< От Луки святое благовествование 9 >

1 Созвав же обанадесяте, даде им силу и власть на вся бесы, и недуги целити:
Jesus called the Twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all demons, as well as to cure diseases.
2 и посла их проповедати Царствие Божие и изцелити болящыя.
He sent them out as his Messengers, to proclaim the Kingdom of God, and to work cures.
3 И рече к ним: ничесоже возмите на путь: ни жезла, ни пиры, ни хлеба, ни сребра, ни по двема ризама имети:
“Do not,” he said to them, “take anything for your journey; not even a staff, or a bag, or bread, or any silver, or a change of clothes with you.
4 и в оньже дом внидете, ту пребывайте, и оттуду исходите:
Whatever house you go to stay in, remain there, and leave from that place.
5 и елицы аще не приемлют вас, исходяще от града того, и прах от ног ваших оттрясите, во свидетелство на ня.
If people do not welcome you, as you leave that town, shake even the dust off your feet, as a protest against them.”
6 Исходяще же прохождаху сквозе веси, благовествующе и изцеляюще всюду.
Then they set out and went from village to village, telling the Good News and curing people everywhere.
7 Слыша же Ирод четвертовластник бывающая от Него вся и недоумевашеся: зане глаголемо бе от неких, яко Иоанн воста от мертвых:
Prince Herod heard of all that was happening, and was perplexed, because it was said by some that John must be risen from the dead.
8 от инех же, яко Илиа явися: от других же, яко пророк един от древних воскресе.
Some again said that Elijah had appeared, and others that one of the old Prophets had risen again.
9 И рече Ирод: Иоанна аз усекнух: кто же есть Сей, о Немже аз слышу таковая? И искаше видети Его.
But Herod himself said: “John I beheaded; but who is this of whom I hear such things?” And he endeavoured to see him.
10 И возвращшеся Апостоли поведаша Ему, елика сотвориша: и поимь их, отиде един на место пусто града, нарицаемаго Вифсаида.
When the Apostles returned, they related to Jesus all that they had done. Then Jesus retired privately to a town called Bethsaida, taking the Apostles with him.
11 Народи же разумевше, по Нем идоша: и приемь их, глаголаше им о Царствии Божии и требующыя изцеления целяше.
But the people recognised him and followed him in crowds; and Jesus welcomed them and spoke to them about the Kingdom of God, while he cured those who were in need of help.
12 День же начат прекланятися. Приступльше же обанадесяте рекоша Ему: отпусти народ, да шедше во окрестныя веси и села витают и обрящут брашно: яко зде в пусте месте есмы.
The day was drawing to a close, when the twelve came up to him, and said: “Send the crowd away, so that they may make their way to the villages and farms round about, and find themselves lodgings and provisions, for we are in a lonely spot here.”
13 Рече же к ним: дадите им вы ясти. Они же реша: несть у нас вящше, токмо пять хлеб и рыбе две, аще убо не шедше мы купим во вся люди сия брашна.
But Jesus said: “It is for you to give them something to eat.” “We have not more than five loaves and two fishes,” they answered; “unless indeed we are to go and buy food for all these people.”
14 Беху бо мужей яко пять тысящ. Рече же ко учеником Своим: посадите их на купы по пятидесят.
(For the men among them were about five thousand.) “Get them seated in companies,” was his reply, “about fifty in each.”
15 И сотвориша тако, и посадиша их вся.
This they did, and got all the people seated.
16 Приим же пять хлеб и обе рыбе, воззрев на небо, благослови их, и преломи, и даяше учеником, предложити народу.
Taking the five loaves and the two fishes, Jesus looked up to Heaven and said the blessing over them. Then he broke them in pieces, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people.
17 И ядоша, и насытишася вси: и взяша избывшыя им укрухи кошя дванадесяте.
Every one had sufficient to eat, and what was left of the broken pieces was picked up — twelve baskets.
18 И бысть егда моляшеся един, с Ним беху ученицы: и вопроси их, глаголя: кого Мя глаголют народи быти?
Afterwards, when Jesus was alone, praying, his disciples joined him, and he asked them this question — “Who do the people say that I am?”
19 Они же отвещавше реша: Иоанна Крестителя: инии же Илию: друзии же, яко пророк некий от древних воскресе.
“John the Baptist,” was their answer; “others, however, say that you are Elijah, while others say that one of the old Prophets has risen again.”
20 Рече же им: вы же кого Мя глаголете быти? Отвещав же Петр рече: Христа Божия.
“But you,” he went on, “who do you say that I am?” And to this Peter answered: “The Christ of God.”
21 Он же запрещь им, повеле ни комуже глаголати сего,
Jesus, however, strictly charged them not to say this to any one;
22 рек, яко подобает Сыну Человеческому много пострадати, и искушену быти от старец и архиерей и книжник, и убиену быти, и в третий день востати.
he told them that the Son of Man must undergo much suffering, and be rejected by the Councillors, and Chief Priests, and Teachers of the Law, and be put to death, and rise on the third day.
23 Глаголаше же ко всем: аще кто хощет по Мне ити, да отвержется себе, и возмет крест свой, и последует Ми.
And to all present he said: “If any man wishes to walk in my steps, let him renounce self, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
24 Иже бо аще хощет душу свою спасти, погубит ю: а иже погубит душу свою Мене ради, сей спасет ю.
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, and whoever, for my sake, loses his life — that man shall save it.
25 Что бо пользы имать человек, приобрет мир весь, себе же погубив или отщетив?
What good does it do a man if, when he has gained the whole world, he has lost or forfeited himself?
26 Иже бо аще постыдится Мене и Моих словес, сего Сын Человеческий постыдится, егда приидет во славе Своей и Отчей и святых Ангел.
Whoever is ashamed of me and of my teaching, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him, when he comes in his Glory and the Glory of the father and of the holy angels.
27 Глаголю же вам воистинну: суть нецыи от зде стоящих, иже не имут вкусити смерти, дондеже видят Царствие Божие.
Indeed, I tell you, some who are standing before me will not know death, till they have seen the Kingdom of God.”
28 Бысть же по словесех сих яко дний осмь, и поемь Петра и Иоанна и Иакова, взыде на гору помолитися.
About eight days after speaking these words, Jesus went up the mountain to pray, taking with him Peter, John, and James.
29 И бысть егда моляшеся, видение лица Его ино, и одеяние Его бело блистаяся.
As he was praying, the aspect of his face was changed, and his clothing became of a glittering whiteness.
30 И се, мужа два с Ним глаголюща, яже беста Моисей и Илиа,
And all at once two men were talking with Jesus; they were Moses and Elijah,
31 явльшася во славе, глаголаста же исход Его, егоже хотяше скончати во Иерусалиме.
who appeared in a glorified state, and spoke of his departure, which was destined to take place at Jerusalem.
32 Петр же и сущии с ним бяху отягчени сном: убуждшеся же видеша славу Его, и оба мужа стояща с Ним.
Peter and his companions had been overpowered by sleep but, suddenly becoming wide awake, they saw Jesus glorified and the two men who were standing beside him.
33 И бысть егда разлучистася от Него, рече Петр ко Иисусу: Наставниче, добро есть нам зде быти: и сотворим сени три, едину Тебе, и едину Моисеови, и едину Илии: не ведый, еже глаголаше.
And, as Moses and Elijah were passing away from Jesus, Peter exclaimed: “Sir, it is good to be here; let us make three tents, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He did not know what he was saying;
34 Се же ему глаголющу, бысть облак, и осени их: убояшася же, вшедше во облак.
and, while he was speaking, a cloud came down and enveloped them; and they were afraid, as they passed into the cloud;
35 И глас бысть из облака, глаголя: Сей есть Сын Мой Возлюбленный, Того послушайте.
and from the cloud came a voice which said — “This is my Son, the Chosen One; him you must hear.”
36 И егда бысть глас, обретеся Иисус един. И тии умолчаша, и ни комуже возвестиша в тыя дни ничесоже от тех, яже видеша.
And, as the voice ceased, Jesus was found alone. The Apostles kept silence, and told no one about any of the things that they had seen.
37 Бысть же в прочий день, сшедшым им с горы, срете Его народ мног.
The next day, when they had come down from the mountain, a great crowd met Jesus.
38 И се, муж из народа возопи, глаголя: Учителю, молютися, призри на сына моего, яко единороден ми есть:
And just then a man in the crowd shouted out: “Teacher, I entreat you to look at my son, for he is my only child;
39 и се дух емлет его, и внезапу вопиет, и пружается с пенами, и едва отходит от него, сокрушая его:
all at once a spirit will seize him, suddenly shriek out, and throw him into convulsions till he foams, and will leave him only when he is utterly exhausted.
40 и молихся учеником Твоим, да ижденут его: и не возмогоша.
I entreated your disciples to drive the spirit out, but they could not.”
41 Отвещав же Иисус рече: о, роде неверный и развращенный, доколе буду в вас и терплю вы? Приведи (Ми) сына твоего семо.
“O faithless and perverse generation!” Jesus exclaimed; “how long must I be with you and have patience with you? Lead your son here.”
42 Еще же грядущу ему, поверже его бес и стрясе. Запрети же Иисус духови нечистому, и изцели отрока, и вдаде его отцу его.
While the boy was coming up to Jesus, the demon dashed him down and threw him into convulsions. But Jesus rebuked the foul spirit, and cured the boy, and gave him back to his father.
43 Дивляхуся же вси о величии Божии. Всем же чудящымся о всех, яже творяше Иисус, рече ко учеником Своим:
And all present were struck with awe at the majesty of God. In the midst of the general astonishment at all that Jesus was doing, he said to his disciples:
44 вложите вы во ушы ваши словеса сия: Сын бо Человеческий имать предатися в руце человечесте.
“Listen carefully to my words. For the Son of Man is destined to be betrayed into the hands of his fellow men.”
45 Они же не разумеша глаголгола сего, бе бо прикровен от них, да не ощутят его: и бояхуся вопросити Его о глаголголе сем.
But the disciples did not understand the meaning of this; it had been concealed from them so that they did not see it, and they were afraid to question him as to what he meant.
46 Вниде же помышление в них, кто их вящший бы был.
A discussion arose among the disciples as to which of them was the greatest;
47 Иисус же ведый помышление сердец их, приемь отроча, постави е у Себе
and Jesus, knowing of the discussion that was occupying their thoughts, took hold of a little child, and placed it beside him,
48 и рече им: иже аще приимет сие отроча во имя Мое, Мене приемлет: и иже аще Мене приемлет, приемлет Пославшаго Мя: иже бо менший есть в вас, сей есть велик.
and then said to them: “Any one who, for the sake of my Name, welcomes even this little child is welcoming me; and any one who welcomes me is welcoming him who sent me as his Messenger. For whoever is lowliest among you all — that man is great.”
49 Отвещав же Иоанн рече: Наставниче, видехом некоего о имени Твоем изгоняща бесы: и возбранихом ему, яко вслед не ходит с нами.
Thereupon John said: “Sir, we saw a man driving out demons by using your name, and we tried to prevent him, because he does not follow you with us.”
50 И рече к нему Иисус: не браните: иже бо несть на вы, по вас есть.
“None of you must prevent him,” Jesus said to John; “he who is not against you is for you.”
51 Бысть же егда скончавахуся дние восхождению Его, и Той утверди лице Свое ити во Иерусалим:
As the days before his being taken up to Heaven were growing few, Jesus set his face resolutely in the direction of Jerusalem; and he sent on messengers in advance.
52 и посла вестники пред лицем Своим: и изшедше внидоша в весь Самарянску, яко да уготовят Ему:
On their way, they went into a Samaritan village to make preparations for him,
53 и не прияша Его, яко лице Его бе грядущее во Иерусалим.
but the people there did not welcome him, because his face was set in the direction of Jerusalem.
54 Видевша же ученика Его Иаков и Иоанн, реста: Господи, хощеши ли, речема, да огнь снидет с небесе и потребит их, якоже и Илиа сотвори?
When James and John saw this, they said: “Master, do you wish us to call for fire to come down from the heavens and consume them?”
55 Обращься же запрети има, и рече: не веста, коего духа еста вы:
But Jesus turned and rebuked them.
56 Сын бо Человеческий не прииде душ человеческих погубити, но спасти. И идоша во ину весь.
And they made their way to another village.
57 Бысть же идущым им по пути, рече некий к Нему: иду по Тебе, аможе аще идеши, Господи.
And, while they were on their way, a man said to Jesus: “I will follow you wherever you go.”
58 И рече ему Иисус: лиси язвины имут, и птицы небесныя гнезда: Сын же Человеческий не имать где главу подклонити.
“Foxes have holes,” he replied, “and wild birds their roosting-places, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”
59 Рече же ко другому: ходи вслед Мене. Он же рече: Господи, повели ми, да шед прежде погребу отца моего.
To another man Jesus said: “Follow me.” “Let me first go and bury my father,” said the man.
60 Рече же ему Иисус: остави мертвыя погребсти своя мертвецы: ты же шед возвещай Царствие Божие.
But Jesus said: “Leave the dead to bury their dead; but go yourself and carry far and wide the news of the Kingdom of God.”
61 Рече же и другий: иду по Тебе, Господи: прежде же повели ми отвещатися, иже суть в дому моем.
“Master,” said another, “I will follow you; but first let me say good-bye to my family.”
62 Рече же к нему Иисус: никтоже возложь руку свою на рало и зря вспять, управлен есть в Царствии Божии.
But Jesus answered: “No one who looks back, after putting his hand to the plough, is fitted for the Kingdom of God.”

< От Луки святое благовествование 9 >