< Левит 20 >

1 И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
Yahweh also said this to Moses/me:
2 рцы сыном Израилевым, глаголя: аще кто от сынов Израилевых, или от прибывших пришелцев во Израили, иже аще даст от семене своего Молоху, смертию да умрет: людие земли да побиют его камением:
“Tell the Israeli people, ‘[This is what Yahweh says]: Any Israeli or any foreigner who is living in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to be an offering to the god Molech must be executed. The people of the town must kill him by throwing stones at him.
3 и Аз утвержу лице Мое на человека того и погублю его от людий его, яко от семене своего даде Молоху, да осквернит святыню Мою и осквернит имя освященных Мне.
I will reject [IDM] such people and command that they no longer be allowed to associate with my people.
4 Аще же презрением презрят туземцы земли очима своима от человека того, внегда дати ему от семене своего Молоху, еже не убити его:
If the people of that man’s town ignore it when he kills one of his children to offer him as a sacrifice to Molech, and if they do not execute that person,
5 и утвержу лице Мое на человека того и на сродники его, и погублю его и всех единомыслящих с ним, еже соблуждати ему со идолы от людий своих.
I myself will punish that person and his family, and I will command that he no longer be able to associate with my people. And I will do the same thing to any others who do the same thing that he did to worship Molech.
6 И душа яже аще последует утробным баснем или волхвом, яко соблудити вслед их, утвержу лице Мое на душу ту и погублю ю от людий ея.
‘will reject [IDM] those who go to those who (consult/talk with) the spirits of dead people and fortune-tellers to seek advice from them. I will command that they no longer be allowed to associate with my people.
7 И будете святи, яко Аз свят Господь Бог ваш.
‘Set yourselves apart and be holy, because I, Yahweh your God, am holy, [and I want you to be like me].
8 И сохраните повеления Моя и сотворите я: Аз Господь освящаяй вас.
Obey carefully [DOU] all my laws. I am Yahweh, the one will cause you to be holy.
9 Человек человек, иже аше зло речет отцу своему или матери своей, смертию да умрет: отцу своему или матери своей зле рече, повинен будет.
‘If anyone curses his father or his mother, he must be executed. He himself will be responsible for his own death [MTY].
10 Человек человек, иже аще прелюбы содеет с мужнею женою, или кто прелюбы содеет с женою ближняго своего, смертию да умрут прелюбодей и прелюбодейца.
‘If a man commits adultery with some other man’s wife, both of them, the man and the woman, must be executed.
11 И иже аще пребудет с женою отца своего, срамоту отца своего открыл есть, смертию да умрут оба, повинни суть.
‘If a man has sex with [EUP] one of his father’s wives, he has disgraced his father. So both that man and that woman must be executed, they will be responsible for their own deaths [MTY].
12 И аще кто будет с невесткою своею, смертию да умрут оба, нечествоваша бо, повинни суть.
‘If a man has sex with [EUP] his daughter-in-law, both of them must be executed. What they have done is very perverse; and they will be responsible for their own deaths [MTY].
13 И аще кто будет с мужеским полом ложем женским, гнусность сотвориша оба, смертию да умрут, повинни суть:
‘If two men have sex together, they have done something detestable. They must both be executed, they will be responsible for their own deaths [MTY].
14 иже аще поймет жену и матерь ея, беззаконие есть, огнем да сожгут его и оныя, и не будет беззаконие в вас.
‘If a man marries both a woman and her mother, that is a wicked thing. All three of them must be burned to death, in order that such a wicked practice will not [continue to be done] among you.
15 И иже аще даст ложе свое четвероножному, смертию да умрет, четвероножное же убиете.
‘If a man has sex with an animal, he must be executed, and you must also kill that animal.
16 И жена яже аше приступит ко всякому скоту, еже быти с ним, да убиете жену и скот, смертию да умрут, повинни суть.
‘[Similarly], if a woman has sex with an animal, both the woman and that animal must be killed [DOU]; they are responsible for their own deaths [MTY].
17 Иже аще поймет сестру свою от отца своего или от матере своея, и увидит срамоту ея, и она увидит срамоту его, укоризна есть, да потребятся пред сыны рода их: срамоту сестры своея откры, грех приимут.
‘If a man marries his sister, the daughter of either his mother or his father, and they have sex together, that is disgraceful. They must not be allowed to continue to associate with my people. And because he has disgraced his sister, he must be punished.
18 И муж иже будет с женою сквернавою и открыет срамоту ея, течение ея откры, и она откры течение крове своея, да потребятся оба от рода их.
‘If a man has sex with [EUP, DOU] a woman during her monthly menstrual period, they have both revealed why she was bleeding, so both of them must not be allowed to associate with my people any more.
19 И срамоту сестры отца твоего и сестры матере твоея да не открыеши: ужичество бо откры, грех понесут.
‘Do not have sex with the sister of either your father or your mother, because that would be disgracing someone who is a close relative. And you and the woman must both be punished.
20 Иже аще будет со сродницею своею, срамоту сродства своего откры, безчадни измрут.
‘If a man has sex [EUP] with his aunt, he has dishonored his uncle. I will punish both of them by causing them to die without having any children.
21 И человек иже аще поймет жену брата своего, нечистота есть: срамоту брата своего открыл есть, безчадни измрут.
‘If a man marries his brother’s wife [while his brother is still living], that is disgraceful. He has dishonored his brother; and they both will die without having any children.
22 И сохраните вся повеления Моя и вся судбы Моя и сотворите я, и не вознегодует на вас земля, в нюже Аз введу вы тамо вселитися на ней.
‘Obey all my laws/decrees [DOU] carefully, in order that you will not be forced to leave [MET] the land to which I am bringing you.
23 И не ходите в законы языческия, ихже Аз изгоню от вас: яко сия вся сотвориша, и возгнушахся ими.
Do not imitate/adopt the customs of the people of the land from which I will expel them as you advance. I hated them because they did all those things.
24 И рех к вам: вы наследите землю их, и Аз дам вам ю в притяжание, землю текущую медом и млеком, Аз Господь Бог ваш, отлучивый вас от всех язык.
But I said to you, “You will take their land from them; I will give it to you to be yours, a land that is very fertile [IDM]. I am Yahweh your God, who has set you apart from the people of other nations.”
25 И отлучите себе между скоты чистыми и между скоты нечистыми, и между птицами чистыми и нечистыми: и не оскверните душ ваших в скотех и в птицах и во всех гадех земных, яже Аз отлучих вам в нечистоте,
‘So you must distinguish between birds and animals that are unacceptable to me and those that are acceptable to me. Do not defile yourselves by [eating] birds or animals, or anything that scurries across the ground, that I have said are unacceptable for you.
26 и будете Ми святи, яко Аз свят есмь Господь Бог ваш, отлучивый вас от всех язык быти Моими.
You must behave in ways that I consider to be holy, because I, Yahweh, am holy, and I have set you apart from the [ungodly people of other] nations to belong to me.
27 И муж или жена иже аще будет от них чревобасник или волшебник, смертию да умрут оба: камением да побиете их, повинни суть.
‘You must execute any man or woman among you who (consults/talks with) the spirits of dead people or who is a fortune-teller. Kill them by [throwing] stones at them; but they will be responsible for their own deaths.’”

< Левит 20 >