< 1 Samuel 23 >

1 Potem so povedali Davidu, rekoč: »Glej, Filistejci se bojujejo zoper Keílo in ropajo mlatišča.«
Then told they David, saying, —Lo! the Philistines are fighting against Keilah, and they are plundering the threshing-floors.
2 Zato je David poizvedel od Gospoda, rekoč: »Ali naj grem in udarim te Filistejce?« Gospod je rekel Davidu: »Pojdi in udari Filistejce in reši Keílo.«
So David enquired of Yahweh, saying, Shall I go and smite these Philistines? And Yahweh said unto David—Go, and smite the Philistines, and save Keilah.
3 Davidovi ljudje so mu rekli: »Glej, bojimo se tukaj v Judu. Koliko bolj potem, če pridemo v Keílo zoper vojske Filistejcev?«
But the men of David said unto him, Lo! we, here, in Judah, are afraid, —how much more, then, if we go to Keilah, against the ranks of the Philistines?
4 Potem je David ponovno poizvedel od Gospoda. In Gospod mu je odgovoril ter rekel: »Vstani, pojdi dol v Keílo, kajti jaz bom Filistejce izročil v tvojo roko.«
So David yet again enquired if Yahweh, and Yahweh answered him, —and said—Arise, go down to Keilah, for I am about to deliver the Philistines into thy hand.
5 Tako so David in njegovi ljudje odšli v Keílo in se borili s Filistejci in odvedli njihovo živino in jih udarili z velikim pokolom. Tako je David rešil prebivalce Keíle.
David therefore went, with his men, to Keilah, and fought with the Philistines, and drave forth their cattle, and smote them, with a great smiting, so David saved the inhabitants of Keilah.
6 Pripetilo se je, ko je Ahimélehov sin Abjatár pobegnil k Davidu v Keílo, da je ta prišel dol z efódom v svoji roki.
Now it came to pass, when Abiathar, son of Ahimelech, fled unto David to Keilah, that he came down with, an ephod, in his hand.
7 Savlu je bilo povedano to, da je David prišel v Keílo. Savel je rekel: »Bog ga je izročil v mojo roko, kajti z vstopom v mesto, ki ima velika vrata in zapahe, je zaprt noter.«
And, when it was told Saul that David had entered Keilah, Saul said—God hath given him over into my hand, for he hath shut himself in by entering into a city with folding doors and bar.
8 Savel je vse ljudstvo sklical skupaj k vojni, da gredo dol v Keílo, da oblegajo Davida in njegove može.
So Saul summoned all the people to war, —to go down to Keilah, to besiege David, and his men.
9 David pa je vedel, da je Savel zoper njega skrivno izvajal vragolijo in duhovniku Abjatárju je rekel: »Prinesi sèm efód.«
And David ascertained that, against him, Saul was contriving mischief, —so he said unto Abiathar the priest, Bring hither the ephod.
10 Potem je David rekel: »Oh Gospod, Izraelov Bog, tvoj služabnik je zagotovo slišal, da Savel išče, da bi prišel v Keílo, da zaradi mene uniči mesto.
Then said David: O Yahweh, God of Israel, thy servant, hath heard, that Saul is seeking to come unto Keilah, —to destroy the city, for my sake:
11 Ali me bodo možje iz Keíle izročili v njegovo roko? Ali bo Savel prišel dol, kakor je tvoj služabnik slišal? Oh Gospod, Izraelov Bog, rotim te, povej svojemu služabniku.« Gospod je rekel: »Prišel bo dol.«
Will the owners of Keilah surrender me into his hand? Will Saul come down, as thy servant hath heard? O Yahweh, God of Israel, I pray thee, tell thy servant. And Yahweh said—He will come down.
12 Potem je David rekel: »Ali bodo možje iz Keíle izročili mene in moje ljudi v Savlovo roko?« Gospod je rekel: »Izročili te bodo.«
Then said David, Will the owners of Keilah surrender me and my men, into the hand of Saul? And Yahweh said—They will surrender.
13 Potem so David in njegovi možje, ki jih je bilo okoli šeststo, vstali in odrinili iz Keíle in odšli, kamor so lahko šli. To je bilo povedano Savlu, da je David pobegnil iz Keíle in ta je opustil, da gre naprej.
Then arose David and his men, about six hundred, and went forth out of Keilah, and went to and fro, whithersoever they could, —and, unto Saul, it was told that David had escaped out of Keilah, so he forbare to go forth.
14 David je prebival v divjini, v oporiščih in ostal na gori, v divjini Zif. Savel ga je vsak dan iskal, toda Bog ga ni izročil v njegovo roko.
Then David abode in the wilderness, in the fortresses, and he abode in the hill country, in the wilderness of Ziph. And Saul sought him continually, but God delivered him not into his hand.
15 David je videl, da je Savel prišel ven, da bi stregel po njegovem življenju in David je bil v Zifski divjini, v gozdu.
Then David saw that Saul had come out to seek his life, David, being in the wilderness of Ziph, in the thicket.
16 Savlov sin Jonatan je vstal in odšel k Davidu v gozd in okrepil njegovo roko v Bogu.
So Jonathan, Saul’s son, arose and went unto David in the thicket, —and strengthened his hand in God;
17 Rekel mu je: »Ne boj se, kajti roka mojega očeta Savla te ne bo našla. Ti boš kralj nad Izraelom in jaz bom poleg tebe in to tudi moj oče Savel ve.«
and said unto him, —Do not fear, for the hand of Saul my father shall not find thee, but, thou, shalt become king over Israel, and, I, shall be, next, unto thee, yea and, Saul my father, knoweth this.
18 Onadva sta sklenila zavezo pred Gospodom in David je ostal v gozdu, Jonatan pa je odšel k svoji hiši.
And they two solemnised a covenant before Yahweh, —and David remained in the thicket, but, Jonathan, departed to his own house.
19 Potem so prišli gor Zífovci k Savlu v Gíbeo, rekoč: »Ali se ne skriva David z nami v oporiščih v gozdu, na hribu Hahíla, ki je na jugu Ješimona?
Then came up the Ziphites unto Saul in Gibeah, saying, —Is not David hiding himself with us, in the strongholds in the thicket, in the hill of Hachilah, which is on the right of Jeshimon?
20 Zdaj torej, oh kralj, pridi dol glede na vso željo svoje duše, da prideš dol in naš del bo, da ga izročimo v kraljevo roko.«
Now, therefore, according to all the desire of thy soul O king, to come down, come! and, ours, [will it be] to surrender him into the hand of the king.
21 Savel je rekel: »Blagoslovljeni bodite od Gospoda, kajti do mene imate sočutje.
Then said Saul, Blessed, be ye, of Yahweh, —because ye have taken pity upon me.
22 Pojdite, prosim vas, še pripravite in spoznajte in poglejte na njegov kraj, kjer je njegovo shajališče in kdo ga je videl tam, kajti povedano mi je, da postopa zelo premeteno.
Go, I pray you, make ready yet further, and get to know and see his place, where may be his track, who hath seen him there, —for it hath been said unto me, Cunning indeed, is, he!
23 Glejte torej in vzemite spoznanje o vseh skrivnih krajih, kjer se sam skriva in ponovno pridite k meni z gotovostjo in jaz bom šel z vami in zgodilo se bo, če bo v deželi, da ga bom poiskal med vsemi Judovimi tisočimi.«
See, then, and get to know—of all the hiding places, where he hideth himself, and return unto me, for certainty, then will I go with you, —and it shall be, if he is in the land, that I will search him out, through all the thousands of Judah.
24 Vstali so in pred Savlom odšli v Zif, toda David in njegovi ljudje so bili v Maónski divjini, na ravnini, južno od Ješimona.
So they arose and departed to Ziph, before Saul, —but, David and his men, were in the wilderness of Maon, in the Arabah, to the right of Jeshimon.
25 Tudi Savel in njegovi ljudje so odšli, da ga iščejo. Davidu so povedali, zato je prišel dol v skalo in ostal v Maónski divjini. Ko je Savel to slišal, je zasledoval Davida v Maónski divjini.
Then Saul and his men departed, to seek [him]; but it had been told David, and he had gone down the cliff, and taken up his abode in the wilderness of Maon, —and when Saul had, heard it, he pursued David in the wilderness of Maon.
26 Savel je šel po tej strani gore, David in njegovi ljudje pa po oni strani gore. David se je podvizal, da odide zaradi strahu pred Savlom, kajti Savel in njegovi ljudje so obkolili Davida in njegove može okrog in okrog, da jih zgrabijo.
And Saul went on this side of the mountain, and, David and his men, on that side of the mountain, —wherefore David became hurried, to get away from the presence of Saul, but, Saul and his men, were surrounding David and his men, to capture then:
27 Toda k Savlu je prišel poslanec, rekoč: »Pohiti in pridi, kajti Filistejci so vdrli v deželo.«
when, a messenger, came unto Saul, saying, —Haste thee and come! for the Philistines have spread over the land.
28 Zato se je Savel vrnil od zasledovanja za Davidom in odšel zoper Filistejce. Zato so ta kraj imenovali Sela-hamah-lekot.
Then returned Saul from pursuing David, and departed to meet the Philistines, —for which cause, they called that place Sela-hammahlekoth ["the Cliff of Separation"].
29 David se je dvignil od tam in prebival v oporiščih pri En Gediju.
And David went up from thence, —and abode in the strongholds of En-gedi.

< 1 Samuel 23 >