< 1 Kroniška 5 >

1 Torej sinovi Izraelovega prvorojenca Rubena, (kajti on je bil prvorojenec; toda, ker je omadeževal posteljo svojega očeta, je bila njegova pravica prvorojenstva dana sinovoma Izraelovega sina Jožefa; in rodovnik ni štet po pravici prvorojenstva.
The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel (for he was the firstborn; but, because he defiled his father's bed, his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph the son of Israel; and not to be regarded in the genealogy as the firstborn.
2 Kajti Juda je prevladal nad svojimi brati in od njega je prišel glavni vladar; toda pravica prvorojenstva je bila Jožefova.)
For Judah prevailed above his brothers, and a leader descended from him; but the birthright was Joseph's: )
3 Sinovi, pravim, od Izraelovega prvorojenca Rubena so bili: Hénoh, Palú, Hecrón in Karmí.
the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel: Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
4 Joélovi sinovi: njegov sin Šemajá, njegov sin Gog, njegov sin Šimí,
The descendants of Joel: Shemaiah his son, Gog his son, Shimei his son,
5 njegov sin Miha, njegov sin Reajá, njegov sin Báal,
Micah his son, Reaiah his son, Baal his son,
6 njegov sin Beerá, ki ga je asirski kralj Tiglát Pilnéser, odvedel ujetega. On je bil princ Rubenovcev.
Beerah his son, whom Tilgath Pilneser king of Assyria carried away captive: he was leader of the Reubenites.
7 Njegovi bratje po njihovih družinah, ko je bil preštet rodovnik njihovih rodov, so bili vodja Jeiél, Zeharjá,
His brothers by their families, when the genealogy of their generations was reckoned: the chief, Jeiel, and Zechariah,
8 Bela, sin Azáza, sinú Šemaá, sinú Joéla, ki je prebival v Aroêrju, celo do Nebója in Báal Meóna;
and Bela the son of Azaz, the son of Shema, the son of Joel, who lived in Aroer, even to Nebo and Baal Meon:
9 in proti vzhodu je naseljeval do vstopa v divjino, od reke Evfrat, ker je bila njihova živina pomnožena v deželi Gileád.
and eastward he lived even to the entrance of the wilderness from the river Perath, because their livestock were multiplied in the land of Gilead.
10 V Savlovih dneh so se bojevali s Hagríjevci, ki so padli po njihovi roki in prebivali so v njihovih šotorih po vsej vzhodni deželi Gileád.
In the days of Saul, they made war with the Hagrites, who fell by their hand; and they lived in their tents throughout all the land east of Gilead.
11 Gadovi otroci so prebivali nasproti njih, v deželi Bašán do Salhe;
The descendants of Gad lived across from them, in the land of Bashan as far as Salecah.
12 vodja Joél, naslednji Šafám, Janáj in Šafát v Bašánu.
Joel was chief, and Shapham the second, and Janai judged in Bashan.
13 Njihovi bratje iz hiše njihovih očetov so bili: Mihael, Mešulám, Šeba, Joráj, Jakán, Ziá in Heber, sedem.
Their brothers of their fathers' houses: Michael, and Meshullam, and Sheba, and Jorai, and Jacan, and Zia, and Eber, seven.
14 Ti so otroci Abihájila, sinú Huríja, sinú Jaróaha, sinú Gileáda, sinú Mihaela, sinú Ješišája, sinú Jahdója, Buzovega sina;
These were the sons of Abihail, the son of Huri, the son of Jaroah, the son of Gilead, the son of Michael, the son of Jeshishai, the son of Jahdo, the son of Buz;
15 Ahí, sin Abdiéla, Guníjevega sina, vodja hiše njihovih očetov.
Ahi the son of Abdiel, the son of Guni, chief of their fathers' houses.
16 Prebivali so v Gileádu, v Bašánu in v njihovih mestih in v vseh predmestjih Šaróna, na njihovih mejah.
They lived in Gilead in Bashan, and in its towns, and in all the suburbs of Sharon, as far as their borders.
17 Vsi ti so bili šteti po rodovnikih v dneh Judovega kralja Jotáma in v dneh Izraelovega kralja Jerobeáma.
All these were reckoned by genealogies in the days of Jotham king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam king of Israel.
18 Sinovi Rubena, Gádovcev in polovice Manásejevega rodu izmed hrabrih mož, mož zmožnih, da nosijo ščit in meč in da streljajo z lokom in veščih v vojni, je bilo štiriinštirideset tisoč sedemsto šestdeset, ki so odšli ven na vojsko.
The descendants of Reuben and Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh, of valiant men, men able to bear buckler and sword, and to shoot with bow, and skillful in war, were forty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty, that were able to go forth to war.
19 Bojevali so se s Hagríjevci, z Jetúrjem, Nafíšem in Nodábom.
They made war with the Hagrites, with Jetur, and Naphish, and Nodab.
20 Pomagano jim je bilo zoper njih in Hagríjevci so bili izročeni v njihovo roko in vsi tisti, ki so bili z njimi; kajti v bitki so vpili k Bogu in izprošen je bil od njih, ker so svoje zaupanje položili vanj.
They were helped against them, and the Hagrites were delivered into their hand, and all who were with them; for they cried to God in the battle, and he answered their petition, because they put their trust in him.
21 Odvzeli so njihovo živino; od njihovih kamel petdeset tisoč in od ovc dvesto petdeset tisoč in od oslov dva tisoč in od ljudi sto tisoč.
They took away their livestock; of their camels fifty thousand, and of sheep two hundred fifty thousand, and of donkeys two thousand, and of men one hundred thousand.
22 Kajti tam je padlo mnogo umorjenih, ker je bila vojna od Boga. In namesto njih so tam prebivali do ujetništva.
For there fell many slain, because the war was of God. They lived in their place until the captivity.
23 Otroci polovice Manásejevega rodu so prebivali v deželi. Množili so se od Bašána do Báal Hermona in Senírja in do gore Hermon.
And the descendants of the half-tribe of Manasseh lived in the land. They increased from Bashan to Baal Hermon, and Senir, and Mount Hermon, and in Lebanon.
24 Ti so bili poglavarji hiše njihovih očetov, celo Efer, Jiší, Eliél, Azriél, Jeremija, Hodavijá in Jahdiél, močni junaški možje, slavni možje in poglavarji hiše njihovih očetov.
These were the heads of their fathers' houses: Epher, and Ishi, and Eliel, and Azriel, and Jeremiah, and Hodaviah, and Jahdiel, mighty men of valor, famous men, heads of their fathers' houses.
25 Pregrešili so se zoper Boga svojih očetov in se odšli vlačugat za bogovi ljudstva dežele, ki jih je Bog uničil pred njimi.
They trespassed against the God of their fathers, and prostituted themselves after the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God destroyed before them.
26 Izraelov Bog pa je razvnel duha asirskega kralja Pula in duha asirskega kralja Tiglát Pilnéserja in ta jih je odvedel proč, celo Rubenovce, Gádovce in polovico Manásejevega rodu in jih privedel v Haláh, Habór, Haro in k reki Gozán do današnjega dne.
The God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgath Pilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, even the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, and brought them to Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and to the river of Gozan, to this day.

< 1 Kroniška 5 >