< 2 Samuel 13 >
1 Pripetilo se je po tem, da je Davidov sin Absalom imel lepo sestro, ki ji je bilo ime Tamara in Davidov sin Amnón, jo je vzljubil.
David’s son Absalom had a beautiful sister named Tamar. Another of David’s sons, Amnon, was attracted to Tamar.
2 Amnón je bil tako obupan, da je zaradi svoje sestre Tamare zbolel, kajti bila je devica in Amnón si je mislil, da je zanj težko, da ji stori kakršno koli stvar.
He wanted [to have sex with] [EUP] his half-sister very much, with the result that he made himself sick [thinking about her all the time]. But it was not possible for Amnon to get her, because she was a virgin, [so they kept men away from her].
3 Toda Amnón je imel prijatelja, katerega ime je bilo Jonadáb, sin Šimája, Davidovega brata. Jonadáb pa je bil zelo premeten človek.
But Amnon had a friend named Jonadab, who was the son of David’s brother Shimeah. Jonadab was a very crafty/shrewd man.
4 Ta mu je rekel: »Zakaj si ti, ki si kraljev sin, iz dneva v dan slabotnejši? Ali mi ne boš povedal?« Amnón mu je rekel: »Ljubim Tamaro, sestro svojega brata Absaloma.«
[One day] Jonadab said to Amnon, “You are the king’s son, but every day I see that [RHQ] you seem very depressed/sad. What is your problem?” Amnon replied, “I (am in love/want to sleep) [EUP] with Tamar, my half-brother Absalom’s sister.”
5 Jonadáb mu je rekel: »Ulezi se na svojo posteljo in se naredi bolnega in ko pride tvoj oče, da te pogleda, mu reci: ›Prosim te, naj pride moja sestra Tamara in mi da jesti in pripravi hrano v mojem pogledu, da bom to lahko videl in to pojedel pri njeni roki.‹«
Jonadab said to him, “Lie down on your bed, and pretend that you are sick. When your father comes to see you, say to him, ‘Allow my half-sister Tamar to come and give me some food to eat. She can prepare the food while I am watching her. Then she can serve it to me herself.’”
6 Tako se je Amnón ulegel in se naredil bolnega in ko je kralj prišel, da ga pogleda, je Amnón rekel kralju: »Prosim te, naj pride moja sestra Tamara in mi pripravi nekaj kolačev v mojem pogledu, da bom lahko jedel pri njeni roki.«
So Amnon lay down, and pretended that he was sick. When the king came to see him, Amnon said to him, “[I am sick; ] please allow my half-sister Tamar to come and make a couple scones/dumplings for me while I am watching, and then she can serve them to me.”
7 Potem je David poslal domov k Tamari, rekoč: »Pojdi sedaj k hiši svojega brata Amnóna in mu pripravi hrano.«
So David sent a message to Tamar in the palace, saying “Amnon [is sick and he wants you to] go to his house and prepare some food for him.”
8 Tako je Tamara odšla k hiši svojega brata Amnóna in ta je ležal. Vzela je moko in jo zgnetla in naredila kolače v njegovem pogledu in kolače spekla.
So Tamar went to Amnon’s house, where he was lying in bed. She took some dough and kneaded it, and formed it into some scones/dumplings while he was watching her. Then she baked them.
9 Vzela je ponev in jih iztresla pred njim, toda odklonil je jesti. Amnón je rekel: »Odstranite od mene vse može.« In vsi možje so odšli od njega.
She took them out of the pan and put them [on a plate] in front of him, but he refused to eat them. Then he said to everyone else in the room, “All the rest of you, leave me now!” So all the others left his [room].
10 Amnón je rekel Tamari: »Prinesi hrano v sobo, da bom lahko jedel iz tvoje roke.« Tamara je vzela kolače, ki jih je naredila in jih prinesla v sobo k svojemu bratu Amnónu.
Then Amnon said to Tamar, “Bring the food into my room and serve it to me.” So Tamar took into his room the scones/dumplings that she had made.
11 Ko jih je prinesla k njemu, da jé, jo je prijel in ji rekel: »Pridi, lezi z menoj, moja sestra.«
But when she brought them close for him to eat them, he grabbed her and said to her, “Come to bed with me!”
12 Odgovorila mu je: »Ne, moj brat, ne sili me, kajti nobena takšna stvar se ne bi smela storiti v Izraelu. Ne stôri te neumnosti.
She replied, “No, do not force me to do such a disgraceful thing! We never do things like that in Israel! That would be awful/terrible!
13 In jaz, kam naj grem s svojo sramoto? Kar pa se tebe tiče, boš kakor nekdo izmed bedakov v Izraelu. Sedaj torej, prosim te, spregovori kralju, kajti on me ne bo zadržal pred teboj.«
As for me, if I did that, I would not be able to [RHQ] endure being disgraced by having done that. And as for you, everyone in Israel would condemn you for having done such a disgraceful deed. So I plead with you, talk to the king. I am sure that he will allow me to marry you.”
14 Vendar ni hotel prisluhniti njenemu glasu, temveč ker je bil močnejši kakor ona, jo je prisilil in ležal z njo.
But he would not listen to her. He was stronger than she was, so he forced her to have sex with him.
15 Potem jo je Amnón skrajno zasovražil, tako da je bilo sovraštvo, s katerim jo je zasovražil, večje kakor ljubezen, s katero jo je ljubil. In Amnón ji je rekel: »Vstani, izgini.«
Then Amnon hated her very much. He hated her much more than he had desired her. He said to her, “Get up and get out of here!”
16 Rekla mu je: »Ni razloga. To zlo, da me pošiljaš proč, je večje kakor drugo, ki si mi ga storil.« Toda ni ji hotel prisluhniti.
But she said to him, “No! It would be very wrong for you to send me away. It would be worse than what you just did to me!” But he would not listen to her.
17 Potem je poklical svojega služabnika, ki mu je služil in rekel: »Postavi sedaj to žensko stran od mene in zapahni vrata za njo.«
He summoned his personal servant and said to him, “Take this woman outside, away from me, and lock the door [so that she cannot come in again]!”
18 Na sebi je imela obleko iz številnih barv, kajti s takšnim svečanim oblačilom so bile oblečene kraljeve hčere, ki so bile device. Potem jo je njegov služabnik odvedel ven in za njo zapahnil vrata.
So the servant put her outside and locked the door. Tamar was wearing a long robe with long sleeves, which was the clothing that was usually worn by the unmarried daughters of the king at that time.
19 Tamara pa si je na svojo glavo dala pepel in pretrgala obleko iz številnih barv, ki je bila na njej in svojo roko položila na svojo glavo ter jokajoč odšla.
But Tamar tore the long robe that she was wearing, and put ashes on her head [to show that she was very sad]. Then she put her hands on her head [to show that she was grieving], and she went away, crying.
20 Njen brat Absalom ji je rekel: »Ali je bil tvoj brat Amnón s teboj? Toda sedaj molči, moja sestra. On je tvoj brat. Ne oziraj se na to stvar.« Tako je Tamara ostala zapuščena v hiši svojega brata Absaloma.
Her brother Absalom [saw her and] said to her, “Has your half-brother Amnon [DOU] forced you to have sex with him [EUP]? Please, my sister, do not tell anyone, and do not become depressed/sad.” So Tamar went to live in Absalom’s house, and she was very sad and lonely.
21 Toda ko je kralj David slišal o vseh teh stvareh, je bil zelo ogorčen.
When King David heard about all that, he became very angry.
22 Absalom ni spregovoril svojemu bratu Amnónu niti dobro niti slabo, kajti Absalom je sovražil Amnóna, ker je posilil njegovo sestro Tamaro.
And Absalom hated Amnon, because he had raped his sister, so he would not speak to Amnon about anything.
23 Pripetilo se je po dveh polnih letih, da je imel Absalom strižce ovc v Báal Hacórju, ki je poleg Efrájima in Absalom je povabil vse kraljeve sinove.
Two years later, Absalom’s servants were shearing sheep at Baal-Hazor, which is near [a town named] Ephraim. [When they finished shearing the sheep, they celebrated], and Absalom invited all the king’s sons [to come and celebrate].
24 Absalom je prišel h kralju ter rekel: »Glej torej, tvoj služabnik ima strižce ovc, naj kralj, rotim te in njegovi služabniki gredo s tvojim služabnikom.«
Absalom went to the king and said to him, “Sir, my servants have been shearing my sheep. Please come with your officials [to celebrate] with us!”
25 Kralj je rekel Absalomu: »Ne, moj sin, naj ne gremo sedaj vsi, da ti ne bi bili v breme.« Silil ga je, vendar ni želel iti, temveč ga je blagoslovil.
But the king replied, “No, my son, it would not be good for all of us to go, because it would cause you to do a lot of work and spend a lot of money for food.” Absalom continued urging him, but the king would not go. Instead, he said that he hoped/desired that God would bless them [while they celebrated].
26 Potem je Absalom rekel: »Če ne, prosim te, naj gre z nami moj brat Amnón.« Kralj mu je rekel: »Čemu bi on šel s teboj?«
Then Absalom said, “If you will not go, please allow my half-brother Amnon to go with us.” But the king replied, “Why [do you want] him to go with you?”
27 Toda Absalom ga je silil, da je pustil Amnóna in vse kraljeve sinove iti z njim.
But Absalom continued to insist, so finally the king permitted Amnon and all David’s other sons to go with Absalom.
28 Torej Absalom je svojim služabnikom ukazal, rekoč: »Zapomnite si torej kdaj bo Amnónovo srce veselo z vinom in ko vam rečem: ›Udarite Amnóna; ‹ tedaj ga ubijte, ne bojte se; ali vam nisem jaz ukazal? Bodite pogumni in bodite hrabri.«
[So they all went. And at the celebration], Absalom commanded his servants, “Notice when Amnon has become a bit drunk from the wine. Then when I signal to you, kill him. Do not be afraid; you will be doing this [only] because I told you [RHQ] to do it. So be courageous and do it!”
29 Absalomovi služabniki so storili Amnónu, kakor je Absalom zapovedal. Potem so vsi kraljevi sinovi vstali in vsak mož se je povzpel na svojo mulo ter pobegnil.
So Absalom’s servants did what Absalom told them to do. [They killed Amnon]. All the rest of David’s sons [saw what happened and] fled, riding on their mules.
30 Pripetilo se je, ko so bili na poti, da so prišle k Davidu novice, rekoč: »Absalom je umoril vse kraljeve sinove in niti eden izmed njih ni preostal.«
While they were on their way home, someone [went quickly and] reported to David, “Absalom has killed all of your other sons; none of them is still alive!”
31 Potem je kralj vstal in raztrgal svoje obleke in legel na zemljo in vsi njegovi služabniki so stali poleg s svojimi pretrganimi oblačili.
The king stood up, tore his clothes [because he was extremely sad], and then he threw himself down on the ground. All the servants who were there also tore their clothes.
32 Jonadáb, sin Davidovega brata Šimája, je odgovoril ter rekel: »Naj moj gospod ne domneva, da so umorili vse mladeniče, kraljeve sinove, kajti samo Amnón je mrtev, kajti z Absalomovo določitvijo je bilo to določeno od dneva, ko je posilil njegovo sestro Tamaro.
But Jonadab, the son of David’s brother Shimeah, said, “Your Majesty, [I am sure that] they have not killed all your sons. [I am sure that] only Amnon is dead, because Absalom has determined to do this ever since the day that Amnon raped [EUP] his half-sister Tamar.
33 Zdaj torej naj si moj gospod kralj te stvari ne vzame k srcu, da misli, da so vsi kraljevi sinovi mrtvi, kajti samo Amnón je mrtev.«
So, your majesty, do not believe the report that all your sons are dead. [I am sure that] only Amnon is dead.”
34 Toda Absalom je pobegnil. In mladenič, ki je bil na straži, je povzdignil svoje oči in pogledal in glej, precej ljudi je prihajajo po poti od pobočja hriba za njim.
In the meantime, Absalom ran away. Just then, the soldier/sentry [who was standing on the city wall] saw a large crowd of people coming down the hill along the road from Horonaim. [He ran and told the king what he had seen].
35 Jonadáb je rekel kralju: »Glej, kraljevi sinovi prihajajo. Kakor je tvoj služabnik rekel, tako je.«
Jonadab said to the king, “Aha! What I told you is true. Your other sons [are alive and] have come!”
36 Pripetilo se je, takoj ko je končal govorjenje, glej, da so prišli kraljevi sinovi in povzdignili svoj glas ter zajokali in tudi kralj in vsi njegovi služabniki so zelo bridko jokali.
And as soon as he said that, David’s sons came in. They all started crying, and David and all his officials also cried very much.
37 Toda Absalom je pobegnil in odšel k Talmáju, Amihúdovemu sinu, kralju v Gešurju. David pa je vsak dan žaloval za svojim sinom.
But Absalom had fled. He went to stay with the king of [the] Geshur [region], who was Talmai the son of Ammihud. Absalom stayed there for three years. David mourned for his son Amnon for a long time,
38 Tako je Absalom pobegnil in odšel v Gešur in tam je bil tri leta.
39 Duša kralja Davida pa je hrepenela, da gre k Absalomu, kajti potolažen je bil glede Amnóna, glede na to, da je bil on mrtev.
but after that, he desired very much to see Absalom, because he was no longer grieving about Amnon being dead.