< От Марка святое благовествование 16 >
1 И минувшей субботе, Мариа Магдалина и Мариа Иаковля и Саломиа купиша ароматы, да пришедшя помажут Иисуса.
And the Sabbath having past, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary of James, and Salome, bought spices, that having come, they may anoint Him,
2 И зело заутра во едину от суббот приидоша на гроб, возсиявшу солнцу,
and early in the morning of the first [day] of the weeks, they come to the tomb, at the rising of the sun,
3 и глаголаху к себе: кто отвалит нам камень от дверий гроба?
and they said among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone out of the door of the tomb for us?”
4 И воззревшя видеша, яко отвален бе камень: бе бо велий зело.
And having looked, they see that the stone has been rolled away—for it was very great,
5 И вшедшя во гроб, видеша юношу седяща в десных, одеяна во одежду белу: и ужасошася.
and having entered into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right hand, clothed in a long white robe, and they were amazed.
6 Он же глагола им: не ужасайтеся: Иисуса ищете Назарянина распятаго: воста, несть зде: се, место, идеже положиша Его:
And he says to them, “Do not be amazed, you seek Jesus the Nazarene, the crucified [One]: He rose—He is not here; behold the place where they laid Him!
7 но идите, рцыте учеником Его и Петрови, яко варяет вы в Галилеи: тамо Его видите, якоже рече вам.
And go, say to His disciples and Peter that He goes before you to Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you.”
8 И изшедшя бежаша от гроба: имяше же их трепет и ужас: и ни комуже ничтоже реша: бояхубося.
And having come forth quickly, they fled from the tomb, and trembling and amazement had seized them, and they said to no one anything, for they were afraid. [[
9 (note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) Воскрес же (Иисус) заутра в первую субботу, явися прежде Марии Магдалини, из неяже изгна седмь бесов.
(note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) And He, having risen in the morning of the first of the week, appeared first to Mary the Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons;
10 Она (же) шедши возвести с Ним бывшым, плачущымся и рыдающым:
she having gone, told those who had been with Him, mourning and weeping;
11 и они слышавше, яко жив есть и виден бысть от нея, не яша веры.
and they, having heard that He is alive, and was seen by her, did not believe.
12 По сих же двема от них грядущема явися инем образом, идущема на село.
And after these things, to two of them, as they are going into a field, walking, He appeared in another form,
13 И та шедша возвестиста прочым: и ни тема веры яша.
and they having gone, told [it] to the rest; not even them did they believe.
14 Последи (же) возлежащым им единомунадесяте явися, и поноси неверствию их и жестосердию, яко видевшым Его воставша не яша веры.
Afterward, as they are reclining, He appeared to the Eleven, and reproached their unbelief and stiffness of heart, because they did not believe those having seen Him being raised;
15 И рече им: шедше в мир весь, проповедите Евангелие всей твари.
and He said to them, “Having gone into all the world, proclaim the good news to all the creation;
16 Иже веру имет и крестится, спасен будет: а иже не имет веры, осужден будет.
he who has believed and has been immersed will be saved; and he who has not believed will be condemned.
17 Знамения же веровавшым сия последуют: именем Моим бесы ижденут: языки возглаголют новы:
And signs will accompany those believing these things: they will cast out demons in My Name; they will speak with new tongues;
18 змия возмут: аще и что смертно испиют, не вредит их: на недужныя руки возложат, и здрави будут.
they will take up serpents; and if they may drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the ailing, and they will be well.”
19 Господь же убо, по глаголголании (Его) к ним, вознесеся на небо и седе о десную Бога.
The LORD, then, indeed, after speaking to them, was received up to Heaven, and sat on the right hand of God;
20 Они же изшедше проповедаша всюду, Господу поспешствующу и слово утверждающу последствующими знаменьми. Аминь.
and they, having gone forth, preached everywhere, the LORD working with [them], and confirming the word, through the signs following. Amen.]]