< 1 Kralji 1 >
1 Torej kralj David je bil zelo star in zvrhan v letih in pokrivali so ga z oblačili, toda ni se mogel ogreti.
And king David [was] old and advanced in days, and they covered him with clothes, and he was not warmed.
2 Zato so mu njegovi služabniki rekli: »Naj bo za mojega gospoda kralja poiskana mlada devica in naj ta stoji pred kraljem in naj ga neguje in naj leži v tvojem naročju, da se moj gospod kralj lahko ogreje.«
And his servants said, Let them seek for the king a young virgin, and she shall wait on the king, and cherish him, and lie with him, and my lord the king shall be warmed.
3 Tako so po vseh Izraelovih pokrajinah iskali za lepo gospodično in našli Šunémko Abišágo in jo privedli h kralju.
So they sought for a fair damsel out of all the coasts of Israel; and they found Abisag the Somanite, and they brought her to the king.
4 Gospodična je bila zelo lepa, negovala je kralja in mu služila, toda kralj je ni spoznal.
And the damsel was extremely beautiful, and she cherished the king, and ministered to him, but the king knew her not.
5 Potem se je Hagítin sin Adoníja povišal, rekoč: »Jaz bom kralj, « in si pripravil bojne vozove, konjenike in petdeset mož, da tečejo pred njim.
And Adonias the son of Aggith exalted himself, saying, I will be king; and he prepared for himself chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him.
6 Njegov oče pa ga nikoli ni razžalil v tem, da bi rekel: »Čemu si tako storil?« In ta je bil tudi zelo čeden mož in njegova mati ga je rodila za Absalomom.
And his father never at any time checked him, saying, Why have you done [thus]? and he was also very handsome in appearance, and his mother bore him after Abessalom.
7 Ta se je posvetoval s Cerújinim sinom Joábom in z duhovnikom Abjatárjem in sledeč Adoníju sta mu pomagala.
And he conferred with Joab the son of Saruia, and with Abiathar the priest, and they followed after Adonias.
8 Toda duhovnik Cadók, Jojadájev sin Benajá, prerok Natán, Šimí, Reí in mogočni možje, ki so pripadali Davidu, niso bili z Adoníjem.
But Sadoc the priest, and Banaeas the son of Jodae, and Nathan the prophet, and Semei, and Resi, and the mighty men of David, did not follow Adonias.
9 Adoníja je pri kamnu Zohélet, ki je pri En Rogelu, zaklal ovce, vole in pitano živino ter poklical vse svoje brate, kraljeve sinove in vse Judove ljudi, kraljeve služabnike,
And Adonias sacrificed sheep and calves and lambs by the stone of Zoelethi, which was near Rogel: and he called all his brethren, and all the adult [men] of Juda, servants of the king.
10 toda preroka Natána, Benajá, mogočnih mož in svojega brata Salomona ni poklical.
But Nathan the prophet, and Banaeas, and the mighty [men], and Solomon his brother, he did not call.
11 Zato je Natán spregovoril Salomonovi materi Batšébi, rekoč: »Mar nisi slišala, da Hagítin sin Adoníja kraljuje, naš gospod David pa tega ne ve?
And Nathan spoke to Bersabee the mother of Solomon, saying, Hast you not heard that Adonias the son of Aggith reigns, and our lord David knows it not?
12 Zdaj torej pridi, prosim te, naj ti dam nasvet, da boš lahko rešila svoje lastno življenje in življenje svojega sina Salomona.
And now come, let me, I pray, give you counsel, and you shall rescue your life, and the life of your son Solomon.
13 Pojdi in vstopi h kralju Davidu ter mu reci: ›Mar nisi ti, moj gospod, oh kralj, prisegel pri svoji pomočnici, rekoč: ›Zagotovo bo tvoj sin Salomon kraljeval za menoj in bo sedel na mojem prestolu? Zakaj potem kraljuje Adoníja?‹‹
Haste, and go in to king David, and you shall speak to him, saying, Hast not you, my lord, O king, sworn to your handmaid, saying, Your son Solomon shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne? why then does Adonias reign?
14 Glej, medtem ko boš še tam govorila s kraljem, bom tudi jaz vstopil za teboj in potrdil tvoje besede.«
And behold, while you are still speaking there with the king, I also will come in after you, and will confirm your words.
15 Batšéba je odšla h kralju v sobo. Kralj pa je bil zelo star in Šunémka Abišága je služila kralju.
So Bersabee went in to the king into the chamber: and the king was very old, and Abisag the Somanite was ministering to the king.
16 Batšéba se je upognila in se globoko priklonila. Kralj je rekel: »Kaj želiš?«
And Bersabee bowed, and did obeisance to the king; and the king said, What is your request?
17 Rekla mu je: »Moj gospod, pri Gospodu, svojem Bogu, si prisegel svoji pomočnici, rekoč: ›Tvoj sin Salomon bo zagotovo kraljeval za menoj in bo sedel na mojem prestolu.‹
And she said, My lord, you did swear by the Lord your God to your handmaid, saying, Your son Solomon shall reign after me, and shall sit upon my throne.
18 Sedaj glej, kraljuje Adoníja in sedaj, moj gospod kralj, ti tega ne veš, [namreč]
And now, behold, Adonias reigns, and you, my lord, O king, know [it] not.
19 zaklal je vole, pitano živino in ovc v obilju ter sklical vse kraljeve sinove, duhovnika Abjatárja in poveljnika vojske Joába, toda tvojega služabnika Salomona ni poklical.
And he has sacrificed calves and lambs and sheep in abundance, and has called all the king's sons, and Abiathar the priest and Joab the commander-in-chief of the host; but Solomon your servant he has not called.
20 Ti pa, moj gospod, oh kralj, oči celotnega Izraela so na tebi, da bi jim ti povedal, kdo bo sedel na prestolu mojega gospoda kralja za njim.
And you, my lord, O king, —the eyes of all Israel [are] upon you, to tell them who shall sit upon the throne of my lord the king after him.
21 Sicer se bo zgodilo, ko bo moj gospod kralj zaspal s svojimi očeti, da bova jaz in moj sin Salomon šteta [za] prestopnika.«
And it shall come to pass, when my lord the king shall sleep with his fathers, that I and Solomon my son shall be offenders.
22 Glej, medtem ko je še govorila s kraljem, je vstopil tudi prerok Natán.
And behold, while she was yet talking with the king, Nathan the prophet came. And it was reported to the king,
23 Kralju so povedali, rekoč: »Glej, prerok Natán.« Ko je ta vstopil pred kralja, se je pred kraljem upognil s svojim obrazom do tal.
Behold, Nathan the prophet [is here]: and he came in to the king's presence, and did obeisance to the king with his face to the ground.
24 Natán je rekel: »Moj gospod, oh kralj, ali si rekel: ›Adoníja bo kraljeval za menoj in on bo sedel na mojem prestolu?‹
And Nathan said, My lord, O king, did you say, Adonias shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne?
25 Kajti ta dan je odšel dol in v obilju zaklal vole, rejeno živino in ovce ter sklical vse kraljeve sinove, poveljnike vojske in duhovnika Abjatárja; in glej, jedo in pijejo pred njim ter govorijo: ›Živel kralj Adoníja.‹
For he has gone down today, and has sacrificed calves and lambs and sheep in abundance, and has called all the king's sons, and the chiefs of the army, and Abiathar the priest; and, behold, they are eating and drinking before him, and they said, [Long] live king Adonias.
26 Toda mene, celó mene, tvojega služabnika, duhovnika Cadóka, Jojadájevega sina Benajá in tvojega služabnika Salomona ni poklical.
But he has not invited me your servant, and Sadoc the priest, and Banaeas the son of Jodae, and Solomon your servant.
27 Ali je ta stvar storjena s strani mojega gospoda kralja in je nisi pokazal svojemu služabniku, kdo naj bi sedel na prestolu mojega gospoda kralja za njim?«
Has this matter happened by the authority of my lord the king, and have you not made known to your servant who shall sit upon the throne of my lord the king after him?
28 Potem je kralj David odgovoril in rekel: »Pokličite mi Batšébo.« Prišla je v kraljevo prisotnost in obstala pred kraljem.
And king David answered and said, Call me Bersabee: and she came in before the king, and stood before him.
29 Kralj je prisegel in rekel: » Kakor Gospod živi, ki je mojo dušo odkupil iz vse tesnobe,
And the king swore, and said, [As] the Lord lives who redeemed my soul out of all affliction,
30 celo kakor sem ti prisegel pri Gospodu, Izraelovem Bogu, rekoč: ›Zagotovo bo tvoj sin Salomon kraljeval za menoj in on bo namesto mene sedel na mojem prestolu, celo tako bom zagotovo storil ta dan.‹«
as I swore to you by the Lord God of Israel, saying, Solomon your son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne in my stead, so will I do this day.
31 Potem se je Batšéba s svojim obrazom pripognila do zemlje, počastila kralja in rekla: »Naj moj gospod kralj David živi na veke.«
And Bersabee bowed with her face to the ground, and did obeisance to the king, and said, Let my lord king David live for ever.
32 Kralj David je rekel: »Pokliči mi duhovnika Cadóka, preroka Natána in Jojadájevega sina Benajá.« In prišli so pred kralja.
And king David said, Call me Sadoc the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Banaeas the son of Jodae: and they came in before the king.
33 Kralj jim je tudi rekel: »S seboj vzemite služabnike svojega gospoda in naredite, da moj sin Salomon jezdi na moji lastni muli in ga privedite dol do Gihona.
And the king said to them, Take the servants of your lord with you, and mount my son Solomon upon my own mule, and bring him down to Gion.
34 Duhovnik Cadók in prerok Natán naj ga tam mazilita za kralja nad Izraelom in zatrobite s šofarjem ter recite: ›Živel kralj Salomon.‹
And there let Sadoc the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him to be king over Israel, and do you sound the trumpet, and you shall say, Let king Solomon live.
35 Potem boste za njim prišli gor, da bo lahko prišel in sedel na moj prestol, kajti on bo kralj namesto mene. Določil sem ga, da bo vladar nad Izraelom in nad Judom.«
And he shall sit upon my throne, and reign in my stead: and I have given charge that he should be for a prince over Israel and Juda.
36 Jojadájev sin Benajá je kralju odgovoril in rekel: »Amen. Tudi Gospod, Bog mojega gospoda kralja, tako pravi.
And Banaeas the son of Jodae answered the king and said, So let it be: may the Lord God of my lord the king confirm [it].
37 Kakor je bil Gospod z mojim gospodom kraljem, celo tako naj bo s Salomonom in njegov prestol naj naredi večjega od mojega gospoda, kralja Davida.«
As the Lord was with my lord the king, so let him be with Solomon, and let him exalt his throne beyond the throne of my lord king David.
38 Tako so duhovnik Cadók, prerok Natán in Jojadájev sin Benajá, Keretéjci in Péletovci odšli dol in dali Salomonu, da je jahal na muli kralja Davida in ga privedli h Gihonu.
And Sadoc the priest went down, and Nathan the prophet, and Banaeas son of Jodae, and the Cherethite, and the Phelethite, and they mounted Solomon upon the mule of king David, and led him away to Gion.
39 Duhovnik Cadók je iz šotorskega svetišča vzel rog olja in mazilil Salomona. Zatrobili so na šofar in vse ljudstvo je reklo: »Živel kralj Salomon.«
And Sadoc the priest took the horn of oil out of the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon, and blew the trumpet; and all the people said, Let king Solomon live.
40 Vse ljudstvo je prišlo za njim gor in ljudstvo je piskalo s piščalmi in se razveseljevalo z veliko radostjo, tako da se je zemlja od njihovega glasu trgala.
And all the people went up after him, and they danced in choirs, and rejoiced with great joy, and the earth quaked with their voice.
41 Adoníja in vsi gostje, ki so bili z njim, ko so to slišali, so nehali jesti. Ko je Joáb zaslišal zvok šofarja, je rekel: »Čemu je ta hrup iz mesta, [kot bi bila] vstaja?«
And Adonias and all his guests heard, and they had [just] left off eating: and Joab heard the sound of the trumpet, and said, What [means] the voice of the city in tumult?
42 Medtem ko je še govoril, glej, je prišel Jonatan, sin duhovnika Abjatárja in Adoníja mu je rekel: »Vstopi, kajti hraber mož si in prinašaš dobre novice.«
While he was yet speaking, behold, Jonathan the son of Abiathar the priest came in: and Adonias said, Come in, for you are a mighty man, and [you come] to bring glad tidings.
43 Jonatan je odgovoril in Adoníju rekel: »Resnično, naš gospod, kralj David, je Salomona postavil za kralja.
And Jonathan answered and said, Verily our lord king David has made Solomon king:
44 In kralj je z njim poslal duhovnika Cadóka, preroka Natána, Jojadájevega sina Benajá, Keretéjce in Péletovce in dali so mu, da je jahal na kraljevi muli.
and the king has sent with him Sadoc the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Banaeas the son of Jodae, and the Cherethite, and the Phelethite, and they have mounted him on the king's mule;
45 Duhovnik Cadók in prerok Natán sta ga mazilila za kralja pri Gihonu in od tam so prišli gor, veseleč se, tako da je mesto ponovno odzvanjalo. To je hrup, ki ste ga slišali.
and Sadoc the priest and Nathan the prophet have anointed him in Gion, and have gone up thence rejoicing, and the city resounded: this [is] the sound which you have heard.
46 In Salomon tudi sedi na prestolu kraljestva.
And Solomon is seated upon the throne of the kingdom.
47 Še več, kraljevi služabniki so prišli, da blagoslovijo našega gospoda, kralja Davida, rekoč: ›Bog naj Salomonovo ime naredi boljše od tvojega imena in naj njegov prestol naredi večji kakor tvoj prestol.‹ In kralj se je na postelji globoko priklonil.
And the servants of the king have gone in to bless our lord king David, saying, God make the name of Solomon better than your name, and make his throne greater than your throne; and the king worshipped upon his bed.
48 Tudi tako je kralj rekel: ›Blagoslovljen bodi Gospod, Izraelov Bog, ki je danes dal nekomu sedeti na mojem prestolu in moje oči celo to vidijo.‹«
Moreover thus said the king, Blessed [be] the Lord God of Israel, who has this day appointed one of my seed sitting on my throne, and my eyes see it.
49 Vsi gostje, ki so bili z Adoníjem, so bili prestrašeni in vzdignili so se ter odšli, vsak mož svojo pot.
And all the guests of Adonias were dismayed, and every man went his way.
50 Adoníja pa se je bal zaradi Salomona, se vzdignil, odšel in se oprijel oltarnih rogov.
And Adonias feared because of Solomon, and arose, and departed, and laid hold on the horns of the altar.
51 To je bilo povedano Salomonu, rekoč: »Glej, Adoníja se boji kralja Salomona, kajti glej, oprijel se je oltarnih rogov, rekoč: ›Naj mi ta dan kralj Salomon priseže, da svojega služabnika ne bo usmrtil z mečem.‹«
And it was reported to Solomon, saying, Behold, Adonias fears king Solomon, and holds the horns of the altar, saying, Let Solomon swear to me this day, that he will not kill his servant with the sword.
52 Salomon je rekel: »Če se bo izkazal vrednega moža, ne bo niti las od njega padel na zemljo, toda če bo v njem najdena zlobnost, bo umrl.«
And Solomon said, If he should be a valiant man, there shall not a hair of his fall to the ground; but if evil be found in him, he shall die.
53 Tako je kralj Salomon poslal in privedli so ga dol od oltarja. In prišel je ter se priklonil kralju Salomonu in Salomon mu je rekel: »Pojdi k svoji hiši.«
And king Solomon sent, and they brought him away from the altar; and he went in and did obeisance to king Solomon: and Solomon said to him, Go to your house.