< 2 Kroniška 15 >

1 Božji Duh je prišel nad Odédovega sina Azarjá.
And Azarias the son of Oded—upon him came the Spirit of the Lord,
2 Ta je odšel ven, da sreča Asája in mu rekel: »Prisluhni mi, Asá, ves Juda in Benjamin. Gospod je z vami, dokler ste vi z njim in če ga iščete, se vam bo dal najti, toda če ga zapustite, bo on zapustil vas.
and he went out to meet Asa, and all Juda and Benjamin, and said, Hear me, Asa, and all Juda and Benjamin. The Lord [is] with you, while you are with him; and if you seek him out, he will be found of you; but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.
3 Torej dolgo časa je bil Izrael brez resničnega Boga, brez duhovnika, ki bi učil in brez postave.
And Israel [has been] a long time without the true God, and without a priest to expound [the truth], and without the law.
4 Toda ko so se v svoji stiski obrnili h Gospodu, Izraelovemu Bogu in ga iskali, se jim je dal najti.
But he shall turn them to the Lord God of Israel, and he will be found of them.
5 V tistih časih ni bilo miru tistemu, ki je odšel ven niti tistemu, ki je vstopil, temveč so bile velike nevšečnosti nad vsemi prebivalci dežel.
And in that time there is no peace to one going out, or to one coming in, for the terror of the Lord is upon all that inhabit the lands.
6 Narod je bil uničen od naroda in mesto od mesta, kajti Bog jih je jezil z vsemi nadlogami.
And nation shall fight against nation, and city against city; for God has confounded them with every [kind of] affliction.
7 Bodite torej močni in vaše roke naj ne bodo šibke, kajti vaše delo bo nagrajeno.«
But be you strong, and let not your hands be weakened: for there is a reward for your work.
8 Ko je Asá slišal te besede in prerokbo preroka Odéda, se je opogumil in odstranil gnusne malike iz vse Judove in Benjaminove dežele in iz mest, ki jih je vzel z gore Efrájim in obnovil Gospodov oltar, ki je bil pred Gospodovim preddverjem.
And when [Asa] heard these words, and the prophesy of Adad the prophet, then he strengthened himself, and cast out the abominations from all the land of Juda and Benjamin, and from the cities which Jeroboam possessed, in mount Ephraim, and he renewed the altar of the Lord, which was before the temple of the Lord.
9 Zbral je ves Juda in Benjamin in z njimi tujce iz Efrájima, Manáseja in Simeona, kajti iz Izraela so se v obilju zatekali k njemu, ko so videli, da je bil Gospod, njegov Bog, z njim.
And he assembled Juda and Benjamin, and the strangers that lived with him, of Ephraim, and of Manasse, and of Symeon: for many of Israel were joined to him, when they saw that the Lord his God was with him.
10 Tako so se zbrali skupaj pri Jeruzalemu, v tretjem mesecu, v petnajstem letu Asájevega kraljevanja.
And they assembled at Jerusalem in the third month, in the fifteenth year of the reign of Asa.
11 Isti čas so darovali Gospodu od plena, ki so ga privedli, sedemsto volov in sedemsto ovc.
And he sacrificed to the Lord in that day of the spoils which they brought, seven hundred calves and seven thousand sheep.
12 Vstopili so v zavezo, da iščejo Gospoda, Boga svojih očetov, z vsem svojim srcem in z vso svojo dušo,
And he entered into a covenant that they should seek the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul.
13 da kdorkoli ne bi iskal Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga, bi bil usmrčen, bodisi majhen ali velik, moški ali ženska.
And that whoever should not seek the Lord God of Israel, should die, whether young or old, whether man or woman.
14 In prisegli so Gospodu z močnim glasom, vriskanjem, s trobentami in kornéti.
And they swore to the Lord with a loud voice, and with trumpets, and with cornets.
15 Ves Juda se je veselil ob prisegi, kajti prisegli so z vsem svojim srcem in ga iskali z vso svojo željo in on se jim je dal najti. In Gospod jim je dal počitek naokoli.
And all Juda rejoiced concerning the oath: for they swore with all their heart, and they sought him with all their desires; and he was found of them: and the Lord gave them rest round about.
16 Tudi glede Maáhe, matere kralja Asája, jo je ta odstranil, da bi bila kraljica, ker si je naredila malika v ašeri. Asá je posekal njenega malika, ga poteptal in ga zažgal pri potoku Kidron.
And he removed Maacha his mother from being priestess to Astarte; and he cut down the idol, and burnt it in the brook of Kedron.
17 Toda visoki kraji niso bili odvzeti iz Izraela. Kljub temu je bilo Asájevo srce vse njegove dni popolno.
Nevertheless they removed not the high places: they still existed in Israel: nevertheless the heart of Asa was perfect all his days.
18 V Božjo hišo je prinesel stvari, ki jih je njegov oče posvetil in te, ki jih je sam posvetil: srebro, zlato in posode.
And he brought in the holy things of David his father, and the holy things of the house of God, silver, and gold, and vessels.
19 In nobene vojne ni bilo več do petintridesetega leta Asájevega kraljevanja.
And there was no war [waged] with him until the thirty-fifth year of the reign of Asa.

< 2 Kroniška 15 >