kraljem, kajti tujec si in tudi izgnanec.
Then said the king, unto Ittai the Gittite, Wherefore shouldest, thou also, go with us? return and abide with the king, for, a stranger, art thou, moreover also, an exile, art thou from thine own country.
20 Glede na to, da si prišel šele včeraj, ali naj te ta dan pripravim hoditi z nami gor in dol? Ker grem, kamor lahko, se vrni in svoje brate vzemi nazaj. Usmiljenje in resnica naj bosta s teboj.«
Only yesterday, camest thou, and, today, shall I let thee wander with us, on our journey, seeing that, I, am going, whithersoever I may? Return and take back thy brethren with thee, and may Yahweh deal with thee in lovingkindness and faithfulness.
21 Itáj je odgovoril kralju in rekel: » Kakor živi Gospod in kakor živi moj gospod kralj, zagotovo, na kateremkoli kraju bo moj gospod kralj, bodisi v smrti ali življenju, celo tam bo tudi tvoj služabnik.«
But Ittai answered the king, and said, —By the life of Yahweh, and by the life of my lord the king, surely, in whatsoever place, my lord the king, may be, whether for death or for life, there will, thy servant, be.
22 David je rekel Itáju: »Pojdi in prečkaj.« Gitéjec Itáj je šel čez in vsi njegovi možje in vsi malčki, ki so bili z njim.
Then said David unto Ittai—Go, and pass on. So Ittai the Gittite passed on, with all his men, and all the little ones that were with him.
23 In vsa dežela je jokala z močnim glasom in vse ljudstvo je šlo čez. Tudi sam kralj je šel čez potok Kidron in vse ljudstvo je šlo čez, proti poti divjine.
And, fall the land, was weeping, with a loud voice, and, all the people, were passing on, —the king also, was passing on, through the torrent-bed of Kidron, and all the people were passing on over the face of the way leading to the wilderness.
24 Glej, tudi Cadók in vsi Lévijevci so bili z njim, nesoč skrinjo Božje zaveze in odložili so Božjo skrinjo. Abjatár je odšel gor, dokler ni vse ljudstvo šlo iz mesta.
And lo! Zadok also, and all the Levites with him, were bearing the ark of the covenant of God, and they set down the ark of God, and Abiathar went up, until all the people had made an end of passing over out of the city.
25 Kralj je Cadóku rekel: »Božjo skrinjo odnesite nazaj v mesto. Če bom našel naklonjenost v Gospodovih očeh, me bo ponovno privedel in mi pokazal oboje, to in njeno prebivališče,
Then said the king unto Zadok, Take back the ark of God into the city, —if I find favour in the eyes of Yahweh, then will he bring me back, and let me see both him and his habitation,
26 toda če reče tako: ›Nimam veselja v tebi; ‹ glej, tukaj sem, naj mi stori, kakor se mu zdi dobro.«
but, if thus, he say, I have no delight in thee, here I am, let him do unto me as may be good in his eyes.
27 Kralj je tudi rekel duhovniku Cadóku: » Mar nisi ti videc? V miru se vrni v mesto in tvoja dva sinova s teboj, tvoj sin Ahimáac in Jonatan, Abjatárjev sin.
And the king said, unto Zadok the priest, Art thou not, a seer? return into the city, in peace, —and Ahimaaz thine own son, and Jonathan son of Abiathar—your two sons, with you.
28 Glejte, mudil se bom na ravnini divjine, dokler ne bo prišla od vas beseda, da me potrdite.«
See! I, am tarrying in the waste plains of the wilderness—until there come word from you, to tell me.
29 Torej Cadók in Abjatár sta Božjo skrinjo ponovno odnesla v Jeruzalem in ostala sta tam.
So Zadok and Abiathar took back the ark of God to Jerusalem, —and abode there.
30 David je odšel gor po pobočju Oljske gore in jokal, ko se je vzpenjal in svojo glavo je imel pokrito in hodil je bos. Vse ljudstvo, ki je bilo z njim, je vsak pokril svojo glavo in hodili so gor in jokali, medtem ko so hodili gor.
Now, David, was going up by the ascent of Olivet, weeping as he went up, with his head covered, himself, passing on barefoot, —and all the people who were with him, covered every man his head, and went up, weeping as they went.
31 In nekdo je povedal Davidu, rekoč: »Ahitófel je z Absalomom med zarotniki.« David je rekel: »Oh Gospod, prosim te, obrni Ahitófelov nasvet v norost.«
And, unto David, it was told, saying, Ahithophel, is among the conspirators with Absolom. And David said, Turn to foolishness, I pray thee, the counsel of Ahithophel, O Yahweh.
32 Pripetilo se je, da ko je David prišel na vrh gore, kjer je oboževal Boga, glej, je prišel Arkéjec Hušáj, da ga sreča, s svojim pretrganim plaščem in zemljo na svoji glavi,
And it came to pass, when David reached the summit, where he bowed himself down unto God, that lo! there met him, Hushai the Archite, his tunic rent, and earth upon his head.
33 ki mu je David rekel: »Če greš z menoj naprej, potem mi boš v breme,
And David said unto him, —If thou pass over with me, then shalt thou become unto me, a burden;
34 toda če se vrneš k mestu in rečeš Absalomu: ›Jaz bom tvoj služabnik, oh kralj, kakor sem bil doslej služabnik tvojega očeta, tako bom sedaj tudi tvoj služabnik, ‹ potem boš lahko zame premagal Ahitófelov nasvet.
but, if, to the city, thou return, then canst thou say unto Absolom—Thy servant, I, O king, will be, as, the servant of thy father, I was formerly, so will I, now, be thy servant: thus shalt thou frustrate for me the counsel of Ahithophel.
35 In ali nisi tam z duhovnikoma Cadókom in Abjatárjem? Zato naj bo, da kakršnokoli stvar boš slišal iz kraljeve hiše, boš to povedal duhovnikoma Cadóku in Abjatárju.
And hast thou not, with thee, there Zadok and Abiathar the priests? so then it shall be, that, what thing soever thou shalt hear out of the house of the king, thou shalt tell to Zadok and to Abiathar, the priests.
36 Glej, onadva imata tam s seboj svoja dva sinova, Cadókovega sina Ahimáaca in Abjatárjevega sina Jonatana. Po njima boste poslali k meni vsako stvar, ki jo lahko slišite.«
Lo! they have there with them, their two sons, Ahimaaz for Zadok, and Jonathan for Abiathar, —so shall ye send, by their hand, unto me, everything which ye shall hear.
37 Tako je Davidov prijatelj Hušáj prišel v mesto in Absalom je prišel v Jeruzalem.
So Hushai, David’s friend, went into the city, —when, Absolom, was about to enter Jerusalem.