< Книга Иисуса Навина 20 >

1 И рече Господь ко Иисусу, глаголя:
And he spoke Yahweh to Joshua saying.
2 рцы сыном Израилевым, глаголя: дадите грады убежений, яже рекох к вам Моисеом:
Speak to [the] people of Israel saying assign for yourselves [the] cities of refuge which I spoke to you by [the] hand of Moses.
3 убежище убийце поразившему душу неволею: и будут вам грады убежище, и не умрет убийца от ужика крове, дондеже предстанет пред сонмом на суд.
To flee there towards a killer [who] strikes down a person by inadvertence with not knowledge and they will become for you a refuge from [the] avenger of blood.
4 И (аще кто) убегнет во един от градов сих, и станет во вратех града, и исповесть во уши старцем града того словеса своя: и приимут его сонм к себе, и дадят ему место жити с ними:
And he will flee to one - of the cities these and he will stand [the] entrance of [the] gate of the city and he will speak in [the] ears of ([the] elders of the city *LA(bh)*) that words his and they will gather him the city towards to themselves and they will give to him a place and he will dwell with them.
5 и егда поженет ужик крове вслед его, и не дадут убившаго в руце его: яко не ведый уби ближняго своего и не ненавидя той его от вчера и третияго дне:
And if he will pursue [the] avenger of blood after him and not they will deliver up the killer in hand his for with not knowledge he struck neighbor his and not [was] hating he him from yesterday [the] third day.
6 и да вселится в той град, дондеже станет пред лицем сонма на суд, и дондеже умрет жрец великий, иже будет в тыя дни: тогда да обратится убийца, и внидет во град свой и в дом свой, и во град, отнюдуже избеже.
And he will dwell - in the city that until stands he before the congregation for judgment until [the] death of the priest great who he will be in the days those then - he will return the killer and he will go to own city his and to own house his to the city where he fled from there.
7 И отделиша Кедес в Галилеи, в горе Неффалимли, и Сихем в горе Ефремли, и Град Арво (сей есть Хеврон) в горе Иуде:
And they set apart Kedesh in Galilee in [the] hill country of Naphtali and Shechem in [the] hill country of Ephraim and Kiriath Arba that [is] Hebron in [the] hill country of Judah.
8 и об ону страну Иордана ко Иерихону на восток, даша Восор в пустыни в поли от племене Рувимля, и Рамоф в Галааде от племене Гадова, и Голан в Васанитиде от племене Манассиина:
And from [the] other side of [the] Jordan of Jericho east-ward they assigned Bezer in the wilderness in the plain from [the] tribe of Reuben and Ramoth in Gilead from [the] tribe of Gad and (Golan *Q(K)*) in Bashan from [the] tribe of Manasseh.
9 сии грады избраны быша всем сыном Израилевым и пришелцу прилежащему в них, еже убежати тамо всякому убивающему душу неволею, да не умрет от руку ужика крове, дондеже станет пред сонмом на суд.
These they were [the] cities of appointing for all - [the] people of Israel and for the sojourner who sojourns in midst of them to flee there towards any [one who] strikes down a person by inadvertence and not he will die by [the] hand of [the] avenger of blood until stands he before the congregation.

< Книга Иисуса Навина 20 >