< 1 Samuel 19 >
1 Savel je spregovoril svojemu sinu Jonatanu in vsem svojim služabnikom, da naj ubijejo Davida.
And Saul speaks to his son Jonathan, and to all his servants, to put David to death,
2 Toda Savlov sin Jonatan se je zelo veselil v Davidu, in Jonatan je povedal Davidu, rekoč: »Moj oče Savel si prizadeva, da te ubije. Sedaj torej, prosim te, pazi nase do jutra in ostani na skritem mestu in se skrij,
and Jonathan son of Saul delighted in David exceedingly, and Jonathan declares [it] to David, saying, “My father Saul is seeking to put you to death, and now, please take heed in the morning, and you have abided in a secret place and been hidden,
3 jaz pa bom šel ven in stal poleg svojega očeta na polju, kjer si ti in se bom s svojim očetom posvetoval o tebi in kar vidim, to ti bom povedal.«
and I go out, and have stood by the side of my father in the field where you [are], and I speak of you to my father, and have seen what [is coming], and have declared [it] to you.”
4 Jonatan je svojemu očetu Savlu govoril dobro o Davidu in mu rekel: »Naj kralj ne greši zoper svojega služabnika, zoper Davida, ker on ni grešil zoper tebe in ker so bila njegova dela do tebe zelo dobra,
And Jonathan speaks good of David to his father Saul and says to him, “Do not let the king sin against his servant, against David, because he has not sinned against you, and because his works [are] very good for you;
5 kajti ali ni svojega življenja položil v svojo roko in usmrtil Filistejca in je Gospod izvršil veliko rešitev duš za ves Izrael. Ti si to videl in si se veselil. Zakaj potem hočeš grešiti zoper nedolžno kri, da bi Davida ubil brez razloga?«
indeed, he puts his life in his hand, and strikes the Philistine, and YHWH works a great salvation for all Israel; you have seen, and rejoice, and why do you sin against innocent blood, to put David to death for nothing?”
6 Savel je prisluhnil Jonatanovemu glasu in Savel je prisegel: » Kakor živi Gospod, on ne bo umorjen.«
And Saul listens to the voice of Jonathan, and Saul swears, “YHWH lives—he does not die.”
7 Jonatan je poklical Davida in Jonatan mu je pokazal vse te stvari. Jonatan je Davida privedel k Savlu in bil je v njegovi prisotnosti, kakor v preteklih časih.
And Jonathan calls for David, and Jonathan declares all these words to him, and Jonathan brings in David to Saul, and he is before him as before.
8 Tam je bila ponovno vojna in David je odšel ven in se boril s Filistejci in jih usmrtil z velikim pokolom in oni so zbežali od njega.
And there adds to be war, and David goes out and fights against the Philistines, and strikes among them [with] a great striking, and they flee from his face.
9 Zli duh od Gospoda je bil nad Savlom, ko je sedel v svoji hiši, s svojim kopjem v svoji roki in David je igral s svojo roko.
And a spirit of sadness [from] YHWH is to Saul, and he is sitting in his house, and his javelin [is] in his hand, and David is playing with the hand,
10 Savel si je prizadeval, da s kopjem udari Davida, celo k zidu, toda ta se je izmuznil iz Savlove prisotnosti in kopje je zapičil v zid, David pa je zbežal in tisto noč pobegnil.
and Saul seeks to strike with the javelin through David, and through the wall, and he frees himself from the presence of Saul, and he strikes the javelin through the wall; and David has fled and escapes during that night.
11 Savel je tudi k Davidovi hiši poslal poslance, da ga stražijo in da ga zjutraj ubijejo. In Davidova žena Mihála mu je povedala, rekoč: »Če nocoj ne rešiš svojega življenja, boš jutri umorjen.«
And Saul sends messengers to the house of David to watch him, and to put him to death in the morning; and his wife Michal declares [it] to David, saying, “If you are not delivering your life tonight—tomorrow you are put to death.”
12 Tako je Mihála Davida spustila navzdol skozi okno in odšel je, bežal ter pobegnil.
And Michal causes David to go down through the window, and he goes on, and flees, and escapes;
13 Mihála pa je vzela kip in ga položila na posteljo in za njegov vzglavnik položila blazino iz kozje dlake in to pokrila z obleko.
and Michal takes the teraphim, and lays [it] on the bed, and she has put the mattress of goats’ [hair for] his pillows, and covers [it] with a garment.
14 Ko je Savel poslal poslance, da primejo Davida, je rekla: »Bolan je.«
And Saul sends messengers to take David, and she says, “He [is] sick.”
15 Savel je ponovno poslal poslance, da vidijo Davida, rekoč: »Privedite ga gor k meni v postelji, da ga bom lahko ubil.«
And Saul sends the messengers to see David, saying, “Bring him up in the bed to me in order to put him to death.”
16 Ko so poslanci vstopili, glej, je bil v postelji kip, z blazino iz kozje dlake za njegov vzglavnik.
And the messengers come in, and behold, the teraphim [are] on the bed, and the mattress of goats’ [hair for] his pillows.
17 Savel je rekel Miháli: »Zakaj si me tako zavedla in mojega sovražnika poslala proč, da je pobegnil?« Mihála je Savlu odgovorila: »Rekel mi je: ›Pusti me oditi; čemu bi te ubil?‹«
And Saul says to Michal, “Why have you thus deceived me—that you send my enemy away, and he escapes?” And Michal says to Saul, “He said to me, Send me away. Why do I put you to death?”
18 Tako je David bežal, pobegnil in prišel k Samuelu v Ramo ter mu povedal vse, kar mu je Savel storil. In on in Samuel sta odšla ter prebivala v Najótu.
And David has fled, and escapes, and comes to Samuel at Ramath, and declares to him all that Saul has done to him, and he goes, he and Samuel, and they dwell in Naioth.
19 To je bilo povedano Savlu, rekoč, poglej: »David je pri Najótu v Rami.«
And it is declared to Saul, saying, “Behold, David [is] in Naioth in Ramah.”
20 Savel je poslal poslance, da primejo Davida. Ko pa so ti zagledali skupino prerokov, ki je prerokovala in Samuela stati kot določenega nad njimi, je bil Božji Duh nad Savlovimi poslanci in tudi oni so prerokovali.
And Saul sends messengers to take David, and they see the assembly of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing, set over them, and the Spirit of God is on Saul’s messengers, and they prophesy—they also.
21 Ko je bilo to povedano Savlu, je poslal druge poslance in tudi ti so prerokovali. In Savel je ponovno, tretjič, poslal poslance in tudi ti so prerokovali.
And they declare [it] to Saul, and he sends other messengers, and they prophesy—they also; and Saul adds and sends messengers a third time, and they prophesy—they also.
22 Potem je tudi sam odšel v Ramo in prišel k velikemu vodnjaku, ki je v Sehuju. Vprašal je in rekel: »Kje sta Samuel in David?« Nekdo je rekel: »Glej, onadva sta pri Najótu v Rami.«
And he goes—he also—to Ramath, and comes to the great well which [is] in Sechu, and asks and says, “Where [are] Samuel and David?” And [one] says, “Behold, in Naioth in Ramah.”
23 In odšel je tja k Najótu v Ramo in Božji Duh je bil tudi nad njim in šel je naprej in prerokoval, dokler ni prišel k Najótu v Ramo.
And he goes there—to Naioth in Ramah, and the Spirit of God is on him also; and he goes, going on, and he prophesies until his coming to Naioth in Ramah,
24 Tudi on je slekel svoja oblačila in na podoben način prerokoval pred Samuelom in ves ta dan in vso noč ležal gol. Zato pravijo: » Ali je tudi Savel med preroki?«
and he strips off—he also—his garments, and prophesies—he also—before Samuel, and falls down naked all that day and all the night; therefore they say, “Is Saul also among the prophets?”