< Левит 5 >
1 Аще же душа согрешит, и услышит глас клятвы, и сей свидетель или виде или сведа, аще не возвестит, приимет грех.
[Yahweh also said to tell the people], “If [a judge] orders any of you to tell [in court] something that you have seen or something that you heard someone say, if you refuse to say what you know is true, you must (pay a penalty/be punished) [MTY] for refusing to tell what you know.
2 Душа она, яже аще прикоснется ко всякой вещи нечистей, или мертвечине, или звероядине нечистей, или мертвечинам гнусностей нечистых, или мертвечинам скотов нечистых, и мертвечине гад нечистых, и забыв их осквернится:
If you accidentally touch something which God considers impure [DOU], such as the carcass of a wild animal or the carcass of a bull or cow, or of an animal that scurries across the ground, you must (pay a penalty/be punished).
3 или прикоснется нечистоте человечи, от всякия нечистоты его, ейже прикоснувся осквернится, и забудет, посем же увесть, повинен будет греху.
If you touch any human feces, even if you do not intend to do that, when you realize what you have done, you must (pay a penalty/be punished).
4 Душа беззаконная, аще обещает устнама своима зле или добре сотворити, по всем, елика изречет человек с клятвою, и утаится его пред очесы, и сей увесть, и согрешит едино что от сих,
If you carelessly make a solemn promise [to do something] that is good or that is bad, when you realize what you have done, you must (pay a penalty/be punished).
5 и исповесть грех, имже согреши противу себе:
If you are guilty of committing any of those sins, you must confess what you have done.
6 и да принесет Господу о гресе, имже согреши, женск пол, от овец агницу, или козу от коз греха ради: и да помолится о нем жрец греха ради его, имже согреши, и оставится ему грех.
And for a penalty you must bring to Yahweh a female lamb or female goat, to be an offering for the sin that you have committed, and the priest will sacrifice it, and then you will no longer be guilty for your sin.
7 Аще же не может рука его доволства имети на овцу, да принесет греха ради своего, имже согреши, две горлицы, или два птенца голубина Господу, един греха ради и един во всесожжение:
If you [are poor and] cannot afford to bring a lamb, you must bring to Yahweh two doves or two young pigeons. One will be an offering for your sin and one will be an offering that will be completely burned [on the altar].
8 и принесет я к жерцу, и приведет жрец еже за грех прежде, и да отторгнет жрец главу его созади, но да не отлучит:
You must bring them to the priest. First he will offer one of them to be an offering for your sin. He will wring/twist its neck [to kill it], but he must not pull off its head completely.
9 и да покропит от крове, яже за грех, на стену олтаря, останок же крове да исцедит на стояло олтаря: о гресе бо есть:
Then he must sprinkle some of the blood against the side of the altar. The remaining blood must be drained out at the base of the altar. That will be an offering for your sin.
10 и вторым да сотворит всесожжение, якоже подобает, и да помолится от нем жрец греха ради его, имже согреши, и оставится ему.
The priest will then do what I have commanded and offer the other bird to be completely burned [on the altar]. Then you will no longer be guilty for the sin you have committed, and Yahweh will forgive you.
11 Аще же не обрящет рука его супруга горлиц, или двух птенцев голубиных, и принесет дар свой за грех, десятую часть меры ефимуки пшеничны за грех: да не возлиет на ню елеа, ниже да возложит на ню ливана, понеже о гресе есть:
However, if you [are very poor and] cannot afford two doves or two young pigeons, you must bring to be an offering for your sin (2 pounds/1 kg.) of fine flour. You must not put olive oil or incense on it, because it is an offering for sin.
12 и да принесет ю к жерцу, и взем жрец о нея полну горсть в память его, возложит на жертвенник всесожжения Господня: о гресе (бо) есть:
You must take it to the priest. He will take a handful of it, to symbolize that the whole offering truly belongs to Yahweh, and burn it on the altar, on top of the other offerings.
13 и да помолится о нем жрец греха ради его, имже согреши отединаго сих, и оставится ему: останок же будет жерцу, якоже жертва муки пшеничны.
And by doing that, the priest will enable you to no longer be guilty for any of the sins that you have committed, and you will be forgiven. The part of the offering that is not burned will belong to the priest, like was true for the offerings made from grain.”
14 И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
15 душа яже аще забудет забвением, и согрешит не хотящи от святынь Господних, и да принесет о преступлении своем Господу овна непорочна от овец, емуже цена сребра сиклев, по сиклю святых, о немже согреши:
“When you sin, without intending to, by not giving to Yahweh the things that you are required to give to him, you must pay a penalty by bringing to Yahweh a ram that has no defects. You must determine how much silver it is worth, by using the official standard in the temple. It will be an offering to cause you to no longer be guilty.
16 и еже согреши от святых, да отдаст е, и пятую часть приложит нань, и даст е жерцу: и жрец да помолится о нем овнов преступления его, и оставится ему.
But you must also make restitution for what you failed to give to Yahweh, adding one-fifth of its value. You must give that to the priest. He will offer the ram as a sacrifice for the sin that you have committed, and cause you to no longer be guilty; and you will be forgiven.
17 И душа яже аше согрешит, и сотворит едину от всех заповедий Господних, ихже не леть есть творити, и не уведе, и согрешит, и приимет грех свой,
If you sin by doing something that is forbidden by any of Yahweh’s commands, even if you do not know that you have disobeyed one of my commands, you are guilty and must pay a penalty [to me].
18 и да принесет овна непорочна от овец, ценою сребра греха ради, к жерцу и да помолится о нем жрец, о неведении его, егоже не веде, и сам не ведяще, и оставится ему:
[When you realize what you have done], you must bring a ram to the Supreme Priest to be an offering in order that you will no longer be guilty. You must bring one that has no defects. He will offer the ram to be a sacrifice to me, and as a result you will no longer be guilty for the sin that you have committed, and you will be forgiven.
19 согреши бо согрешением пред Господем.
It is an offering to cause you to no longer be guilty for sinning against me.”