< 2 Kralji 23 >

1 Kralj je poslal in k njemu so zbrali vse starešine iz Juda in iz Jeruzalema.
So they reported the word to the king: and the king sent and gathered all the elders of Juda and Jerusalem to himself.
2 Kralj je šel gor v Gospodovo hišo in vsi Judovi možje in vsi prebivalci Jeruzalema z njim, duhovniki, preroki, vse ljudstvo, tako mali kakor veliki, in v njihova ušesa je bral vse besede knjige zaveze, ki je bila najdena v Gospodovi hiši.
And the king went up to the house of the Lord, and every man of Juda and all who lived in Jerusalem with him, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the people small and great; and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the Lord.
3 Kralj je stal pri stebru in sklenil zavezo pred Gospodom, da hodijo za Gospodom in se držijo njegovih zapovedi, njegovih pričevanj in njegovih zakonov z vsem svojim srcem in vso svojo dušo, da izpolnjujejo besede te zaveze, ki so bile zapisane v tej knjigi. In vse ljudstvo je pristopilo k zavezi.
And the king stood by a pillar, and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his ordinances with all the heart and with all the soul, to confirm the words of this covenant; [even] the things written in this book. And all the people stood to the covenant.
4 Kralj je zapovedal vélikemu duhovniku Hilkijáju, duhovnikom drugega reda in čuvajem vrat, da iz Gospodovega templja prinesejo vse posode, ki so bile narejene za Báala, za ašero in za vso vojsko neba, in sežgal jih je zunaj Jeruzalema, na poljih Kidrona in njihov pepel odnesel v Betel.
And the king commanded Chelcias the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and them that kept the door, to bring out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and all the host of heaven, and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kedron, and took the ashes of them to Baethel.
5 Odstavil je malikovalske duhovnike, ki so jih Judovi kralji določili, da zažigajo kadilo na visokih krajih po Judovih mestih in v krajih naokoli Jeruzalema. Tudi tiste, ki so zažigali kadilo Báalu, soncu, luni, planetom in vsej vojski neba.
And he burned the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Juda [had] appointed, (and they burned incense in the high places and in the cities of Juda, and the places around about Jerusalem); and them that burned incense to Baal, and to the sun, and to the moon, and to Mazuroth, and to all the host of heaven.
6 Iz Gospodove hiše je prinesel ašero, ven iz Jeruzalema, do potoka Kidron in jo sežgal pri potoku Kidronu in jo zdrobil v droben prah in njen prah vrgel na grobove otrok ljudstva.
And he carried out the grove from the house of the Lord to the brook Kedron, and burned it at the brook Kedron, and reduced it to powder, and cast its powder on the sepulchres of the sons of the people.
7 Porušil je hiše posvečenih vlačugarjev, ki so bile pri Gospodovi hiši, kjer so ženske tkale tanke preproge za ašero.
And he pulled down the house of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove tents for the grove.
8 Vse duhovnike je privedel iz Judovih mest in omadeževal visoke kraje, kjer so duhovniki zažigali kadilo od Gebe do Beeršébe in porušil visoke kraje velikih vrat, ki so bile pri vhodu velikih vrat mestnega voditelja Józueta, ki so bila na moževi levici pri velikih vratih mesta.
And he brought up all the priest from the cities of Juda, and defiled the high places where the priests burned incense, from Gaebal even to Bersabee; and he pulled down the house of the gates that was by the door of the gate of Joshua the ruler of the city, on a man's left hand at the gate of the city.
9 Vendar duhovniki visokih krajev niso prišli gor h Gospodovemu oltarju v Jeruzalemu, temveč so med svojimi brati jedli nekvašen kruh.
Only the priests of the high places went not up to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem, for they only ate leavened bread in the midst of their brethren.
10 In omadeževal je Tofet, ki je v dolini Hinómovih otrok, da noben človek ne bi mogel pripraviti svojega sina ali svoje hčere, da gre skozi ogenj k Molohu.
And he defiled Taphes which is in the valley of the son of Ennom, [constructed] for a man to cause his son or his daughter to pass through fire to Moloch.
11 Odstranil je konje, ki so jih Judovi kralji podarili soncu ob vhodu v Gospodovo hišo, poleg sobe Netán Meleha, glavnega dvornega upravitelja, ki je bila v predmestjih in sončne bojne vozove sežgal z ognjem.
And he burned the horses which the king of Juda had given to the sun in the entrance of the house of the Lord, by the treasury of Nathan the king's eunuch, in the suburbs; and he burned the chariot of the sun with fire.
12 Oltarje, ki so bili na vrhu gornje Aházove sobe, ki so jih naredili Judovi kralji, in oltarje, ki jih je naredil Manáse v dveh dvorih Gospodove hiše, je kralj porušil, jih odstranil od tam in njihov prah vrgel v potok Kidron.
And the altars that were on the roof of the upper chamber of Achaz, which the kings of Juda had made, and the altars which Manasses had made in the two courts of the house of the Lord, did the king pull down and forcibly remove from thence, and cast their dust into the brook of Kedron.
13 Visoke kraje, ki so bili pred Jeruzalemom, ki so bili na desni roki gore izprijenosti, ki jo je Salomon zgradil za Astarto, ogabnost Sidóncev in za Kemoša, ogabnost Moábcev in za Milkóma, gnusobo Amónovih otrok, je kralj omadeževal.
And the king defiled the house that was before Jerusalem, on the right hand of the mount of Mosthath, which Solomon king of Israel built to Astarte the abomination of the Sidonians, and to Chamos the abomination of Moab, and to Moloch the abomination of the children of Ammon.
14 Podobe je zlomil na koščke, posekal ašere in njihove kraje napolnil s človeškimi kostmi.
And he broke in pieces the pillars, and utterly destroyed the groves, and filled their places with the bones of men.
15 Poleg tega oltar, ki je bil pri Betelu in visok kraj, ki ga je naredil Nebátov sin Jerobeám, ki je Izraela primoral grešiti, tako oltar kot visok kraj je porušil, požgal visok kraj, ga zdrobil v prah in sežgal ašero.
Also the high altar in Baethel, which Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, had made, even that high altar he tore down, and broke in pieces the stones of it, and reduced it to powder, and burnt the grove.
16 Ko se je Jošíja obrnil, je ogledal mavzoleje, ki so bili na gori, poslal in iz mavzolejev vzel kosti in jih sežgal na oltarju, ga oskrunil, glede na Gospodovo besedo, ki jo je razglasil Božji mož, ki je razglasil te besede.
And Josias turned aside, and saw the tombs that were there in the city, and sent, and took the bones out of the tombs, and burnt them on the altar, and defiled it, according to the word of the Lord which the man of God spoke, when Jeroboam stood by the altar at the feast: and he turned and raised his eyes to the tomb of the man of God that spoke these words.
17 Potem je rekel: »Kakšen steber je to, kar vidim?« Ljudje iz mesta so mu rekli: » To je mavzolej Božjega moža, ki je prišel iz Juda in razglasil te stvari, ki si jih storil zoper betelski oltar.«
And he said, What [is] that mound which I see? And the men of the city said to him, [It is the grave of] the man of God that came out of Juda, and uttered these imprecations which he imprecated upon the altar of Baethel.
18 Rekel je: »Pustite ga pri miru. Naj noben človek ne premakne njegovih kosti.« Tako so pustili pri miru njegove kosti, s kostmi preroka, ki je prišel iz Samarije.
And he said, Let him alone; let no one disturb his bones. So his bones were spared, together with the bones of the prophet that came out of Samaria.
19 Tudi vse hiše visokih krajev, ki so bile v samarijskih mestih, ki so jih naredili Izraelovi kralji, da bi Gospoda izzivali k jezi, je Jošíja odstranil in jim storil glede na vsa dejanja, ki jih je storil v Betelu.
Moreover Josias removed all the houses of the high places that were in the cities of Samaria, which the kings of Israel made to provoke the Lord, and did to them all that he did in Baethel.
20 Vse duhovnike visokih krajev, ki so bili tam, je usmrtil na oltarjih in na njih sežgal človeške kosti in se vrnil v Jeruzalem.
And he sacrificed all the priests of the high places that were there on the altars, and burnt the bones of men upon them, and returned to Jerusalem.
21 Kralj je vsemu ljudstvu zapovedal, rekoč: »Praznujte pasho Gospodu, svojemu Bogu, kakor je to zapisano v knjigi te zaveze.«
And the king commanded all the people, saying, Keep the passover to the Lord your God, as it is written in the book of this covenant.
22 Zagotovo tam ni bilo takšne pashe od dni sodnikov, ki so sodili Izraelu, niti v vseh dneh Izraelovih kraljev, niti Judovih kraljev,
For a passover [such as] this had not been kept from the days of the judges who judged Israel, even all the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Juda.
23 kot [je bila ta] v osemnajstem letu kralja Jošíja, v katerem se je praznovala ta pasha Gospodu v Jeruzalemu.
But in the eighteenth year of king Josias, was the passover kept to the Lord in Jerusalem.
24 Poleg tega je Jošíja odstranil delavce z osebnimi duhovi, čarovnike, podobe, malike in vse ogabnosti, ki so bile ogledane v Judovi deželi in v Jeruzalemu, da bi lahko izpolnil besede postave, ki so bile zapisane v knjigi, ki jo je duhovnik Hilkijá našel v Gospodovi hiši.
Moreover Josias removed the sorcerers, and the wizards, and the theraphin, and the idols, and all the abominations that had been set up in the land of Juda and in Jerusalem, that he might keep the words of the law that were written in the book, which Chelcias the priest found in the house of the Lord.
25 Pred njim ni bilo nobenega kralja, ki bi bil podoben njemu, ki bi se z vsem svojim srcem obrnil h Gospodu, z vso svojo dušo in z vso svojo močjo, glede na vso Mojzesovo postavo niti za njim ni vstal nihče, ki bi mu bil podoben.
There was no king like him before him, who turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his strength, according to all the law of Moses; and after him there rose not one like him.
26 Vendar Gospod ni odvrnil okrutnosti svojega velikega besa, s čimer je bila vneta njegova velika jeza zoper Juda zaradi vseh izzivanj, s katerimi ga je izzival Manáse.
Nevertheless the Lord turned not from the fierceness of his great anger, wherewith he was angry in his anger against Juda, because of the provocations, wherewith Manasses provoked him.
27 Gospod je rekel: »Prav tako bom iz svojega pogleda odstranil Juda, kakor sem odstranil Izraela in zavrgel bom to mesto Jeruzalem, ki sem ga izbral in hišo, o kateri sem rekel: ›Tam bo moje ime.‹«
And the Lord said, I will also remove Juda from my presence, as I removed Israel, and will reject this city which I have chosen [even] Jerusalem, and the house [of] which I said, My name shall be there.
28 Torej preostala izmed Jošíjevih dejanj in vse, kar je storil, mar niso zapisana v kroniški knjigi Judovih kraljev?
And the rest of the acts of Josias, and all that he did, [are] not these things written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Juda?
29 V njegovih dneh je faraon Neho, egiptovski kralj, odšel gor zoper asirskega kralja, k reki Evfrat, in kralj Jošíja je odšel zoper njega, in ko ga je [faraon] zagledal ga je usmrtil pri Megídu.
And in his days went up Pharao Nechao king of Egypt against the king of the Assyrians to the river Euphrates: and Josias went out to meet him: and Nechao killed him in Mageddo when he saw him.
30 Njegovi služabniki so ga na bojnem vozu odnesli mrtvega od Megíde, ga prinesli v Jeruzalem in ga pokopali v njegovem lastnem mavzoleju. Ljudstvo dežele pa je vzelo Jošíjevega sina Joaháza, ga mazililo in ga postavilo [za] kralja namesto njegovega očeta.
And his servants carried him dead from Mageddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his sepulchre: and the people of the land took Joachaz the son of Josias, and anointed him, and made him king in the room of his father.
31 Joaház je bil star triindvajset let, ko je začel kraljevati, in v Jeruzalemu je kraljeval tri mesece. Ime njegove matere je bilo Hamutála, hči Jeremija iz Libne.
Twenty and three years old was Joachaz when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem: and his mother's name [was] Amital, daughter of Jeremias of Lobna.
32 Počel je to, kar je bilo zlo v Gospodovih očeh, glede na vse, kar so počeli njegovi očetje.
And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his fathers did.
33 Faraon Neho ga je vklenil v Ribli, v Hamovi deželi, da ne bi mogel kraljevati v Jeruzalemu in deželo je podvrgel davku stotih talentov srebra in talenta zlata.
And Pharao Nechao removed him to Rablaam in the land of Emath, so that he should not reign in Jerusalem; and imposed a tribute on the land, a hundred talents of silver, and a hundred talents of gold.
34 Faraon Neho je postavil Jošíjevega sina Eljakíma za kralja namesto njegovega očeta Jošíja in njegovo ime spremenil v Jojakím in odstranil Joaháza. Ta je prišel v Egipt in tam umrl.
And Pharao Nechao made Eliakim son of Josias king of Juda king over them in the place of his father Josias, and he changed his name [to] Joakim, and he took Joachaz and brought him to Egypt, and he died there.
35 Jojakím je dal faraonu srebro in zlato, toda obdavčil je deželo, da izroča denar glede na faraonovo zapoved. Od ljudstva dežele je zahteval srebro in zlato, od vsakogar glede na njegovo obdavčitev, da to izroči faraonu Nehu.
And Joakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharao; but he assessed the land to give the money at the command of Pharao: they gave the silver and the gold [each] man according to his assessment together with the people of the land to give to Pharao Nechao.
36 Jojakím je bil petindvajset let star, ko je začel kraljevati in v Jeruzalemu je kraljeval enajst let. Ime njegove matere je bilo Zebúda; hči Pedajája iz Rume.
Twenty-five years old [was] Joakim when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name [was] Jeldaph, daughter of Phadail of Ruma.
37 Počel je to, kar je bilo zlo v Gospodovih očeh, glede na vse, kar so počeli njegovi očetje.
And he did that which was evil in the eyes of the lord, according to all that his fathers had done.

< 2 Kralji 23 >