< 1 Samuel 29 >
1 Filistejci so torej vse svoje vojske zbrali skupaj k Aféku, Izraelci pa so se utaborili pri studencu, ki je v Jezreélu.
And the Philistines gather all their armies to Aphec, and Israel encamped in Aendor, which is in Jezrael.
2 Knezi izmed Filistejcev so šli mimo po stotnijah in po tisočnijah, toda David in njegovi možje so šli mimo v zadnji straži z Ahíšem.
And the lords of the Philistines went on by hundreds and thousands, and David and his men went on in the rear with Anchus.
3 Potem so princi Filistejcev rekli: »Kaj počnejo tukaj ti Hebrejci?« Ahíš je rekel princem Filistejcev: » Ali ni to David, služabnik Savla, Izraelovega kralja, ki je bil z menoj te dni ali ta leta in v njem nisem našel nobenega madeža, odkar je pripadel k meni, do tega dne?«
And the lords of the Philistines said, Who [are] these that pass by? And Anchus said to the captains of the Philistines, [Is] not this David the servant of Saul king of Israel? He has been with us some time, even this second year, and I have not found any fault in him from the day that he attached himself to me even until this day.
4 Filistejski princi pa so bili ogorčeni nad njim in filistejski princi so mu rekli: »Primoraj tega pajdaša, da se vrne, da bo lahko ponovno šel na svoj kraj, ki si mu ga določil in naj ne gre z nami dol v bitko, da nam v bitki ne bi bil nasprotnik, kajti s čim se bo prikupil svojemu gospodarju? Ali naj to ne bi bilo z glavami teh ljudi?«
And the captains of the Philistines were displeased at him, and they say to him, Send the man away, and let him return to his place, where you did set him; and let him not come with us to the war, and let him not be a traitor in the camp: and wherewith will he be reconciled to his master? Will it not be with the heads of those men?
5 Ali ni to David, o katerem so druga drugi pele v plesih, rekoč: »Savel je usmrtil svoje tisoče, David pa svoje deset tisoče?«
[Is] not this David whom they celebrated in dances, saying, Saul has struck his thousands, and David his ten thousands?
6 Potem je Ahíš poklical Davida in mu rekel: »Zagotovo, kakor Gospod živi, si bil pošten in tvoje odhajanje in tvoje prihajanje z menoj v vojsko je dobro v mojem pogledu, kajti nisem našel zla v tebi od dneva tvojega prihoda k meni, do tega dne, pa vendar ti knezi niso naklonjeni.
And Anchus called David, and said to him, [As] the Lord lives, you [are] right and approved in my eyes, and [so is] your going out and your coming in with me in the army, and I have not found [any] evil to charge against you from the day that you came to me until this day: but you are not approved in the eyes of the lords.
7 Zato se sedaj vrni in pojdi v miru, da ne razžališ filistejskih knezov.«
Now then return and go in peace, thus you shall not do evil in the sight of the lords of the Philistines.
8 David je rekel Ahíšu: »Toda kaj sem storil? Kaj si našel na svojem služabniku, dokler sem bil s teboj, do tega dne, da se ne smem iti bojevat zoper sovražnike svojega gospoda kralja?«
And David said to Anchus, What have I done to you? and what have you found in your servant from the [first] day that I was before you even until this day, that I should not come and war against the enemies of the lord my king?
9 Ahíš je odgovoril in Davidu rekel: »Vem, da si dober v mojih očeh, kakor Božji angel. Vendar so princi Filistejcev rekli: ›Ta ne bo šel z nami gor v bitko.‹
And Anchus answered David, I know that you [are] good in my eyes, but the lords of the Philistines say, He shall not come with us to the war.
10 Zato sedaj vstani zgodaj zjutraj s služabniki svojega gospoda, ki so prišli s teboj in takoj, ko boste zgodaj zjutraj pokonci in imeli svetlobo, odidite.«
Now then rise up early in the morning, you and the servants of your lord that are come with you, and go to the place where I appointed you, and entertain no evil thought in your heart, for you [are] good in my sight: and rise early for your journey when it is light, and depart.
11 Tako so David in njegovi možje zgodaj zjutraj vstali, da odrinejo, da se vrnejo v deželo Filistejcev. Filistejci pa so šli gor k Jezreélu.
So David arose early, he and his men, to depart and guard the land of the Philistines: and the Philistines went up to Jezrael to battle.