< 1 Tesaloničanom 5 >

1 Toda o časih in obdobjih, bratje, ni potrebno, da vam pišem.
But concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need that anything be written to you.
2 Kajti vi sami prav dobro veste, da dan Gospodov prihaja tako, kakor tat ponoči.
For you yourselves know well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night.
3 Kajti ko bodo govorili: »Mir in varnost, « tedaj nenadoma pride nadnje uničenje, kakor porodne muke na žensko z otrokom; in ne bodo ubežali.
Now when they are saying, "Peace and safety," then sudden destruction will come on them, like birth pains on a pregnant woman; and they will in no way escape.
4 Toda vi, bratje, niste v temi, da vas tisti dan preseneti kakor tat.
But you, brothers, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief.
5 Vi vsi ste otroci svetlobe in otroci dneva. Nismo od noči niti od teme.
You are all sons of light, and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night, nor to darkness,
6 Zatorej ne spimo, kakor počno drugi, temveč čujmo in bodimo trezni.
so then let us not sleep, as the rest do, but let us watch and be sober.
7 Kajti tisti, ki spijo, spijo ponoči; in tisti, ki se opijajo, so pijani ponoči.
For those who sleep, sleep in the night, and those who are drunk are drunk in the night.
8 Toda mi, ki smo od dneva, bodimo trezni, nadenimo si prsni oklep vere in ljubezni in za čelado upanje rešitve duše.
But let us, since we belong to the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and, for a helmet, the hope of salvation.
9 Kajti Bog nas ni določil za bes, temveč da dosežemo rešitev duše po našem Gospodu Jezusu Kristusu,
For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Yeshua the Messiah,
10 ki je umrl za nas, da bodisi smo budni ali spimo, naj bi živeli skupaj z njim.
who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.
11 Zato se skupaj tolažite in izgrajujte drug drugega, kakor tudi počnete.
Therefore exhort one another, and build each other up, even as you also do.
12 In rotimo vas bratje, da spoznate te, ki se med vami trudijo in so nad vami v Gospodu ter vas opominjajo,
But we ask you, brothers, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you,
13 in da jih zaradi njihovega dela zelo visoko spoštujte v ljubezni. In bodite v miru med seboj.
and to respect and honor them in love for their work's sake. Be at peace among yourselves.
14 Torej vas spodbujamo, bratje, posvarite te, ki so nepodrejeni, tolažite malodušne, podpirajte slabotne, bodite potrpežljivi do vseh ljudi.
We exhort you, brothers, admonish the disorderly, encourage the fainthearted, support the weak, be patient toward all.
15 Glejte, da nihče nobenemu človeku ne vrača zla za zlo, temveč vedno sledite temu, kar je dobro, tako med seboj kakor do vseh ljudi.
See that no one returns evil for evil to anyone, but always seek what is good both for each other and for all.
16 Neprenehoma se veselite.
Rejoice always.
17 Molíte brez prenehanja.
Pray without ceasing.
18 V vsaki stvari se zahvaljujte, kajti to je Božja volja v Kristusu Jezusu glede vas.
In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Messiah Yeshua toward you.
19 Ne gasite Duha.
Do not quench the Ruach.
20 Ne prezirajte prerokovanj.
Do not treat prophecies with contempt,
21 Preizkušajte vse stvari; trdno držite to, kar je dobro.
but test all things; hold firmly that which is good.
22 Vzdržite se vsega videza zla.
Abstain from every form of evil.
23 In sam Bog miru naj vas popolnoma posveti; in prosim Boga, da bodo vaš celoten duh in duša in telo ohranjeni neomadeževani do prihoda našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa.
May the God of peace himself sanctify you completely. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah.
24 Zvest je on, ki vas kliče, ki bo to tudi storil.
He who calls you is faithful, who will also do it.
25 Bratje, molíte za nas.
Brothers, pray for us also.
26 Pozdravite vse brate s svetim poljubom.
Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss.
27 Po Gospodu vam naročam, da bo ta poslanica prebrana vsem svetim bratom.
I solemnly command you by the Lord that this letter be read to all the holy brothers.
28 Milost našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa bodi z vami. Amen. [Prva poslanica Tesaloníčanom je bila napisana iz Aten.]
The grace of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah be with you.

< 1 Tesaloničanom 5 >