< 1 Kralji 16 >

1 Potem je Gospodova beseda prišla Hananíjevemu sinu Jehúju zoper Bašája, rekoč:
The word of Yahweh came to Jehu son of Hanani against Baasha, saying,
2 »Ker kakor sem te povišal iz prahu in te naredil princa nad mojim ljudstvom Izraelom in si hodil po Jerobeámovi poti in primoral moje ljudstvo Izraela, da greši, da me z njihovimi grehi dražiš do jeze,
“Although I exalted you out of the dust and made you leader over my people Israel, you have walked in the way of Jeroboam and have made my people Israel to sin, so as to provoke me to anger with their sins.
3 glej, bom odvzel potomstvo Bašája in potomstvo njegove hiše in tvojo hišo bom naredil podobno hiši Nebátovega sina Jerobeáma.
See, I will completely sweep away Baasha and his family and I will make your family like the family of Jeroboam son of Nebat.
4 Tistega, ki od Bašája umre v mestu, bo jedel pes, tistega pa, ki od njegovih umre na poljih, bo žrla perjad neba.«
The dogs will eat anyone belonging to Baasha who dies in the city, and the birds of the sky will eat anyone who dies in the fields.”
5 Torej preostala izmed Bašájevih del in vse, kar je storil in njegova moč, mar niso zapisana v kroniški knjigi Izraelovih kraljev?
As for the other matters concerning Baasha, what he did, and his might, are they not written in the book of the events of the kings of Israel?
6 Tako je Bašá zaspal s svojimi očeti in je bil pokopan v Tirci. Namesto njega je zakraljeval njegov sin Elá.
Baasha slept with his ancestors and was buried in Tirzah, and Elah his son became king in his place.
7 Prav tako je po roki Hananíjevega sina Jehúja prišla Gospodova beseda zoper Bašája in zoper njegovo hišo, celo za vse zlo, ki ga je storil v Gospodovih očeh, v draženju do jeze z deli njegovih rok, ker je bil podoben Jerobeámovi hiši in ker ga je ubil.
So by the prophet Jehu son of Hanani the word of Yahweh came against Baasha and his family, both because of all the evil that he did in the sight of Yahweh, so as to provoke him to anger with the work of his hands, like the family of Jeroboam, and also because he had killed all of Jeroboam's family.
8 V šestindvajsetem letu Judovega kralja Asája, je nad Izraelom v Tirci [za] dve leti začel kraljevati Bašájev sin Elá.
In the twenty-sixth year of Asa king of Judah, Elah son of Baasha began to reign over Israel in Tirzah; he reigned two years.
9 Njegov služabnik Zimrí, poveljnik polovice njegovih bojnih vozov, se je zoper njega zarotil, medtem ko je bil ta v Tirci in se do pijanosti napil v hiši Arcája, oskrbnika njegove hiše v Tirci.
His servant Zimri, captain of half his chariots, conspired against him. Now Elah was in Tirzah, drinking himself drunk in the house of Arza, who was over the household in Tirzah.
10 Zimrí je vstopil, ga udaril in ubil v sedemindvajsetem letu Judovega kralja Asája in zakraljeval namesto njega.
Zimri went in, attacked him and killed him, in the twenty-seventh year of Asa king of Judah, and became king in his place.
11 Ko je začel kraljevati, se je pripetilo, da je takoj, ko je sedel na svoj prestol, usmrtil vso Bašájevo hišo. Ni mu pustil niti enega, ki lula proti zidu niti od njegove žlahte niti od njegovih prijateljev.
When Zimri began to reign and was seated on his throne, he killed all the family of Baasha. He did not leave alive a single male belonging to Baasha's relatives or friends.
12 Tako je Zimrí uničil vso Bašájevo hišo glede na Gospodovo besedo, ki jo je govoril zoper Bašája po preroku Jehúju,
So Zimri destroyed all the family of Baasha, according to the word of Yahweh which he spoke against Baasha by Jehu the prophet,
13 zaradi vseh Bašájevih grehov in grehov njegovega sina Elája, s katerimi sta grešila in s katerimi sta Izraela pripravila, da greši v draženju Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga, do jeze s svojimi ničevostmi.
for all the sins of Baasha and the sins of Elah his son that they committed, and by which they had led Israel to sin, so that they provoked Yahweh, the God of Israel, to anger with their idols.
14 Torej preostala izmed Elájevih dejanj in vse, kar je storil, mar niso zapisana v kroniški knjigi Izraelovih kraljev?
As for the other matters concerning Elah, all that he did, are they not written in the book of the events of the kings of Israel?
15 V sedemindvajsetem letu Judovega kralja Asája je Zimrí sedem dni kraljeval v Tirci. Ljudstvo pa je bilo utaborjeno zoper Gibetón, ki je pripadal Filistejcem.
In the twenty-seventh year of Asa king of Judah, Zimri reigned only for seven days in Tirzah. Now the army was camped by Gibbethon, which belonged to the Philistines.
16 Ljudstvo, ki je bilo utaborjeno, je slišalo reči: »Zimrí je koval zaroto in tudi umoril kralja.« Zato je ves Izrael ta dan v taboru postavil Omrija, poveljnika vojske, [za] kralja nad Izraelom.
The army camped there heard it said, “Zimri has plotted and has killed the king.” So that day in the camp, all Israel declared Omri, the commander of the army, king over Israel.
17 Omri se je dvignil iz Gibetóna in ves Izrael z njim in oblegali so Tirco.
Omri went up from Gibbethon and all Israel with him, and they besieged Tirzah.
18 Pripetilo se je, ko je Zimrí videl, da je bilo mesto zavzeto, da je odšel v palačo kraljeve hiše in kraljevo hišo nad seboj zažgal z ognjem in umrl
So when Zimri saw that the city had been taken, he went into the fortress attached to the king's palace and set fire to the building over him; in this way he died in the flames.
19 zaradi svojih grehov, ki jih je zagrešil v početju zla v Gospodovih očeh, s hojo po Jerobeámovi poti in v svojem grehu, ki ga je storil, da je Izraela pripravil, da greši.
This was for the sins that he had committed in doing what was evil in the sight of Yahweh, by walking in the way of Jeroboam and in the sin that he had committed, so as to lead Israel to sin.
20 Torej preostala izmed Zimríjevih del in njegova izdaja, ki jo je storil, mar niso zapisana v kroniški knjigi Izraelovih kraljev?
As for the other matters concerning Zimri, and the treason that he carried out, are they not written in the book of the events of the kings of Israel?
21 Potem je bilo Izraelovo ljudstvo razdeljeno na dva dela. Polovica ljudstva je sledila Ginátovemu sinu Tibníju, da ga postavi za kralja, polovica pa je sledila Omriju.
Then the people of Israel were divided into two parts. Half of the people followed Tibni son of Ginath, to make him king, and half followed Omri.
22 Toda ljudstvo, ki je sledilo Omriju, je prevladalo zoper ljudstvo, ki je sledilo Ginátovemu sinu Tibníju. Tako je Tibní umrl, Omri pa zakraljeval.
But the people who followed Omri were stronger than the people who followed Tibni son of Ginath. So Tibni died, and Omri became king.
23 V enaintridesetem letu Judovega kralja Asája je nad Izraelom začel kraljevati Omri, dvanajst let. Šest let je kraljeval v Tirci.
Omri began to reign over Israel in the thirty-first year of Asa king of Judah, and he reigned twelve years. He reigned from Tirzah for six years.
24 Od Šemerja je za dvajset talentov srebra kupil hrib Samarijo in gradil na hribu in ime mesta, ki ga je zgradil, je poimenoval Samarija, po Šemerjevemu imenu, lastniku hriba.
He bought the hill of Samaria from Shemer for two talents of silver. He built a city on the hill and called the name of the city Samaria, after the name of Shemer, the past owner of the hill.
25 Toda Omri je počel zlo v Gospodovih očeh in počel huje kakor vsi, ki so bili pred njim.
Omri did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh and acted more wickedly than all who had been before him.
26 Kajti hodil je po vsej poti Nebátovega sina Jerobeáma in v njegovem grehu, s katerim je Izraela pripravil, da greši, da s svojimi ničevostmi do jeze draži Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga.
For he walked in all the ways of Jeroboam son of Nebat and in his sins by which he led Israel to sin, to provoke Yahweh, the God of Israel, to be angry with their worthless idols.
27 Torej preostala izmed Omrijevih dejanj, ki jih je storil in njegova moč, ki jo je pokazal, mar niso zapisana v kroniški knjigi Izraelovih kraljev?
As for the other matters concerning Omri which he did, and the might that he showed, are they not written in the book of the events of the kings of Israel?
28 Tako je Omri zaspal s svojimi očeti in bil pokopan v Samariji. Namesto njega je zakraljeval njegov sin Aháb.
So Omri slept with his ancestors and was buried in Samaria and Ahab his son became king in his place.
29 V osemintridesetem letu Judovega kralja Asája je nad Izraelom začel kraljevati Omrijev sin Aháb in Omrijev sin Aháb je nad Izraelom v Samariji kraljeval dvaindvajset let.
In the thirty-eighth year of Asa king of Judah, Ahab son of Omri began to reign over Israel. Ahab son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty-two years.
30 Omrijev sin Aháb je počel zlo v Gospodovih očeh, bolj kakor vsi, ki so bili pred njim.
Ahab son of Omri did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh, more than all those who were before him.
31 Pripetilo se je, kakor če je bila to zanj lahka stvar, da hodi v grehih Nebátovega sina Jerobeáma, da je za ženo vzel Jezabelo, hčer Etbáala, kralja Sidóncev in odšel, služil Báalu in ga oboževal.
It was to Ahab a trivial thing to walk in the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, so he took as his wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians; he went and worshiped Baal and bowed down to him.
32 V Báalovi hiši je postavil oltar za Báala, ki ga je zgradil v Samariji.
He built an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria.
33 Aháb je naredil ašero in Aháb je storil več kakor vsi Izraelovi kralji, ki so bili pred njim, da draži k jezi Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga.
Ahab made an Asherah pole. Ahab did even more to provoke Yahweh, the God of Israel, to anger than all the kings of Israel who had been before him.
34 V njegovih dneh je Hiél Betelčan zidal Jeriho. Njen temelj je položil v svojem prvorojencu Abirámu in njena velika vrata je postavil v svojem najmlajšem sinu Segúbu, glede na besedo od Gospoda, ki jo je spregovoril po Nunovemu sinu Józuetu.
During Ahab's rule, Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho. Hiel laid the foundation of the city at the cost of the life of Abiram, his firstborn son; and Segub, his youngest son, lost his life while he was building the gates of the city, in keeping with the word of Yahweh which he spoke by Joshua son of Nun.

< 1 Kralji 16 >