< 1 Kroniška 22 >
1 Potem je David rekel: »To je hiša Gospoda Boga in to je oltar žgalne daritve za Izraela.«
Then David said, "This is the house of Jehovah God, and this is the altar of burnt offering for Israel."
2 David je zapovedal, da zberejo skupaj tujce, ki so bili v Izraelovi deželi in postavil je zidarje, da izklesajo kamne, da zgradijo Božjo hišo.
David gave orders to gather together the foreigners who were in the land of Israel; and he set masons to cut worked stones to build God's house.
3 David je pripravil železa v obilju za žeblje za duri velikih vrat in za vezi in brona v obilju, brez teže.
David prepared iron in abundance for the nails for the doors of the gates, and for the couplings; and bronze in abundance without weight;
4 Tudi cedrovih dreves v obilju, kajti Sidónci in tisti iz Tira so Davidu prinesli veliko cedrovega lesa.
and cedar trees without number: for the Sidonians and they of Tyre brought cedar trees in abundance to David.
5 David je rekel: »Moj sin Salomon je mlad in nežen, hiša, ki naj se zgradi za Gospoda, pa mora biti silno prekrasna od slovesa in od slave po vseh deželah, zato bom torej naredil priprave zanjo.« Tako je David pred svojo smrtjo [vsega] obilno pripravil.
David said, "Solomon my son is young and tender, and the house that is to be built for Jehovah must be exceedingly magnificent, of fame and of glory throughout all countries. I will therefore make preparation for it." So David prepared abundantly before his death.
6 Potem je dal poklicati svojega sina Salomona in ga zadolžil, da zgradi hišo za Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga.
Then he called for Solomon his son, and commanded him to build a house for Jehovah, the God of Israel.
7 David je rekel Salomonu: »Moj sin, kar se mene tiče, je bilo v mojih mislih, da zgradim hišo imenu Gospoda, svojega Boga,
David said to Solomon, "My son, as for me, it was in my heart to build a house to the name of Jehovah my God.
8 toda k meni je prišla Gospodova beseda, rekoč: ›Obilno si prelival kri in storil velike vojne. Ne boš gradil hiše mojemu imenu, ker si v mojem pogledu na zemlji prelil mnogo krvi.
But the word of Jehovah came to me, saying, 'You have shed blood abundantly, and have made great wars. You shall not build a house to my name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in my sight.
9 Glej, rojen ti bo sin, ki bo mož počitka in dal mu bom počitek pred vsemi njegovimi sovražniki naokoli, kajti njegovo ime bo Salomon in jaz bom v njegovih dneh Izraelu dal mir in spokojnost.
Look, a son shall be born to you, who shall be a man of rest. I will give him rest from all his enemies all around; for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness to Israel in his days.
10 Zgradil bo hišo za moje ime in on bo moj sin in jaz bom njegov oče in jaz bom vzpostavil prestol njegovega kraljestva nad Izraelom na veke.‹
He shall build a house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever.'
11 Sedaj moj sin, Gospod naj bo s teboj in bodi uspešen in zgradi hišo Gospoda, svojega Boga, kakor je govoril o tebi.
Now, my son, may Jehovah be with you and prosper you, and build the house of Jehovah your God, as he has spoken concerning you.
12 Samo Gospod naj ti da modrost in razumevanje in te zadolži glede Izraela, da se boš lahko držal postave Gospoda, svojega Boga.
May Jehovah give you discretion and understanding, and put you in charge of Israel; that so you may keep the law of Jehovah your God.
13 Potem boš uspel, če paziš, da izpolnjuješ zakone in sodbe, ki jih je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu glede Izraela. Bodi močan in odločnega poguma. Ne boj se niti ne bodi zaprepaden.
Then you will prosper, if you observe to do the statutes and the ordinances which Jehovah gave Moses concerning Israel. Be strong, and courageous. Do not be afraid, neither be dismayed.
14 Torej glej, v svoji stiski sem za Gospodovo hišo pripravil sto tisoč talentov zlata in milijon talentov srebra, brona in železa pa brez teže, kajti tega je v obilju. Tudi les in kamenje sem pripravil in ti lahko k temu dodaš.
Now, look, in my affliction I have prepared for the house of Jehovah one hundred thousand talents of gold, one million talents of silver, and bronze and iron without weight; for it is in abundance. I have also prepared timber and stone; and you may add to them.
15 Poleg tega je tam s teboj delavcev v obilju, kamnosekov in obdelovalcev kamna in lesa, in vseh vrst spretnih mož za vsako vrsto dela.
There are also workmen with you in abundance, cutters and workers of stone and timber, and all kinds of men who are skillful in every kind of work:
16 Zlatu, srebru, bronu in železu ni števila. Vstani torej in delaj in Gospod naj bo s teboj.«
of the gold, the silver, and the bronze, and the iron, there is no number. Arise and be doing, and may Jehovah be with you."
17 David je tudi vsem Izraelovim princem zapovedal, da pomagajo njegovemu sinu Salomonu, rekoč:
And David also commanded all the leaders of Israel to help Solomon his son, saying,
18 » Mar ni z vami Gospod, vaš Bog? In ali vam ni dal počitka na vsaki strani? Kajti prebivalce dežele je izročil v mojo roko in dežela je podjarmljena pred Gospodom in pred njegovim ljudstvom.
"Isn't Jehovah your God with you? Hasn't he given you rest on every side? For he has delivered the inhabitants of the land into my hand; and the land is subdued before Jehovah, and before his people.
19 Pripravite torej svoje srce in svojo dušo, da iščete Gospoda, svojega Boga. Vstanite torej in zgradite svetišče Gospodu Bogu, da se prinese skrinja Gospodove zaveze in svete Božje posode v hišo, ki naj bo zgrajena Gospodovemu imenu.«
Now set your heart and your soul to seek after Jehovah your God. Arise therefore, and build the sanctuary of Jehovah God, to bring the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, and the holy vessels of God, into the house that is to be built to the name of Jehovah."