< 2 Kroniška 20 >

1 Po tem se je tudi pripetilo, da so Moábovi otroci, Amónovi otroci in z njimi drugi, poleg Amóncev, prišli zoper Józafata, da se vojskujejo.
Later [armies from] Moab and Ammon and some soldiers from [the] Meun [area in Edom] came [to fight] against Jehoshaphat’s [army].
2 Potem so prišli nekateri, ki so Józafatu rekli: »Velika množica prihaja zoper tebe, iz druge strani morja, na to stran Sirije. Glej, oni so v Hacecón Tamáru, ki je En Gedi.
Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, “A huge army is coming to attack your army. They are coming from [the] Edom [region], from the eastern side of the [Dead] Sea. They have already come to Hazazon-Tamar!” Another name for that place is En-Gedi.
3 Józafat se je zbal in se pripravil, da išče Gospoda in je po vsem Judu razglasil post.
Jehoshaphat became very afraid, so he decided to ask Yahweh [what he should do]. He also proclaimed that all [the people of] Judah should fast.
4 Juda se je zbral skupaj, da prosi pomoč od Gospoda. Celo iz vseh Judovih mest so prišli, da iščejo Gospoda.
The people of Judah gathered together to request Yahweh to help them. They came [to Jerusalem] from every town in Judah to seek help from Yahweh.
5 Józafat je stal v skupnosti Judovcev in Jeruzalemcev, v Gospodovi hiši, pred novim dvorom
Then Jehoshaphat stood up in front of the people of Judah in front of the new courtyard of the temple,
6 in rekel: »Oh Gospod, Bog naših očetov, ali nisi ti Bog v nebesih? In ali ne vladaš nad vsemi kraljestvi poganov? In ali ni v tvoji roki oblast in moč, tako da se ti nihče ne more zoperstaviti?
and he prayed this: “Yahweh, the God whom our ancestors belonged to, you are surely the God who [rules from] heaven. You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. You have great power, and no one can successfully oppose you.
7 Mar nisi ti naš Bog, ki si napodil prebivalce te dežele pred svojim ljudstvom Izraelom in jo daješ potomcem svojega prijatelja Abrahama na veke?
Our God, you expelled the people who lived in this land while your Israeli people advanced, and you certainly gave it to us who are descendants of your friend Abraham, to belong to us forever.
8 In oni prebivajo v njej in so ti v njej zgradili svetišče za tvoje ime, rekoč:
We have lived here and have built a temple where we, your people, worship you. We said,
9 ›Če zlo prihaja nad nas kakor meč, sodba ali kužna bolezen ali lakota, mi stojimo pred to hišo in v tvoji prisotnosti (kajti tvoje ime je v tej hiši) in kličemo k tebi v svoji stiski, potem boš slišal in pomagal.
'If we experience disasters, either from our enemies attacking us or from you punishing us, or if we experience a plague or a famine, we will stand in your presence in front of this temple that is built to honor you, and we will cry out to you when we are distressed/suffering, and you will hear us and will rescue us.'
10 In sedaj glej, Amónovi in Moábovi otroci in gorovje Seír, za katere nisi hotel, da jih Izraelci napadejo, ko so prišli iz egiptovske dežele, temveč so se obrnili od njih in jih niso uničili,
You would not allow our Israeli ancestors to enter the countries of Ammon and Moab and Edom when they were traveling from Egypt [to Canaan]. So our ancestors turned away from those areas and did not attack the people there and did not destroy them. But now they are coming here [to attack us].
11 glej pravim, kako so nas nagradili, da pridejo, da nas vržejo ven iz tvoje posesti, ki si nam jo ti dal, da jo podedujemo.
[We did not destroy them. But now] look at how they are repaying us by trying to expel us from the land that you gave to our ancestors to belong to them [and their descendants forever]
12 Oh naš Bog, mar jih ne boš sodil? Kajti nobene moči nimamo zoper to veliko skupino, ki prihaja zoper nas niti ne vemo, kaj storiti, temveč so naše oči na tebi.«
So, our God, please punish them, because we do not have enough power to resist/defeat this huge army that is coming to attack us. We do not know what to do. But we are pleading for you to help us.”
13 Ves Juda je stal pred Gospodom s svojimi malčki, svojimi ženami in svojimi otroki.
All the men of Judah and their wives and children and babies were standing there in the presence of Yahweh [while Jehoshaphat prayed].
14 Potem je nad Jahaziéla, sina Zeharjája, sina Benajája, sina Jeiéla, sina Matanjája, Lévijevca izmed Asáfovih sinov, prišel Duh od Gospoda v sredo skupnosti
Then the Spirit of Yahweh came upon Jahaziel, who was the son of Zechariah, who was the son of Benaiah, who was the son of Jeiel, who was the son of Mattaniah. He was a descendant of Levi and a descendant of Asaph. He stood up in front of the whole group that was gathered there,
15 in rekel je: »Prisluhnite, ves Juda in prebivalci Jeruzalema in ti, kralj Józafat: ›Tako vam govori Gospod: ›Ne bojte se niti ne bodite zaprepadeni zaradi te velike množice, kajti bitka ni vaša, temveč Božja.
and said, “King Jehoshaphat and all you who live in Jerusalem and in other places in Judah, listen! This is what Yahweh says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this huge army [that is coming to attack you], because it is not you who [will win] this battle. It is God [who will win it].
16 Jutri pojdite dol zoper njih. Glejte, prišli bodo pri pečini Cic in našli jih boste na koncu potoka, pred jeruélsko divjino.
Tomorrow march down toward them. They will be climbing up through Ziz Pass [north of En-Gedi]. You will meet them at the end of the gorge near the Jeruel Desert.
17 V tej bitki se vam ne bo treba bojevati. Razpostavite se, stojte mirno in glejte rešitev duš Gospoda z vami, oh Juda in Jeruzalem. Ne bojte se niti ne bodite zaprepadeni. Jutri pojdite ven zoper njih, kajti Gospod bo z vami.‹«
But you will not need to fight this battle. You soldiers from Jerusalem and other places in Judah, just take your positions, and then stand still and watch [what will happen]. You will see Yahweh rescue you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. March toward them tomorrow, and Yahweh will be with you.’”
18 Józafat je sklonil svojo glavo s svojim obrazom do tal in ves Juda in prebivalci Jeruzalema so padli pred Gospodom in oboževali Gospoda.
Jehoshaphat prostrated himself with his face touching the ground, and all the people of Jerusalem and other places in Judah [who were there] knelt down to worship Yahweh.
19 Lévijevci izmed otrok Kehátovcev in izmed Kórahovcev so vstali, da hvalijo Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga, s silno močnim glasom.
Then some descendants of Levi who were descendants of both Kohath and Korah stood up and loudly praised Yahweh, the God whom the Israelis [belonged to].
20 Zgodaj zjutraj so vstali ter odšli naprej v divjino Tekóe in ko so šli naprej se je Józafat ustavil in rekel: »Poslušajte me, oh Juda in vi, prebivalci Jeruzalema. Verjemite v Gospoda, svojega Boga, tako boste utrjeni; verjemite prerokom, tako boste uspeli.«
Early the next morning the army left to go to the desert near Tekoa [town]. While they were leaving, Jehoshaphat stood up and said to the people, “You people of Jerusalem and other places in Judah, listen to me! Trust in Yahweh our God; if you do that, you will be strong. Trust in [what] his prophets [have said]; if you do that, you will be successful.”
21 Ko se je posvetoval z ljudstvom, je določil pevce za Gospoda in ki naj bi hvalili lepoto svetosti, medtem ko bodo šli ven pred vojsko in govorili: »Hvalite Gospoda, kajti njegovo usmiljenje vztraja na veke.«
Then, after consulting with some of the people, he appointed some men to go in front of the army, singing to Yahweh and praising him because of his being holy and wonderful. They were singing, “Thank Yahweh, because he faithfully loves us forever.”
22 Ko so začeli peti in hvaliti, je Gospod pripravil zasede zoper otroke Amóna, Moába in gorovje Seír, ki so prišli zoper Juda; in bili so udarjeni.
When they began to sing and praise Yahweh, Yahweh caused the soldiers from Ammon and Moab and Edom who were invading Judah to panic, with the result that they were defeated.
23 Kajti otroci Amóna in Moába so se dvignili zoper prebivalce gorovja Seír, da jih popolnoma pobijejo in uničijo. In ko so prebivalcem Seíra storili konec, je vsakdo pomagal uničiti drugega.
The soldiers from Ammon and Moab started to fight against the soldiers from Edom, and they completely annihilated the soldiers from Edom. After they finished slaughtering the men from Edom, they started to attack each other.
24 Ko je Juda prišel proti stražnemu stolpu v divjini, so pogledali k množici in glej, bili so trupla, padla na zemljo in nihče ni pobegnil.
When the soldiers from Judah came to the place where they could look down over the desert, they looked toward that huge army [of their enemies], and they saw only corpses lying on the ground. No one had survived.
25 Ko je Józafat in njegovo ljudstvo prišlo, da od njih poberejo plen, so med njimi našli v obilju tako bogastev s trupli, kakor dragocene dragulje, ki so jih pobrali zase, več kakor so lahko nesli in tam so bili tri dni pri pobiranju plena, toliko ga je bilo.
So Jehoshaphat and his soldiers went to take the possessions of their enemies, and they saw that there was a lot of equipment and clothing and other valuable things; there was more than they could carry away. There were very many things, with the result that it took three days for them to collect it all.
26 Na četrti dan so se zbrali skupaj v dolini Berahá, kajti tam so blagoslovili Gospoda. Zato je bilo ime tega kraja imenovano dolina Berahá do današnjega dne.
The following day they gathered in Beracah Valley and praised Yahweh there. That is why that valley is still called Beracah, [which means praise.]
27 Potem so se vrnili, vsak človek iz Juda in Jeruzalema in Józafat na njihovem čelu, da gredo ponovno z radostjo v Jeruzalem, kajti Gospod jim je storil, da se veselijo nad svojimi sovražniki.
Then while Jehoshaphat led them, all the soldiers who were from Jerusalem and other places in Judah returned to Jerusalem. They were happy because Yahweh had enabled them to defeat their enemies.
28 V Jeruzalem so prišli s plunkami, harfami in trobentami h Gospodovi hiši.
When they arrived at Jerusalem, they went to the temple, [playing] harps and lutes and trumpets.
29 Božji strah je bil na vseh kraljestvih tistih dežel, ko so slišali, da se je Gospod boril zoper Izraelove sovražnike.
People in the kingdoms of the nearby countries became very afraid when they heard how Yahweh had fought against the enemies of the Israelis.
30 Tako je bilo Józafatovo kraljestvo mirno, kajti njegov Bog mu je naokoli dal počitek.
Then there was peace in the kingdom that was ruled by Jehoshaphat, because God had caused the surrounding nations not to attack it.
31 Józafat je kraljeval nad Judom. Petintrideset let je bil star, ko je začel kraljevati in v Jeruzalemu je kraljeval petindvajset let. Ime njegove matere je bilo Azúba, Šilhíjeva hči.
Jehoshaphat continued to rule Judah. He was 35 years old when he became king of Judah, and he ruled in Jerusalem for 25 years. His mother’s name was Azubah, the daughter of Shilhi.
32 Hodil je po poti svojega očeta Asája in se ni oddvojil od nje in delal je to, kar je bilo pravilno v Gospodovih očeh.
He did things that were pleasing to Yahweh, like his father Asa had done, and he did not stop doing those things.
33 Vendar visoki kraji niso bili odstranjeni, kajti do takrat ljudstvo svojih src še ni pripravilo k Bogu njihovih očetov.
But he did not get rid of the shrines on the hilltops, and many of the people still did not faithfully do what the God whom their ancestors belonged to wanted.
34 Torej preostala izmed Józafatovih dejanj, prva in zadnja, glej, ta so zapisana v knjigi Hananijevega sina Jehúja, ki je omenjen v knjigi Izraelovih kraljev.
A record of the other things that Jehoshaphat did while he ruled, from when he began to rule until he died, is in the scrolls written by [the prophet] Jehu, the son of Hanani. They are also in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel.
35 Potem je Judov kralj Józafat sebe pridružil Izraelovemu kralju Ahazjáju, ki je počel zelo zlobno.
During his reign, Jehoshaphat made a treaty with Ahaziah, the king of Israel, who was a very wicked king.
36 Pridružil se mu je, da izdelata ladje, da bi plule v Taršíš in ladje so izdelali v Ecjón Geberju.
They agreed that their workers would build a fleet of ships to use to buy and sell [things with other countries]. After those ships were built at Ezion-Geber [on the Gulf of Aqaba],
37 Potem je Dodavájev sin Eliézer iz Maréše prerokoval zoper Józafata, rekoč: »Ker si se pridružil Ahazjáju, je Gospod zlomil tvoja dela.« In ladje so bile razbite, da niso mogle pluti v Taršíš.
Eliezer the son of Dodavahu from Mareshah [city] warned Jehoshaphat. He said, “You have made an alliance with Ahaziah, [who is a wicked king]. Therefore, Yahweh will destroy the ships that your workers have made.” And the ships were wrecked, and were not able to sail to other countries.

< 2 Kroniška 20 >