< 1 Kralji 11 >

1 Toda kralj Salomon je ljubil mnoge tuje žene, skupaj s faraonovo hčerjo, ženske iz Moába, Amónke, Edómke, Sidónke in Hetejke,
And king Solomon was a lover of women. And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines. And he took strange women, as well as the daughter of Pharao, Moabitish, Ammanitish women, Syrians and Idumeans, Chettites, and Amorites;
2 od narodov glede katerih je Gospod Izraelovim otrokom rekel: »Ne boste vstopili k njim niti oni ne smejo vstopiti k vam, kajti zagotovo bodo vaše srce odvrnili za svojimi bogovi.« Salomon se je v ljubezni trdno pridružil k njim.
of the nations concerning whom the Lord forbade the children of Israel, [saying], You shall not go in to them, and they shall not come in to you, lest they turn away your hearts after their idols: Solomon clave to these in love.
3 Imel je sedemsto žená, princese in tristo priležnic in njegove žene so odvrnile njegovo srce.
4 Kajti zgodilo se je, ko je bil Salomon star, da so njegove žene njegovo srce odvrnile za drugimi bogovi in njegovo srce ni bilo popolno z Gospodom, njegovim Bogom, kot je bilo srce njegovega očeta Davida.
And it came to pass in the time of the old age of Solomon, that his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as [was] the heart of David his father. And the strange women turned away his heart after their gods. Then Solomon built a high place to Chamos the idol of Moab, and to their king the idol of the children of Ammon,
5 Kajti Salomon je šel za Astarto, boginjo Sidóncev in za Milkómom, gnusobo Amóncev.
and to Astarte the abomination of the Sidonians.
6 Salomon je počel zlo v Gospodovih očeh in ni popolnoma šel za Gospodom, kakor je delal njegov oče David.
And thus he acted towards all his strange wives, who burnt incense and sacrificed to their idols. And Solomon did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord: he went not after the Lord, as David his father.
7 Potem je Salomon zgradil visok kraj za Kemoša, gnusobo Moábcev, na hribu, ki je pred Jeruzalemom in za Moloha, ogabnost Amónovih otrok.
8 Podobno je storil za vse svoje tuje žene, ki so zažigale kadilo in žrtvovale svojim bogovom.
9 Gospod pa je bil jezen nad Salomonom, ker je bilo njegovo srce odvrnjeno od Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga, ki se mu je dvakrat prikazal
And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because he turned away his heart from the Lord God of Israel, who had appeared twice to him,
10 in mu je glede te stvari zapovedal, da naj ne gre za drugimi bogovi. Toda tega, kar mu je Gospod zapovedal, ni ohranil.
and charged him concerning this matter, by no means to go after other gods, but to take heed to do what the Lord God commanded him; neither was his heart perfect with the Lord, according to the heart of David his father.
11 Zato je Gospod Salomonu rekel: »Ker si to storil in nisi obvaroval moje zaveze in mojih zakonov, ki sem ti jih zapovedal, ti bom zagotovo iztrgal kraljestvo in ga dal tvojemu služabniku.
And the Lord said to Solomon, Because it has been thus with you, and you have not kept my commandments and my ordinances which I commanded you, I will surely rend your kingdom out of your hand, and give it to your servant.
12 Vendar zaradi tvojega očeta Davida tega ne bom storil v tvojih dneh, temveč ga bom iztrgal iz roke tvojega sina.
Only in your days I will not do it for David your father's sake: [but] I will take it out of the hand of your son.
13 Toda ne bom odtrgal vsega kraljestva, temveč bom en rod dal tvojemu sinu zaradi Davida, svojega služabnika in zaradi Jeruzalema, ki sem ga izbral.«
Only I will not take away the whole kingdom: I will give one tribe to your son for David my servant's sake, and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen.
14 Gospod je Salomonu razvnel nasprotnika, Edómca Hadáda. Ta je bil iz kraljevega semena v Edómu.
And the Lord raised up an enemy to Solomon, Ader the Idumaean, and Esrom son of Eliadae who [lived] in Raama, [and] Adadezer king of Suba his master; (and men gathered to him, and he was head of the conspiracy, and he seized on Damasec, ) and they were adversaries to Israel all the days of Solomon: and Ader the Idumaean [was] of the seed royal in Idumaea.
15 Kajti pripetilo se je, ko je bil David v Edómu in je Joáb, poveljnik vojske, odšel gor, da pokoplje umorjene, potem ko je udaril vsakega moškega v Edómu
And it happened, that while David was utterly destroying Edom, while Joab captain of the host was going to bury the dead, when they killed every male in Idumaea;
16 (kajti šest mesecev je Joáb ostal tam z vsem Izraelom, dokler ni iztrebil vsakega moškega v Edómu),
(for Joab and all Israel abode there six months in Idumaea, until he utterly destroyed every male in Idumaea; )
17 da je Hadád pobegnil, on in z njim nekateri Edómci, služabniki njegovega očeta, da gredo v Egipt; Hadád je bil še majhen otrok.
that Ader ran away, he and all the Idumaeans of the servants of his father with him; and they went into Egypt; and Ader [was then] a little child.
18 Vstali so iz Midjána in prišli v Parán in s seboj so vzeli može iz Parána ter prišli v Egipt, k faraonu, egiptovskemu kralju, ki mu je dal hišo, mu določil živež in mu dal deželo.
And there rise up men out of the city of Madiam, and they come to Pharan, and take men with them, and come to Pharao king of Egypt: and Ader went in to Pharao, and he gave him a house, and appointed him provision.
19 Hadád je našel veliko naklonjenost v faraonovih očeh, tako da mu je dal za ženo sestro svoje lastne žene, sestro kraljice Tahpenése.
And Ader found great favor in the sight of Pharao, and he gave him his wife's sister in marriage, the elder sister of Thekemina.
20 Tahpenésina sestra mu je rodila Genubáta, njegovega sina, ki ga je Tahpenésa vzgajala v faraonovi hiši in Genubát je bil v faraonovi hiši med faraonovimi sinovi.
And the sister of Thekemina bore to him, [even] to Ader, Ganebath her son; and Thekemina brought him up in the midst of the sons of Pharao, and Ganebath was in the midst of the sons of Pharao.
21 Ko je Hadád v Egiptu slišal, da je David zaspal s svojimi očeti in da je bil Joáb, poveljnik vojske, mrtev, je Hadád rekel faraonu: »Pusti me oditi, da lahko grem k svoji lastni deželi.«
And Ader heard in Egypt that David slept with his fathers, and that Joab the captain of the host was dead; and Ader said to Pharao, Let me go, and I will return to my country.
22 Potem mu je faraon rekel: »Toda kaj ti je manjkalo z menoj, glej, da si prizadevaš, da greš v svojo lastno deželo?« Odgovoril je: »Nič, vendar me vseeno pusti oditi.«
And Pharao said to Ader, What lack you with me? that behold! you seek to depart to your country? and Ader said to him, By all means let me go.
23 Bog pa mu je razvnel drugega nasprotnika, Eljadájevega sina Rezóna, ki je pobegnil pred svojim gospodom Hadadézerjem, kraljem iz Cobe.
So Ader returned to his country; this [is] the mischief which Ader did, and he was a bitter enemy of Israel, and he reigned in the land of Edom.
24 K sebi je zbral može in postal poveljnik nad četo, ko je David usmrtil tiste iz Cobe in odšli so v Damask, tam prebivali in kraljevali v Damasku.
25 Vse Salomonove dni je bil nasprotnik Izraelu, poleg vragolije, ki jo je storil Hadád. Preziral je Izrael in kraljeval nad Sirijo.
26 Jerobeám, Nebátov sin, Efratejec iz Ceréde, Salomonov služabnik (katerega materino ime je bilo Cerúja, vdova), celo on je dvignil svojo roko zoper kralja.
And Jeroboam the son of Nabat, the Ephrathite of Sarira, the son of a widow, [was] servant of Solomon.
27 To je bil razlog, da je svojo roko dvignil zoper kralja. Salomon je zgradil Miló in popravil vrzeli mesta svojega očeta Davida.
And this [was] the occasion of his lifting up [his] hands against king Solomon: now king Solomon built the citadel, he completed the fortification of the city of David his father.
28 Mož Jerobeám je bil mogočen, hraber človek in Salomon, ko je videl, da je bil mladenič podjeten, ga je postavil za vladarja nad vso zadolžitvijo Jožefove hiše.
And the man Jeroboam was very strong; and Solomon saw the young man that he was active, and he set him over the levies of the house of Joseph.
29 Pripetilo se je ob tistem času, ko je Jerobeám odšel iz Jeruzalema, da ga je na poti našel prerok Šilčan Ahíja, in ta se je odel z novo obleko in onadva sta bila sama na polju.
And it came to pass at that time, that Jeroboam went forth from Jerusalem, and Achia the Selonite the prophet found him in the way, and caused him to turn aside out of the way: and Achia was clad with a new garment, and they two [were] alone in the field.
30 Ahíja je zgrabil novo obleko, ki je bila na njem in jo raztrgal na dvanajst kosov
And Achia laid hold of his new garment that was upon him, and tore it [into] twelve pieces:
31 in rekel Jerobeámu: »Vzemi si deset kosov, kajti tako govori Gospod, Izraelov Bog: ›Glej, iztrgal bom kraljestvo iz Salomonove roke in tebi bom dal deset rodov
and he said to Jeroboam, Take to yourself ten pieces, for thus says the Lord God of Israel, Behold, I rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon, and will give you ten tribes.
32 (toda on bo imel en rod zaradi mojega služabnika Davida in zaradi Jeruzalema, mesta, ki sem ga izbral izmed vseh Izraelovih rodov),
Yet he shall have two tribes, for my servant David's sake, and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel.
33 zato ker so me zapustili in oboževali Astarto, boginjo Sidóncev, Kemoša, boga Moábcev in Milkóma, boga Amónovih otrok in niso hodili po mojih poteh, da delajo to, kar je pravilno v mojih očeh in da ohranjajo moje zakone in moje sodbe, kakor je počel njegov oče David.
Because he forsook me, and sacrificed to Astarte the abomination of the Sidonians, and to Chamos, and to the idols of Moab, and to their king the abomination of the children of Ammon, and he walked not in my ways, to do that which was right before me, as David his father [did].
34 Vendar iz njegove roke ne bom vzel celotnega kraljestva, temveč ga bom zaradi Davida, svojega služabnika, ki sem ga izbral, naredil za princa vse dni njegovega življenja, ker je ohranjal moje zapovedi in moje zakone,
Howbeit I will not take the whole kingdom out of his hand, (for I will certainly resist him all the days of his life, ) for David my servant's sake, whom I have chosen.
35 toda kraljestvo bom vzel iz roke njegovega sina in ga dal tebi, celó deset rodov.
But I will take the kingdom out of the hand of his son, and give you ten tribes.
36 Njegovemu sinu pa bom dal en rod, da bo David, moj služabnik, lahko vedno imel luč pred menoj v Jeruzalemu, mestu, ki sem ga izbral, da tam postavim svoje ime.
But to his son I will give the two [remaining] tribes, that my servant David may have an establishment continually before me in Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen for myself to put my name there.
37 Vzel te bom in kraljeval boš glede na vse, kar želi tvoja duša in boš kralj nad Izraelom.
And I will take you, and you shall reign as your soul desires, and you shall be king over Israel.
38 Zgodilo se bo, če boš prisluhnil vsemu, kar ti zapovem in boš hodil po mojih poteh in delal to, kar je pravilno v mojih očeh, da se držiš mojih zakonov in mojih zapovedi, kakor se je moj služabnik David, da bom jaz s teboj in ti bom zgradil zanesljivo hišo, kakor sem jo zgradil za Davida, Izraela pa bom izročil tebi.
And it shall come to pass, if you will keep all the commandments that I shall give you, and will walk in my ways, and do that which is right before me, to keep my ordinances and my commandments, as David my servant did, that I will be with you, and will build you a sure house, as I built to David.
39 Zaradi tega bom prizadel Davidovo seme, toda ne na veke.‹«
40 Salomon je torej iskal, da ubije Jerobeáma. Jerobeám pa je vstal in pobegnil v Egipt, k egiptovskemu kralju Šišáku in v Egiptu je bil do Salomonove smrti.
And Solomon sought to kill Jeroboam: but he arose and fled into Egypt, to Susakim king of Egypt, and he was in Egypt until Solomon died.
41 Ostala Salomonova dela in vse, kar je storil in njegova modrost, mar niso zapisana v knjigi Salomonovih del.
And the rest of the history of Solomon, and all that he did, and all his wisdom, behold are not these things written in the book of the life of Solomon?
42 Časa, ko je Salomon v Jeruzalemu kraljeval nad vsem Izraelom, je bilo štirideset let.
And the days [during] which Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel [were] forty years.
43 Salomon je zaspal s svojimi očeti in bil pokopan v mestu svojega očeta Davida. Namesto njega je zakraljeval njegov sin Rehabám.
And Solomon slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of David his father, and Roboam his son reigned in his stead.

< 1 Kralji 11 >