< 2 Korinčanom 7 >

1 Ker imamo torej te obljube, srčno ljubljeni, se očistimo pred vso umazanijo mesa in duha ter v strahu Božjem dovršujmo svetost.
Because then we have these promises, my beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all impurity of the flesh and of the spirit, and accomplish sanctification in the fear of Aloha.
2 Sprejmite nas; nikomur nismo storili krivice, nobenega človeka nismo pokvarili, nobenega človeka nismo ogoljufali.
Bear with us, my brethren; we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have injured no man.
3 Tega ne govorim, da vas obsodim, kajti prej sem rekel, da ste v naših srcih, da z vami umremo in živimo.
I speak not to your condemnation; for I have said already, that you are laid up in our hearts to die together and to live.
4 Velika je moja drznost govora do vas, veliko je moje ponašanje glede vas. Napolnjen sem s tolažbo, silno radosten v vsej naši stiski.
GREAT is the freedom I have with you, and great in you is my glorying; I am full of consolation, and my joy greatly aboundeth in me in all my afflictions.
5 Kajti ko smo prišli v Makedonijo, naše meso ni imelo počitka, temveč smo bili stiskani na vsaki strani; zunaj so bili boji, znotraj so bili strahovi.
When, also, we had come into Makedunia, no repose had we for our body, but in every thing were we afflicted; without fighting, and within, fear.
6 Kljub temu nas je Bog, ki tolaži te, ki so potrti, potolažil s Titovim prihodom;
But Aloha, who consoleth the humble, consoled us by the coming of Titos;
7 pa ne samo z njegovim prihodom, temveč s tolažbo, s katero je bil potolažen med vami, ko nam je pripovedoval vašo iskreno željo, vaše žalovanje, vaše goreče mišljenje do mene; tako, da sem se tem bolj veselil.
and not only by his coming, but also by his refreshment wherewith he had been refreshed among you. For he told us of your love toward us, and of your lamentation and your zeal on our behalf. And when I heard, my joy was great.
8 Kajti čeprav sem vas s pismom užalostil, se ne kesam, čeprav sem se kesal; kajti zaznavam, da vas je ista poslanica užalostila, čeprav je bilo to samo za nekaj časa.
For though I grieved you in an epistle, I repent me not, though I did repent. For I perceive how that epistle, though for an hour, did make you sorry;
9 Sedaj se veselim, ne da ste bili užaloščeni, temveč da ste [bili] užaloščeni do kesanja. Kajti užaloščeni ste bili na bogaboječ način, da od nas v ničemer ne bi prejeli škode.
but now I exercise joy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow hath brought you to repentance. For you were sorry towards Aloha; so that in nothing will you suffer loss from us.
10 Kajti bogaboječa žalost opravlja kesanje v rešitev duše, ki se je ne bomo kesali, toda svetna žalost ustvarja smrt.
For the sorrow that is for the sake of Aloha worketh soul-penitence, which turneth not and converteth, unto salvation; but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
11 Kajti glejte to točno isto stvar, da ste bili užaloščeni na bogaboječ način, kakšno skrbnost je to storilo v vas, da, kakšno čiščenje vas samih, da, kakšno ogorčenost, da, kakšen strah, da, kakšno silovito hrepenenje, da, kakšno gorečnost, da, kakšno maščevanje! V vseh stvareh ste sebe potrdili, da ste v tej zadevi čisti.
For, behold, (in) this very (case) that you were made contrite for the sake of Aloha; what carefulness it wrought in you, and vindication, and displeasure, and fear, and love, and zeal, and punishment! And by every thing have you shown yourselves to be pure in this matter.
12 Zatorej čeprav sem vam pisal, sem to storil ne zaradi razloga tistega, ki je storil krivico niti zaradi razloga tistega, ki je trpel krivico, temveč, da se vam lahko pokaže naša skrb za vas v Božjih očeh.
But, it was for this we wrote to you; not on account of the injurer, nor on account of the injured one, but that you may know before Aloha our carefulness over you.
13 Torej smo bili potolaženi v vaši tolažbi. Da in silno bolj smo se veselili zaradi Titovega veselja, ker je bil po vas vseh njegov duh okrepčan.
For this cause we were consoled, and with our consolation more abundantly did we rejoice in the joy of Titos; because his spirit had been refreshed with you all.
14 Kajti če sem se mu kakorkoli bahal z vami, nisem osramočen; temveč kakor smo vam govorili vse stvari v resnici, se je celó tako naše bahanje, ki sem ga storil pred Titom, izkazalo [za] resnično.
Because in whatever I had boasted to him concerning you, I have not been ashamed; but, as of every thing we had spoken truth with you, so also our boasting unto Titos hath been found in truth.
15 In njegova notranja strast je do vas obilnejša, medtem ko se spominja poslušnosti vas vseh, kako ste ga sprejeli s strahom in trepetanjem.
And his affection is greatly enlarged toward you, when he remembers your obedience; because with fear and with trembling you received him.
16 Veselim se torej, da imam v vas zaupanje v vseh stvareh.
I rejoice that in every thing I can confide in you.

< 2 Korinčanom 7 >