< Книга пророка Наума 2 >

1 Взыде вдыхаяй в лице твое, отемляй от оскорбления: усмотри путь, укрепи чресла, возмужай крепостию зело:
The one who will dash you to pieces is coming up against you. Man the city walls, guard the roads, make yourselves strong, assemble your armies.
2 понеже отврати Господь укоризну Иаковлю, якоже укоризну Израилеву: зане отрясающии отрясоша я и лозы их растлиша.
For Yahweh is restoring the majesty of Jacob, like the majesty of Israel, although the plunderers devastated them and destroyed their vine branches.
3 Оружия силы их от человек, мужы сильныя играющыя во огни: брозды колесниц их в день уготования его, и конницы возмятутся на путех,
The shields of his mighty men are red, and the soldiers are clothed in scarlet; the chariots flash with their metal on the day that they are made ready, and the cypress spears are waved in the air.
4 и смятутся колесницы и сплетутся на стогнах: вид их яко свещы огненны, и яко молния протекающая.
The chariots speed through the streets; they rush back and forth in the wide streets. They look like torches, and they run like lightning.
5 И помянутся старейшины их, и побегнут в день, и изнемогут в пути своем, и потщатся на забрала его, и уготовят предния стражбы своя.
The one who will dash you to pieces calls his officers; they stumble over each other in their march; they hurry to attack the city wall. The large shield is made ready to protect these attackers.
6 Врата градная отверзошася, и царства падоша, и имение открыся.
The gates at the rivers are forced open, and the palace falls to ruins.
7 Сия же восхождаше, и рабыни ея ведяхуся, яко голубицы воркующя в сердцах своих:
Huzzab is stripped of her clothes and is taken away; her female servants moan like doves, beating on their breasts.
8 и Ниневиа, аки купель водная воды ея, и тии бежаще не сташа, и не бе взирающаго.
Nineveh is like a leaking pool of water, with its people fleeing away like rushing water. Others shout, “Stop, stop,” but no one looks back.
9 Расхищаху сребро, расхищаху злато, и не бяше конца имения ея: отяготишася паче всех сосудов вожделенная ея.
Take the silver plunder, take the gold plunder, for there is no end to it, to the splendor of all Nineveh's beautiful things.
10 Истрясение и вострясение, и воскипение и сердца сокрушение, и разслабление колен и болезни по всем чреслом, и лице всех, аки опаление котла.
Nineveh is empty and ruined. Everyone's heart melts, everyone's knees strike together, and anguish is in everyone; their faces are all pale.
11 Где есть виталище львов и пажить сущая львичищем? Камо иде лев, еже влезти тамо львичищу, и не бяше устрашающаго.
Where now is the lions' den, the place where the young lion cubs were fed, the place where the lion and lioness walked, with the cubs, where they were afraid of nothing?
12 Лев восхити доволная львичищем своим и удави львицам своим, и наполни ловитвы гнездо свое и виталище свое похищения.
The lion tore his victims to pieces for his cubs; he strangled victims for his lionesses, and filled his cave with victims, his dens with torn carcasses.
13 Се, Аз на тя, глаголет Господь Вседержитель, и пожгу дымом множество твое, и львы твоя пояст оружие: и потреблю от земли ловитву твою, и не услышатся ктому дела твоя.
“See, I am against you—this is the declaration of Yahweh of hosts. I will burn your chariots in the smoke, and the sword will devour your young lions. I will cut off your prey from your land, and the voices of your messengers will be heard no more.”

< Книга пророка Наума 2 >