< Притчи Соломона 2 >

1 Сыне, аще приим глагол моея заповеди, скрыеши в себе,
My son, listen to what I say, and [consider my instructions to be as valuable as] [MET] a treasure.
2 послушает премудрости твое ухо, и приложиши сердце твое к разуму: приложиши же е в наказание сыну твоему.
Pay attention to wisdom and try hard to understand it.
3 Аще бо премудрость призовеши и разуму даси глас твой, чувство же взыщеши великим гласом,
Call out [to God] to get insight; plead with him to help you to understand more [of what he wants you to know].
4 и аще взыщеши ея яко сребра, и якоже сокровища испытаеши ю:
Search [eagerly] for wisdom, like you would search for silver, like you would search for a treasure that someone has hidden.
5 тогда уразумееши страх Господень и познание Божие обрящеши:
If you do that, you will understand how to revere Yahweh, and you will succeed in knowing God.
6 яко Господь дает премудрость, и от лица Его познание и разум:
Yahweh is the one who gives us wisdom. He is the one who tells us things that we need to know and understand.
7 и сокровищствует исправляющым спасение, защищает же шествие их,
He gives good advice to those who conduct their lives as they should. He protects [MET] those who do what is right.
8 еже сохранити пути оправданий, и путь благоговеинствующих Его сохранит.
He guards those who act justly/fairly [toward others], and he watches over those who are faithful/loyal [to him].
9 Тогда уразумееши правду и суд и исправиши вся стези благия.
[If you ask God for wisdom], you will understand what is right and just [DOU] [to do], and [you will know] the right way to conduct your life,
10 Аще бо приидет премудрость в твою мысль, чувство же твоей души добро быти возмнится.
because you will be wise in your inner being; and knowing [what God wants you to know] will cause you to be joyful.
11 Совет добр сохранит тя, помышление же преподобное соблюдет тя,
If you know [PRS] how to choose what is right to do and if you understand [what God wants] you to do, God will protect you and guard you and keep you safe.
12 да избавит тя от пути злаго и от мужа, глаголюща ничтоже верно.
If you are wise [PRS], you will not do what evil people do, and you will not [believe what] deceitful people say.
13 О, оставившии пути правыя, еже ходити в путех тмы!
Deceitful people have stopped acting fairly/justly [toward others] and (walk on dark and evil paths/do what evil people do) [MET].
14 О, веселящиися о злых и радующиися о развращении злем!
They enjoy doing what is wrong; they like to do what is evil and to deceive [people].
15 Ихже стези стропотны, и крива течения их, еже далече тя сотворити от пути права,
They (walk on crooked paths/always deceive others) and are always dishonest.
16 и чужда от праведнаго разума. Сыне, да тя не постигнет совет злый,
If you are wise [PRS], you will [also] be saved from (immoral women/prostitutes); you will not pay attention when adulterous women try to (seduce/entice you by what they say.)
17 оставляяй учение юности, и завета Божественнаго забывый:
Those women have left the husbands whom they married when they were young; they have disregarded the solemn promise they made to God [not to commit adultery].
18 постави бо при смерти дом свой и при аде с земными деяния своя. (questioned)
If you go into houses of women who are like that, you will die [when you are still young]; the road [to their houses] leads to hell. (questioned)
19 Вси ходящии по нему не возвратятся, ниже постигнут стезь правых: ни бо достигнут лет жизни.
No man who (visits/sleeps with) a woman like that will again [live harmoniously with his family]. He will never have a [happy] life again.
20 Аще бо быша ходили в стези благия, обрели убо быша стези правы гладки: блази будут жителие на земли, незлобивии же останут на ней:
If [you are wise], you should behave like good men behave. You should (stay on the paths that righteous [people] walk on/do what godly people do) [MET],
21 яко правии вселятся на земли, и преподобнии останут на ней.
because only godly people will live in this land [and receive God’s blessings]; [only] those who have not done wrong will stay here [for a long time].
22 Путие нечестивых от земли погибнут, пребеззаконнии же изринутся от нея.
Wicked [people] will be expelled from this land, and [people] who are not trustworthy will be thrown {God will throw them} out of it.

< Притчи Соломона 2 >