< 2 Peter 2 >
1 Vendar so bili lažni preroki tudi med ljudmi, točno tako bodo med vami lažni učitelji, ki bodo na skrivnem vnašali preklenska krivoverstva in celó tajili Gospoda, ki jih je odkupil ter si nase nakopali hiter propad.
BUT there were false prophets in the world, as also among you there will be false teachers, they who introduce heresies of destruction, and, the Lord who bought them denying, bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 In mnogi bodo sledili njihovim pogubnim potem; zaradi katerih se bo obrekovala pot resnice.
And many will go after their wickedness; they, on account of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed.
3 In zaradi pohlepnosti bodo s hlinjenimi besedami iz vas naredili trgovsko blago; katerih sodba se sedaj že dolgo ne obotavlja in njihovo prekletstvo ne dremlje.
And with fraudulency of deceptive words will they make merchandise of you; they, whose judgment (denounced) before tarrieth not, and whose destruction doth not sleep.
4 Kajti če Bog ni prizanesel angelom, ki so grešili, temveč jih je vrgel navzdol v pekel in jih izročil verigam teme, da bodo pridržani do sodbe, (Tartaroō )
For if Aloha upon the angels who sinned was not lenient, but in chains of darkness shut them in the deeps, and delivered them to be kept to the judgment of pain; (Tartaroō )
5 in ni prizanesel staremu svetu, temveč rešil Noeta, osmo osebo, oznanjevalca pravičnosti, ko je poslal potop na svet brezbožnih;
and on the former world was not lenient, but Nuch, who was the eighth preacher of righteousness, he preserved, when the deluge came upon the world of the wicked;
6 in spremenil mesti Sódome in Gomóre v pepel, ju je obsodil z uničenjem in ju naredil zgled tem, ki naj bi kasneje brezbožno živeli;
the cities of Sadum and of Omuro he burned, and with overthrow condemned them, while an example to the wicked who should be he set them;
7 in osvobodil pravičnega Lota, prizadetega z umazanim razgovorom zlobnih;
also Lut the righteous, who was bruised with the impure conversation of the lawless, he delivered;
8 (kajti ta pravičen mož je prebival med njimi in z videnjem in slišanjem iz dneva v dan z njihovimi nezakonitimi dejanji mučil svojo pravično dušo.)
-for in sight and in hearing, while (that) just (man) dwelt among them, from day to day, his righteous soul by their lawless works was tortured; -
9 Gospod ve kako bogaboječega osvoboditi iz preizkušenj in nepravične prihraniti za dan sodbe, da bodo kaznovani.
the Lord knoweth how to deliver from affliction them who fear him, but the evil unto the day of judgment to be tormented will he reserve.
10 Toda predvsem te, ki hodijo za mesom v nečistosti poželenja in prezirajo vlado. Predrzni so, svojevoljni, ne bojijo se hudobno govoriti o dostojanstvih.
But most those who after the flesh follow the concupiscence of impurity, and of authority are contemptuous; daring and arrogant, (and) who by greatness are not moved while they blaspheme:
11 Medtem ko angeli, ki so večji v moči in mogočnosti, pred Gospoda ne prinašajo posmehljivih obtožb zoper njih.
whereas angels, who in power and strength are (so much) greater than they, bring not against them a judgment of blasphemy.
12 Toda ti, kot naravne okrutne živali, narejene, da so ujete in uničene, govorijo hudobno o stvareh, ki jih ne razumejo; in v svoji lastni pokvarjenosti bodo popolnoma propadli;
But these, as the dumb animals, by nature (ordained) to the knife and to destruction, blaspheming what they know not, in their own destruction will be destroyed;
13 in prejeli bodo nagrado nepravičnosti, kakor tisti, ki imajo za užitek razgrajanje podnevi. Madeži so in izvržki, ki se zabavajo s svojimi lastnimi zavajanji, medtem ko se gostijo z vami;
while they in whom is iniquity the wages of iniquity shall receive. They repute as pleasure the luxury which is in the day. Blemishes (are they), full of spots, who delighting in their refreshments are luxurious:
14 ki imajo oči, polne zakonolomstva in ki ne morejo prenehati z grehom; ki zapeljujejo omahljive duše, srce pa so urili s pohlepnimi navadami; prekleti otroci;
having eyes full of adultery, and sins which cease not, alluring souls that are not established. An heart have they which is disciplined in covetousness; sons of malediction,
15 ki so zapustili pravo pot in zašli ter sledili Beórjevemu sinu Bileámu, ki je vzljubil plačila nepravičnosti;
who, forsaking the straight way, have erred, and gone in the way of Belam bar Beur, who the wages of iniquity loved. But he had reproof of his transgression;
16 toda za svojo krivičnost je bil oštet; nemi osel, govoreč s človeškim glasom, je preprečil prerokovo norost.
(for) the dumb ass which spake with the voice of man rebuked the madness of the prophet.
17 Ti so vodnjaki brez vode, oblaki, ki so nošeni z viharjem, ki jim je večno prihranjena zamegljena črnina. ()
These are wells without water, clouds driven from above, unto whom the blackness of darkness is reserved.
18 Kajti ko govorijo velike, napihnjene besede ničevosti, privabljajo s poželenji mesa, skozi mnoge razuzdanosti te, ki so zares pobegnili pred temi, ki živijo v zmoti.
For while they speak scoffing words of vanity, they allure with impure desires of the flesh those who almost escaped from them who have their conversation in error.
19 Medtem ko jim obljubljajo svobodo, [pa] so oni sami služabniki izprijenosti. Kajti od česar je človek premagan, od istega je priveden v sužnost.
And liberty to them they promise, while they (themselves) are the servants of corruption; for the thing by which a man is overcome, to that he is subject.
20 Kajti če so potem, ko so prek spoznanja Gospoda in Odrešenika Jezusa Kristusa pobegnili umazanostim sveta, bili ponovno vpleteni vanje in premagani, je zadnji konec z njimi slabši kakor začetek.
For if they have escaped from the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jeshu Meshiha, with those very things entangled they are again over-come, their end becomes worse than the beginning.
21 Kajti zanje bi bilo bolje, da ne bi spoznali poti pravičnosti, kakor pa, potem ko so jo spoznali, da se obrnejo od svete zapovedi, ki jim je bila izročena.
For it had been more tolerable for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, when they knew, to turn backward from the holy commandment delivered to them.
22 Toda to se jim je zgodilo glede na resničen pregovor: ›Pes se ponovno obrne k svojemu lastnemu izbljuvku; in svinja, ki je bila umita, k svojemu valjanju v blatu.‹
But it hath happened to them according to the true proverb, that The dog hath turned unto his vomit; the sow which had washed into the wallow of the mire.