< 1 Timoteju 4 >
1 Duh torej izrecno govori, da bodo v poznejših časih nekateri odšli od vere in dajali pozornost zapeljivim duhovom in hudičevim naukom;
However, the Spirit very clearly explains that in the last times some will abandon their trust in God, and will listen to deceptive spirits and beliefs that come from demons.
2 v hinavščini govoreč laži; ki imajo svojo vest ožgano z vročim železom;
These hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared,
3 prepovedovali bodo poročanje in zapovedovali vzdržati se jedi, ki jih je Bog ustvaril, da bi bile sprejete z zahvaljevanjem teh, ki verujejo in poznajo resnico.
tell people to not marry and not to eat certain foods made by God that should be accepted with thanks by those who trust and know the truth.
4 Kajti vsako Božje bitje je dobro in nič naj ne bo odklonjeno, če je to sprejeto z zahvaljevanjem,
Everything created by God is good, and nothing should be rejected but should be received with thanks,
5 kajti posvečeno je z Božjo besedo in molitvijo.
since it is made sacred by the word of God and by prayer.
6 Če brate spominjaš na te stvari, boš dober služabnik Jezusa Kristusa, hranjen z besedami vere in zdravega nauka, ki si mu sledil.
If you point out these things to the brothers and sisters you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus. You gain strength by trusting in the truth, and in the good teaching you've followed.
7 Toda zavrni bajke oskrunjenih in starih žensk ter se raje uri v bogaboječnosti.
Reject what is irreligious, and old wives' tales. Make sure your exercise is spiritual—
8 Kajti telesno urjenje malo koristi, toda bogaboječnost je koristna za vse stvari, ki ima obljubo življenja, ki je sedaj in tega, ki pride.
for while physical exercise is useful to some extent, spiritual exercise is much more useful. For “it has promise for the present life, and for the life to come.”
9 To je zvest izrek in vreden popolnega sprejetja.
You can trust this saying that should be accepted by everyone.
10 Kajti zato se tako trudimo, kakor prenašamo grajo, ker zaupamo v živega Boga, ki je Odrešenik vseh ljudi, zlasti teh, ki verujejo.
The reason we work and do the best we can is because our hope is in the living God. He is the Savior of all people, especially of those who trust in him.
11 Te stvari zapoveduj in uči.
This is what you should teach. Tell everyone to follow your instructions.
12 Ne dopusti, da kdorkoli prezira tvojo mladost; temveč bodi zgled vernikom v besedi, vedênju, v ljubezni, v duhu, v veri, v čistosti.
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. Be an example to those who trust in God—in the way you speak, the kind of life you live, in love, in trust, and in purity.
13 Dokler ne pridem, daj pozornost branju, spodbujanju [in] nauku.
Until I get there, make sure you read the Scriptures to the church, and encourage them by your speaking and teaching.
14 Ne zanemarjaj daru, ki je v tebi, ki ti je bil dan po prerokbi, s polaganjem rok zbora starešin.
Don't neglect the gracious gift you have that was given to you by prophetic inspiration when the church elders laid their hands on you.
15 Premišljuj o teh stvareh; v celoti se jim izroči; da bo tvoj napredek lahko viden vsem.
Think carefully about these things, and dedicate yourself completely to them so that everyone can see the progress you're making.
16 Pazi nase in na nauk; nadaljuj v njih, kajti s takšnim ravnanjem boš rešil tako sebe kakor tudi tiste, ki te poslušajo.
Mind what you're doing and what you're teaching. Keep going with all of this, because as you do so you'll save both yourself and those who listen to you.