< 2 Kralji 9 >

1 Prerok Elizej je poklical enega izmed preroških otrok in mu rekel: »Opaši svoja ledja, v svojo roko vzemi to stekleničko olja in pojdi v Ramót Gileád
Meanwhile, the prophet Elisha summoned one of the other prophets. He said to him, “Get ready [IDM] and go to Ramoth [city] in [the] Gilead [region]. Take this jar of [olive] oil with you.
2 in ko prideš tja, tam poglej za Jehújem, sinom Józafata, Nimšíjevim sinom in vstopi in naj vstane izmed svojih bratov in ga odvedi v notranjo sobo.
When you arrive there, search for a man named Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat and grandson of Nimshi. Go with him into a room away from his companions,
3 Potem vzemi stekleničko olja, ga izlij na njegovo glavo in reci: ›Tako govori Gospod: ›Mazilil sem te za kralja nad Izraelom.‹‹ Potem odpri vrata, zbeži in ne obotavljaj se.«
and pour [some of] this oil on his head. Then say to him, ‘Yahweh declares that he is appointing you to be the king of Israel.’ Then open the door and run away as quickly as you can.”
4 Tako je mladenič, mladi mož prerok, odšel do Ramót Gileáda.
So the young prophet went to Ramoth.
5 Ko je prišel, glej, so poveljniki vojske sedeli in rekel je: »Naročilo imam zate, oh poveljnik.« Jehú je rekel: »Za katerega izmed nas vseh?« Rekel je: »Zate, oh poveljnik.«
When he arrived, he saw that the commanders of the army were having a conference. He [looked at Jehu and] said, “Sir, I have a message for [one of] you.” Jehu replied, “Which one of us is the message for?” The young prophet replied, “It is for you, commander/sir.”
6 Ta je vstal in odšel v hišo in na njegovo glavo je izlil olje ter mu rekel: »Tako govori Gospod, Izraelov Bog: ›Mazilil sem te za kralja nad Gospodovim ljudstvom, celó nad Izraelom.
So Jehu got up and went with the young prophet into a house. There the young prophet poured some [olive] oil on Jehu’s head and said to him, “Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], declares this: ‘I am appointing you to be the king of my Israeli people.
7 Udaril boš hišo svojega gospodarja Ahába, da lahko maščujem kri svojih služabnikov prerokov in kri vseh Gospodovih služabnikov pri Jezabelini roki.
You must kill your master [King Joram], the son of Ahab, because I want to punish [Ahab’s wife] Jezebel for murdering [MTY] many of my prophets and other people who served me.
8 Kajti celotna Ahábova hiša bo uničena in od Ahába bom iztrebil tistega, ki lula proti zidu in tistega, ki je zaprt in je ostal v Izraelu.
You must kill [not only Joram but] all of Ahab’s family. I want to get rid of every male in the family, including young ones and old ones.
9 Ahábovo hišo bom naredil podobno hiši Nebátovega sina Jerobeáma in podobno hiši Ahíjevega sina Bašája
I will get rid of Ahab’s family, like I got rid of the families of two other kings of Israel, Jeroboam and Baasha.
10 in psi bodo pojedli Jezabelo na jezreélskem deležu in nikogar ne bo, da bi jo pokopal.‹« In odprl je vrata ter zbežal.
And [when] Jezebel [dies], her corpse will not be buried. Dogs will eat her corpse there in Jezreel [city].’” After the young prophet said this, he left the room and ran.
11 Potem je Jehú prišel k služabnikom svojega gospoda in nekdo mu je rekel: » Ali je vse dobro? Zakaj je ta nori človek prišel k tebi?« Rekel jim je: »Poznate moža in njegovo govorjenje.«
When Jehu came out of the room to where his other commanders were, they said to him, “Is everything all right? Why did that mad fellow come to you?” He replied, “You know what kinds of things young prophets like him say.”
12 Rekli so: » To je laž. Povej nam torej.« Rekel je: »Tako in tako mi je rekel, rekoč: ›Tako govori Gospod: ›Mazili sem te za kralja nad Izraelom.‹«
They said, “You are lying! Tell us what he said!” He replied, “He told me that Yahweh said, ‘I am appointing [MTY] you to be the king of Israel.’”
13 Potem so pohiteli in vsak mož je vzel svojo obleko in jo položil pod njega na vrhu stopnic in zatrobili so s šofarji, rekoč: »Jehú je kralj.«
Then they all spread their cloaks on the steps of the building [for Jehu to walk out on], and they blew trumpets and shouted, “Jehu is now the king!”
14 Tako je Jehú, Józafatov sin, Nimšíjev sin, koval zaroto zoper Joráma. (Torej Jorám se je zadrževal v Ramót Gileádu, on in ves Izrael, zaradi sirskega kralja Hazaéla.
King Joram and his army had been defending Ramoth against the attacks by the army of the king of Syria. King Joram had returned to Jezreel [city], to recover from being wounded in the battle against the army of Hazael, the king of Syria. And Jehu made plans to kill Joram. He said to his other commanders, “If helping me is truly what you want, make sure that no one leaves this city to go to warn the people of Jezreel [about what I am planning to do].”
15 Toda kralj Jorám se je vrnil, da bi bil v Jezreélu ozdravljen ran, ki so mu jih zadali Sirci, ko se je bojeval s sirskim kraljem Hazaélom.) Jehú je rekel: »Če tako mislite, potem naj nihče ne gre naprej niti naj ne zbeži iz mesta, da bi šel to povedat v Jezreél.«
16 Tako je Jehú jahal na bojnem vozu in odšel v Jezreél, kajti tam je ležal Jorám. In Judov kralj Ahazjá je prišel dol, da vidi Joráma.
Then Jehu and his officers got into their chariots and rode to Jezreel, where Joram was still recovering. And King Ahaziah of Judah was there, visiting Joram.
17 Tam je stal stražar na stolpu v Jezreélu in ogledoval Jehújevo skupino, medtem ko je prihajala in rekel: »Vidim skupino.« Jorám je rekel: »Vzemi konjenika in ga pošlji, da jih sreča in naj reče: › Ali je mir?‹«
A guard was standing in the watchtower in Jezreel. He saw Jehu and his men approaching. He called out, “I see a lot of men [who are approaching]!” King Joram [heard what the watchman said, so he] said to his soldiers, “Send someone on a horse to go and find out if they are coming to be friendly to us or to attack us.”
18 Tako je nekdo odšel na konjskem hrbtu, da ga sreča in rekel: »Tako govori kralj: › Je to mir?‹« Jehú je rekel: »Kaj imaš opraviti z mirom? Obrni se za menoj.« Stražar je povedal, rekoč: »Poslanec je prišel do njih, toda ne vrača se.«
So a man rode out to meet Jehu and said to him, “The king wants to know [if you are coming to be] friendly to us.” Jehu replied, “This is not the time for you [RHQ] to be concerned about acting friendly! Turn around and come behind me!” So the guard in the watchtower reported that the messenger had reached the group [that was approaching], but that he was not returning [alone].
19 Potem je poslal ven drugega, na konjskem hrbtu, ki je prišel k njim in rekel: »Tako govori kralj: › Ali je mir?‹« Jehú je odgovoril: »Kaj imaš opraviti z mirom? Obrni se za menoj.«
So King Joram sent another messenger, who asked Jehu the same question. Again Jehu replied, “This is not the time [RHQ] for you to be concerned about acting friendly! Turn around and follow me!”
20 Stražar je povedal, rekoč: »Prišel je celo k njim, toda ne vrača se in vožnja je podobna vožnji Nimšíjevega sina Jehúja, kajti divje vozi.«
Then the watchman reported again, “That messenger also reached them, but he is not coming back [alone]. And [the leader of the group must be] Jehu, the son of Nimshi, because he is driving [his chariot] furiously, [like Jehu does]!”
21 Jorám je rekel: »Pripravite.« In njegov bojni voz je bil pripravljen. Izraelov kralj Jorám in Judov kralj Ahazjá sta odšla ven, vsak na svojem bojnem vozu in odšla sta ven zoper Jehúja in ga srečala na deležu Jezreélca Nabóta.
Joram said [to his soldiers], “Get [my chariot] ready!” So they did that. Then King Joram and King Ahaziah both rode toward Jehu, each one in his own chariot. And [it happened that] they met Jehu at the field that had previously belonged to Naboth!
22 Pripetilo se je, ko je Jorám zagledal Jehúja, da je rekel: » Ali je mir, Jehú?« Odgovoril je: »Kakšen mir, dokler je tako mnogo vlačugarstev in čaranj tvoje matere Jezabele?«
When Joram met Jehu, he said to him, “Are you coming on a peaceful visit?” Jehu replied, “(How can there be peace while you and your people are prostrating themselves to worship idols and practicing very much (witchcraft/sorcery) like your mother Jezebel did?/There certainly cannot be peace while you and your people are prostrating themselves to worship idols and practicing (witchcraft/sorcery) like your mother Jezebel has been doing!)” [RHQ]
23 Jorám je obrnil svoji roki, pobegnil in rekel Ahazjáju: » To je izdaja, oh Ahazjá.«
Joram cried out, “Ahaziah, they have deceived us! [They want to kill us]!” So Joram turned his chariot around and tried to flee.
24 Jehú je z vso svojo močjo napel lok in zadel Jehoráma med lopatici in puščica je izšla pri njegovem srcu in zgrudil se je na svoj bojni voz.
But Jehu drew his bow mightily and shot [an arrow that pierced] Joram between his shoulder blades. The arrow [went through his body and] pierced his heart, and he slumped down dead in his chariot.
25 Potem je Jehú rekel svojemu poveljniku Bidkárju: »Poberi ga in vrzi ga na delež polja Jezreélca Nabóta, kajti spomni se, kako je Gospod nanj položil to breme, ko sva jaz in ti skupaj jahala za njegovim očetom Ahábom:
Then Jehu said to his assistant Bidkar, “Take his corpse and throw it here into the field that belonged to Naboth. [I am sure that] you remember that when you and I were riding together [in chariots] behind King Joram’s father Ahab, that Yahweh said this about Ahab:
26 ›Zagotovo sem včeraj videl Nabótovo kri in kri njegovih sinov, govori Gospod, in jaz te bom poplačal na tem deležu, govori Gospod.‹ Sedaj ga torej vzemi in vrzi na kos zemlje, glede na Gospodovo besedo.«
‘Yesterday I saw Ahab murder [MTY] Naboth and his sons here. And I solemnly promise that I will punish him right here in this same field!’ So take Joram’s corpse and throw it into that field! That will fulfill what Yahweh said would happen.”
27 Toda ko je Judov kralj Ahazjá to videl, je zbežal po poti vrtne hiše. Jehú je sledil za njim in rekel: »Udarite tudi njega na bojnem vozu.« Storili so tako ob vzponu na Gur, ki je poleg Jibleáma. In pobegnil je v Megído ter tam umrl.
When King Ahaziah saw what happened, he fled [in his chariot] toward Beth-Haggan [town]. But Jehu pursued him and said [to his other commanders], “Shoot him, also!” So they shot him [with arrows] while he was riding in his chariot on the road up to Gur, near Ibleam [town]. He continued going in his chariot until he reached Megiddo [city], where he died.
28 Njegovi služabniki so ga na bojnem vozu prenesli v Jeruzalem in ga pokopali v njegovem mavzoleju, z njegovimi očeti, v Davidovem mestu.
His officials took his corpse back to Jerusalem and buried it in the tombs in the [part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’, where his ancestors had been buried.
29 V enajstem letu Ahábovega sina Joráma je nad Judom začel kraljevati Ahazjá.
Ahaziah had become the king of Judah when Joram had been ruling Israel for almost eleven years.
30 Ko je Jehú prišel v Jezreél, je Jezabela slišala o tem in si naličila svoj obraz, okrasila svojo glavo in pogledala skozi okno.
Then Jehu went to Jezreel. When [Ahab’s widow] Jezebel heard what had happened, she put paint/makeup on her eyelids, and combed her hair to make it beautiful, and looked out the window [of the palace toward the street below].
31 Ko je Jehú vstopil pri velikih vratih, je rekla: » Ali je imel Zimrí, ki je usmrtil svojega gospodarja, mir?«
While Jehu was entering the city gate, she called out to him, “You [are like] Zimri! You are a murderer! [I think] you are certainly not [RHQ] coming on a peaceful visit!”
32 Svoj obraz je povzdignil proti oknu in rekel: »Kdo je na moji strani? Kdo?« K njemu so pogledali dva ali trije evnuhi.
Jehu looked up toward the window, and then he said, “Who is (on my side/wants to help me)? Anyone?” Two or three palace officials looked down at him [from a window and pointed to themselves].
33 Rekel je: »Vrzite jo dol.« Tako so jo vrgli dol in nekaj njene krvi je poškropilo zid in konje; in pomendral jo je pod stopalom.
Jehu said to them, “Throw her down here!” So they threw her down, and [when she hit the ground and died], some of her blood splattered on the city wall and on the horses [that were pulling the chariots].
34 Ko je vstopil, je jedel, pil in rekel: »Pojdite, poglejte sedaj to prekleto žensko in jo pokopljite, kajti kraljeva hči je.«
Then Jehu went into the palace and ate and drank. Then he said [to some of his men], “Take the corpse of that women whom Yahweh has cursed and bury it, because she is a king’s daughter [and therefore should be buried properly].”
35 Odšli so, da jo pokopljejo, toda niso našli od nje več kot lobanjo, stopala in dlani njenih rok.
But when they went to get her corpse to bury it, all that was left was only her skull and [the bones of] her feet and her hands. Everything else was gone.
36 Zato so ponovno prišli in mu povedali. Rekel je: »To je beseda od Gospoda, ki jo je govoril po svojem služabniku, Tišbéjcu Eliju, rekoč: ›V Jezreélovem deležu bodo psi jedli Jezabelino meso.
When they reported this to Jehu, he said, “That is what Yahweh said would happen! He told his servant/prophet Elijah, ‘In [the city of] Jezreel, dogs will eat the flesh of Jezebel’s corpse.
37 In Jezabelino truplo bo kakor iztrebek na obličju polja v Jezreélovem deležu, tako da ne bodo rekli: ›To je Jezabela.‹«
Her bones will be scattered there in Jezreel like dung, with the result that no one will be able to [recognize them and] say, “These are Jezebel’s bones.”’”

< 2 Kralji 9 >