< Книга Иова 13 >

1 Се, сия виде око мое, и слыша ухо мое,
Behold, mine eye has seen these things, and mine ear has heard [them].
2 и вем, елика и вы весте: и не неразумнее есмь вас.
And I know all that you too know; and I have not less understanding than you.
3 Но обаче и аз ко Господу возглаголю, обличу же пред Ним, аще восхощет.
Nevertheless I will speak to the Lord, and I will reason before him, if he will.
4 Вы бо есте врачеве неправеднии и целителе злых вси,
But you are all bad physicians, and healers of diseases.
5 буди же вам онемети, и сбудется вам в премудрость.
But would that you were silent, and it would be wisdom to you in the end.
6 Слышите же обличение уст моих, суду же устен моих вонмите.
But hear you the reasoning of my mouth, and attend to the judgment of my lips.
7 Не пред Богом ли глаголете и пред Ним вещаете лесть?
Do you not speak before the Lord, and utter deceit before him?
8 Или уклонитеся, вы же сами судии будите.
Or will you draw back? nay do, you yourselves be judges.
9 Добро бо, аще изследит вас: аще бо вси творящии приложитеся к нему, обаче обличит вы.
For [it were] well if he would thoroughly search you: for though doing all things [in your power] you should attach yourselves to him,
10 Аще же и тай лицам удивитеся,
he will not reprove you at all the less: but if moreover you should secretly respect persons,
11 не движение ли Его смятет вас, боязнь же от Него нападет на вы?
shall not his whirlpool sweep you round, and terror from him fall upon you?
12 Отидет же величание ваше равно пепелу, тело же бренно.
And your glorying shall prove in the end to you like ashes, and your body [like a body] of clay.
13 Умолчите, да возглаголю и почию от гнева.
Be silent, that I may speak, and cease from [mine] anger,
14 Вземля плоти моя зубами, душу же мою положу в руце моей.
while I may take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in my hand.
15 Аще мя убиет Сильный, понеже и нача, обаче возглаголю и обличу пред Ним:
Though the Mighty One should lay hand upon me, forasmuch as he has begun, verily I will speak, and plead before him.
16 и сие ми сбудется во спасение: не внидет бо пред Ним лесть.
And this shall turn to me for salvation; for fraud shall have no entrance before him.
17 Послушайте, послушайте глагол моих: возвещу бо вам слышащым.
Hear, hear you my words, for I will declare in your hearing.
18 Се, аз близ есмь суда моего, вем аз, яко праведен явлюся.
Behold, I am near my judgment: I know that I shall appear evidently just.
19 Кто бо есть судяйся со мною, да ныне умолчу и изчезну?
For who is he that shall plead with me, that I should now be silent, and expire?
20 Двое же ми сотвориши, тогда от лица Твоего не скрыюся:
But grant me two things: then I will not hide myself from your face.
21 руку от мене отими, страх же Твой да не ужасает мя:
Withhold [your] hand from me: and let not your fear terrify me.
22 посем призовеши, аз же Тя послушаю, или возглаголеши, аз же Ти дам ответ.
Then shall you call, and I will listen to you: or you shall speak, and I will give you an answer.
23 Колицы суть греси мои и беззакония моя? Научи мя, кая суть?
How many are my sins and my transgressions? teach me what they are.
24 Почто крыешися от мене? Мниши же мя противна суща Тебе?
Therefore hide you yourself from me, and deem me your enemy?
25 Или яко лист движимь ветром убоишися? Или яко сену носиму ветром противляешимися?
Will you be startled [at me], as [at] a leaf shaken by the wind? or will you set yourself against me as against grass borne upon the breeze?
26 Яко написал еси на мя злая, обложил же ми еси юностныя грехи:
for you have written evil things against me, and you have compassed me with the sins of my youth.
27 положил же еси ногу мою в возбранение: сохранил же еси дела моя вся: в корения же ног моих пришел еси:
And you have placed my foot in the stocks; and you have watched all my works, and have penetrated my heels.
28 иже обетшают якоже мех, или якоже риза молием изядена.
[I am as] that which waxes old like a bottle, or like a moth-eaten garment.

< Книга Иова 13 >