< 1 Kralji 18 >
1 Po mnogih dneh se je pripetilo, da je Gospodova beseda prišla k Eliju v tretjem letu, rekoč: »Pojdi, pokaži se Ahábu in jaz bom na zemljo poslal dež.«
Sometime later, during the third year, a message from the Lord came to Elijah: “Go and appear before Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.”
2 Elija je odšel, da se pokaže Ahábu. Tam v Samariji pa je bila huda lakota.
So Elijah went to appear before Ahab. In the meantime the famine had become severe in Samaria.
3 Aháb je poklical Obadjá, ki je bil voditelj njegove hiše. (Torej Obadjá se je silno bal Gospoda.
Ahab summoned Obadiah, the manager of his palace (Obadiah was a very sincere believer in the Lord.
4 Kajti to je bilo tako, ko je Jezabela iztrebila Gospodove preroke, da je Obadjá vzel sto prerokov in jih po petdeset skril v votlino in jih hranil s kruhom in vodo.)
While Jezebel was busy killing the Lord's prophets, Obadiah had taken one hundred prophets and hidden them, fifty in each of two caves, and had provided them with food and water.)
5 Aháb je rekel Obadjáju: »Pojdi v deželo, k vodnim studencem in k vsem potokom. Morda bomo lahko našli travo, da rešimo konje in mule žive, da ne izgubimo vseh živali.«
Ahab told Obadiah, “Go throughout the country and check all the springs and valleys. Perhaps we can find some grass to keep the horses and mules alive so we will not lose any of the animals.”
6 Tako sta si razdelila deželo, da gresta skoznjo. Aháb je sam odšel eno pot, Obadjá pa je odšel drugo pot.
So they divided the land between them. Ahab went in one direction, and Obadiah the other.
7 Ko je bil Obadjá na poti, glej, ga je srečal Elija. Ta ga je spoznal in padel na svoj obraz ter rekel: » Ali si ti, moj gospod Elija?«
As Obadiah went on his way, Elijah came to meet him. Obadiah recognized him, bowed down to the ground, and said, “Is it you, my lord Elijah?”
8 Odgovoril mu je: »Jaz sem. Pojdi, povej svojemu gospodarju: ›Glej, Elija je tukaj.‹«
“It's me,” Elijah replied. “Go and tell your master, ‘Elijah is here.’”
9 Rekel je: »Kaj sem grešil, da hočeš svojega služabnika izročiti v Ahábovo roko, da me ubije?
“How have I sinned that you are handing me, your servant, over to Ahab to be killed?
10 Kakor živi Gospod, tvoj Bog, ni ne naroda ne kraljestva, kamor moj gospodar ni poslal, da te poiščejo. In ko so rekli: › Njega ni tukaj, ‹ je od kraljestva in naroda vzel prisego, da te niso našli.
As the Lord your God lives, there's no nation or kingdom where my master hasn't sent someone to search for you. When a nation or kingdom said you weren't there, he made them swear that they couldn't find you.
11 In sedaj praviš: ›Pojdi, povej svojemu gospodarju: ›Glej, Elija je tukaj.‹‹
And now you're telling me to go to my master and announce, ‘Elijah is here!’
12 Takoj, ko odidem od tebe, se bo zgodilo, da te bo Gospodov Duh odnesel ne vem kam. Ko pridem in povem Ahábu in te ne bo mogel najti, bo tako, da me bo ubil. Vendar se jaz, tvoj služabnik, od svoje mladosti bojim Gospoda.
I have no idea where the Spirit of the Lord will take you after I leave you. If I go and tell Ahab and then he can't find you, he's going to kill me, even though I, your servant, have worshiped the Lord since I was young.
13 Mar ni bilo povedano mojemu gospodu kaj sem storil, ko je Jezabela usmrtila Gospodove preroke, kako sem skril sto mož, Gospodovih prerokov, po petdeset v votlino in jih hranil s kruhom in vodo?
Didn't you hear, my lord, what I did when Jezebel was busy killing the Lord's prophets? I hid a hundred of the Lord's prophets, fifty in each of two caves, and provided them with food and water.
14 Sedaj pa praviš: ›Pojdi, povej svojemu gospodarju: ›Glej, Elija je tukaj ‹ in me bo ubil.«
And now you're telling me to go to my master and announce, ‘Elijah is here.’ He's going to kill me!”
15 Elija je rekel: » Kakor živi Gospod nad bojevniki, pred katerim stojim, se mu bom danes zagotovo pokazal.«
Elijah replied, “As the Lord Almighty lives, the one I serve, I will definitely appear before Ahab today.”
16 Tako je Obadjá odšel, da sreča Ahába in povedal mu je. Aháb je odšel, da sreča Elija.
So Obadiah went to meet Ahab and told him, and Ahab went to meet Elijah.
17 Pripetilo se je, ko je Aháb zagledal Elija, da mu je Aháb rekel: » Si ti ta, ki nadleguje Izraela?«
When Ahab saw Elijah, he said to him, “Is that you—you who are causing trouble for Israel?”
18 In ta je odgovoril: »Nisem jaz nadlegoval Izraela, temveč ti in hiša tvojega očeta v tem, da ste zapustili Gospodove zapovedi, ti pa si sledil Báalom.
“I'm not causing trouble for Israel,” Elijah replied. “It's you and your father's family! You have rejected the Lord's commands and are worshiping the Baals.
19 Zdaj torej pošlji in zberi k meni ves Izrael na goro Karmel in štiristo petdeset Báalovih prerokov in štiristo Ašerinih prerokov, ki jedo za Jezabelino mizo.«
Now call together all of Israel and meet me on Mount Carmel, along with the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who are supported by Jezebel.”
20 Tako je Aháb poslal k vsem Izraelovim otrokom in preroke skupaj zbral h gori Karmel.
So Ahab summoned all of Israel and also gathered the prophets on Mount Carmel.
21 Elija je prišel k vsemu ljudstvu in rekel: »Doklej omahujete med dvema možnostma? Če Gospod je Bog, sledite njemu, toda če je Báal, potem sledite njemu.« Ljudstvo pa mu ni odgovorilo niti besede.
Elijah approached the people and asked them, “How long will you hobble along, hesitating between two opposite beliefs? If the Lord is God, then follow him. But if Baal is God, then follow him.” But the people gave o answer.
22 Potem je Elija rekel ljudstvu: »Jaz, celó samo jaz sem ostal Gospodov prerok, toda Báalovih prerokov je štiristo petdeset mož.
Then Elijah told them, “I am the only one left of the Lord's prophets—just me alone—but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets.
23 Naj nam torej dajo dva bikca in naj si enega bikca izberejo zase, ga razrežejo na koščke in ga položijo na les in pod njim ne podtaknejo ognja, jaz pa bom pripravil drugega bikca in ga položil na les in pod njim ne podtaknem ognja.
Provide us with two bulls. Let the prophets of Baal choose for themselves the one they want, and have them cut it into pieces and place it on the firewood. But don't set fire to it. I will prepare the other bull and place it on the firewood but I won't set fire to it.
24 Kličite k imenu svojih bogov, jaz pa bom klical h Gospodovemu imenu. Bog, ki odgovarja z ognjem, naj bo on Bog.« Vse ljudstvo je odgovorilo in reklo: »To je dobro rečeno.«
Then you call on your god by name, and I will call on the Lord by name. The god who replies by sending fire—he is God.” Then all the people said, “We agree to what you say.”
25 Elija je Báalovim prerokom rekel: »Izberite si enega bikca zase in tega pripravite najprej, kajti vas je mnogo, in kličite ime svojih bogov, toda spodaj ne podnetite ognja.«
Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, “You choose one of the bulls and prepare it first, because there are so many of you. Call on your god by name, but don't light the fire.”
26 Vzeli so bikca, ki jim je bil dan in ga pripravili in od jutra do poldneva klicali k Báalovemu imenu, rekoč: »Oh Báal, usliši nas.« Toda ni bilo nobenega glasu niti nikogar, da bi odgovoril. In poskakovali so na oltarju, ki je bil narejen.
So they took the bull provided and prepared it. Then they called on Baal by name from morning until noon. “Baal, answer us!” they pleaded. But no voice was heard, no one answered. They hobbled in a dance around the altar they had made.
27 Pripetilo se je opoldan, da jih je Elija zasmehoval in rekel: »Glasno vpijte, kajti on je bog; ali klepeta ali zalezuje ali je na potovanju ali morda spi in mora biti prebujen.«
At noon Elijah began to mock them. “Shout really loud!” he said. “Isn't he meant to be a god? Maybe he's meditating, or he's gone to the bathroom, or he's away on a trip! Maybe he's asleep and has to be woken up!”
28 Glasno so vpili in se po svoji navadi rezali z noži in nožiči, dokler ni po njih lila kri.
They shouted even louder and cut themselves with swords and spears until they bled. This was their usual way of worshiping.
29 Pripetilo se je, ko je sredina dneva minila in so prerokovali do časa darovanja večerne daritve, da tam ni bilo, niti glasu niti odgovora, niti nikogar, ki bi upošteval.
Noon came and went, and they went on with their manic “prophesying” until the time of the evening sacrifice. But no voice was heard, no one answered, no one was listening.
30 Elija je rekel vsemu ljudstvu: »Pridite bliže k meni.« In vse ljudstvo je prišlo bliže k njemu. Popravil je Gospodov oltar, ki je bil razrušen.
Then Elijah told everyone, “Come over here to me.” They went over to him, and he repaired the altar of the Lord that had been torn down.
31 Elija je vzel dvanajst kamnov, glede na število rodov Jakobovih sinov, ki mu je prišla Gospodova beseda, rekoč: »Izrael bo tvoje ime.«
Elijah took twelve stones to represent the tribes of the sons of Jacob. (Jacob was the one who received the Lord's message that said, “Israel shall be your name.”)
32 S kamni je v Gospodovem imenu zgradil oltar, in okoli oltarja naredil jarek, tako velik, da bi lahko vseboval dve meri semen.
With the stones he built an altar in the Lord's name. He dug a ditch around it that could hold two seahs of seed.
33 Les je postavil v red in bikca razsekal na koščke, ga položil na les in rekel: »Napolnite štiri sodčke z vodo in jih izlijte na žgalno daritev in na les.«
He put the wood in place, cut the bull into pieces, and laid it on the wood. Then he told them, “Fill up four large jars with water and pour it over the offering and the wood.”
34 Rekel je: » To storite drugič.« In to so storili drugič. Rekel je: » To storite tretjič.« In to so storili tretjič.
“Do it again,” he said. So they did. “Do it for a third time,” he said. So they did it for the third time.
35 Voda je tekla naokoli oltarja in tudi jarek je napolnil z vodo.
The water ran down all over the altar and even filled the ditch.
36 Ob času darovanja večerne daritve se je pripetilo, da se je približal prerok Elija in rekel: » Gospod, Bog Abrahama, Izaka in Izraela, naj bo to znano ta dan, da si ti Bog v Izraelu in da sem jaz tvoj služabnik in da sem vse te stvari storil na tvojo besedo.
At the time of the evening sacrifice, the prophet Elijah went over to the altar and prayed: “Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, demonstrate today that you are God in Israel, that I am your servant, and that everything I have done has been at your command.
37 Prisluhni mi, oh Gospod, prisluhni mi, da bo to ljudstvo lahko vedelo, da si ti Gospod Bog in da si ti njihova srca ponovno obrnil nazaj.«
Answer me, Lord! Answer me, so that these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are bringing them back to you.”
38 Potem je padel Gospodov ogenj in použil žgalno daritev, les, kamne, prah in polizal vodo, ki je bila v jarku.
Then the fire of the Lord came down and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, and the soil—it even licked up the water in the ditch!
39 Ko je vse ljudstvo to videlo, so padli na svoje obraze in rekli: » Gospod, on je Bog; Gospod, on je Bog.«
When all the people saw this, they fell face down on the ground and shouted, “The Lord, he is God! The Lord, he is God!”
40 Elija jim je rekel: »Primite Báalove preroke, naj nobeden izmed njih ne pobegne.« Prijeli so jih in Elija jih je odvedel dol k potoku Kišónu in jih tam usmrtil.
Then Elijah ordered them, “Grab hold of the prophets of Baal. Don't let any escape!” They grabbed them, and Elijah brought them down to the Kishon Valley and killed them there.
41 Elija je rekel Ahábu: »Vstani, jej in pij, kajti tam je zvok obilja dežja.«
Elijah told Ahab, “Go and eat and drink, for I hear the sound of a heavy rain coming.”
42 Tako je Aháb odšel gor, da jé in da pije. Elija pa je odšel gor, na vrh Karmela in se vrgel dol na zemljo in svoj obraz dal med svoja kolena
So Ahab went to eat and drink, but Elijah went to the top of Carmel. There he bent down to the ground, putting his face between his knees.
43 in svojemu služabniku rekel: »Pojdi sedaj gor, glej proti morju.« In ta je odšel gor, pogledal in rekel: » Tam ni nič.« Rekel je: »Pojdi ponovno, sedemkrat.«
“Go and look toward the sea,” he told his servant. The man went and looked. “There's nothing there,” he said. Seven times Elijah told him, “Go and look again.”
44 Pripetilo se je sedmič, da je rekel: »Glej, tam vstaja iz morja majhen oblak, podoben človeški roki.« Rekel je: »Pojdi gor in reci Ahábu: ›Pripravi svoj bojni voz in se spusti dol, da te ne ustavi dež.‹«
The seventh time the servant came back and said, “I saw a small cloud the size of a man's hand coming up from the sea.” So Elijah said, “Run to Ahab and tell him, ‘Get your chariot ready and go down before the rain stops you.’”
45 V vmesnem času se je pripetilo, da je bilo nebo črno z oblaki in vetrom in tam je bil velik dež. Aháb je jahal in šel v Jezreél.
Very quickly the sky grew dark with clouds, the wind blew, heavy rain started falling, and Ahab rode down to Jezreel.
46 Gospodova roka pa je bila na Eliju. Opasal je svoja ledja in pred Ahábom tekel k vhodu v Jezreél.
The Lord gave his power to Elijah—he tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel.