< Книга пророка Иеремии 22 >

1 Сия рече Господь: иди и вниди в дом царя Иудина и рцы тамо слово сие,
This is what Yahweh says, “Go down to the house of the king of Judah and proclaim this word there.
2 и речеши: слыши слово Господне, царю Иудин, иже седиши на престоле Давидове, ты и дом твой, и раби твои и людие твои и входящии дверьми сими:
Say, 'King of Judah, listen to the word of Yahweh—you who sit on David's throne—you, and your servants, and your people who come through these gates.
3 сия глаголет Господь: творите суд и правду, и избавите силою угнетена от руку обидящаго и, и пришелца и сира и вдовицы не оскорбляйте, не угнетайте беззаконно, и крове неповинныя не изливайте на месте сем.
Yahweh says this, “Perform justice and righteousness, and anyone who has been robbed—rescue him from the hand of the oppressor. Do not mistreat any foreigner in your land, or any orphan or widow. Do not commit violence or pour out innocent blood in this place.
4 Аще бо творяще сотворите слово сие, то внидут вратами дому сего царие седящии на престоле Давидове и вседающии на колесницы и на кони, тии и раби их и людие их.
For if you truly do these things, then kings sitting on David's throne will enter the gates of this house riding in a chariot and on horses, he, his servants, and his people!
5 Аще же не послушаете словес сих, Сам Собою закляхся, рече Господь, яко в пустыню будет дом сей.
But if you do not listen to these words from me that I have announced—this is Yahweh's declaration—then this royal house will become a ruin.”'
6 Понеже тако глаголет Господь на дом царя Иудина: Галаад ты Мне, глава Ливанская, аще не поставлю тебе в пустыню, во грады необитанны,
For Yahweh says this concerning the house of the king of Judah, 'You are like Gilead, or like the summit of Lebanon to me. Yet I will turn you into a wilderness, into cities with no inhabitants.
7 и наведу на тя убивающа мужа и секиру его, и посекут избранныя кедры твоя и вергут на огнь.
For I have designated destroyers to come against you! Men with their weapons will cut off the best of your cedars and let them fall into the fire.
8 И пройдут языцы мнози сквозе град сей, и речет кийждо искреннему своему: вскую сотвори Господь тако граду сему великому?
Then many nations will pass by this city. Each person will say to the next, “Why has Yahweh acted in this way toward this great city?”
9 И отвещают: сего ради, яко оставиша завет Господа Бога своего и поклонишася богом чуждим и послужиша им.
Then the other will answer, “Because they abandoned the covenant of Yahweh their God and bowed down to other gods and worshiped them.”
10 Не плачите мертваго, ниже рыдайте о нем: плачите плачем о исходящем, яко не возвратится ктому, ниже увидит земли рождения своего.
Do not weep for the one who is dead or mourn for him; but weep bitterly for him who is about to go away, because he will never return and see his native land again.'
11 Понеже сия рече Господь к Селлиму сыну Иосиину царю Иудину царствующему вместо Иосии отца своего, иже изшел есть от места сего: не возвратится ктому семо,
For Yahweh says this about Jehoahaz son of Josiah king of Judah, who served as king instead of Josiah his father, 'He has gone from this place and will not come back.
12 но на месте том, аможе преведох его, тамо умрет и земли сея не узрит ктому.
He will die there in the place to where they have exiled him, and he will never again see this land.'
13 Горе созидающему дом свой с неправдою и горницы своя не в суде, у негоже ближний его делает туне, и мзды его не воздаст ему:
Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, his upper rooms by injustice, who makes his neighbor work for him for nothing, and he does not give him his wages;
14 иже рече: созижду себе дом пространен, и горницы широки со отверстыми окнами и своды кедровыми, и расписаны червленцем.
he says, 'I will build for myself a large house with spacious upper rooms.' So he cuts out large windows for it, and he panels it with cedar, and he paints it red.
15 Еда царствовати будеши, яко ты поощряешися о ахазе отце твоем? Не ядят, ниже пиют: лучше тебе было творити суд и правду благу.
Is this what makes you a good king, that you wanted to have boards of cedar? Did not your father also eat and drink, yet do justice and righteousness? Then things went well for him.
16 Не познаша, не судиша суда смиренных, ниже суда нища: не сие ли тебе есть, еже не знати тебе Мене, рече Господь?
He judged in favor of the poor and needy. It was good then. Is this not what it means to know me?—this is Yahweh's declaration.
17 Се, не суть очи твои, ниже сердце твое благо, но к сребролюбию твоему и крове неповинныя пролиянию, и ко обидам и ко убийству, еже творити я.
But there is nothing in your eyes and heart except worry for your unjust profit and for pouring out innocent blood, for producing oppression and crushing of others.
18 Сего ради сия рече Господь ко Иоакиму сыну Иосиину царю Иудину: горе мужу сему, не оплачут его: горе, брате! Ниже возрыдают о нем: увы мне, господине!
Therefore this is what Yahweh says about Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah: They will not lament for him, saying, 'Woe, my brother!' or 'Woe, my sister!' They will not lament for him, saying, 'Woe, master!' or 'Woe, majesty!'
19 Погребением ослим погребется, влачимь извержен будет вне врат Иерусалима.
He will be buried with a donkey's burial, dragged away and thrown out beyond the gates of Jerusalem.
20 Взыди на Ливан и возопий, и в Васан даждь глас твой, и возопий на он пол моря, яко сотрени суть вси любовнии твои.
Go up Lebanon's mountains and shout. Lift your voice in Bashan. Shout from the Abarim mountains, for all of your friends will be destroyed.
21 Глаголах к тебе в падении твоем, и рекл еси: не услышу. Сей путь твой от юности твоея, яко не послушал еси гласа Моего.
I spoke to you when you were safe, but you said, 'I will not listen.' This was your custom since your youth, for you have not listened to my voice.
22 Всех пастырей твоих упасет ветр, и любовнии твои во пленение пойдут, и тогда постыдишися и посрамишися от всех любящих тя:
The wind will shepherd away all your shepherds, and your friends will go into captivity. Then you will certainly be ashamed and humiliated by all of your evil deeds.
23 иже седиши в Ливане и гнездишися в кедрех, возстенеши, егда приидут к тебе болезни, яко раждающия.
You who live in 'Lebanon,' who is nestled in cedar buildings, how you will be pitied when the labor pains come upon you, pain like that of a woman in labor!”
24 Живу Аз, рече Господь, аще будет Иехониа сын Иоакима царь Иудин, перстень на руце десней Моей, оттуду исторгну тя
“As I live—this is Yahweh's declaration—even if you, Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, were the signet on my right hand, I would tear you off.
25 и предам тя в руки ищущих души твоея и в руки, ихже ты боишися лица, и в руки Навуходоносора царя Вавилонска и в руки Халдеом,
For I have given you to the hand of the ones seeking your life and to the hand of those before whom you are afraid, even to the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and the Chaldeans.
26 и отвергу тя и матерь твою, яже роди тя, в землю чужду, в нейже несте рождени, и тамо умрете:
I will throw you and your mother who bore you into another land, a country where you were not born, and there you will die.
27 а в землю, в нюже тии желают душами своими возвратитися, не возвратятся.
About this land to which they will want to return, they will not come back here.
28 Обезчестися Иехониа, аки сосуд непотребен, яко отриновен бысть той и семя его, и извержен в землю, еяже не ведяше.
Is this a despised and shattered vessel? Is this man Jehoiachin a pot that pleases no one? Why have they thrown him and his descendants out, and have poured them out into a land that they did not know?
29 Земле, земле, земле, слыши слово Господне!
Land, Land, Land! Hear the word of Yahweh!
30 Сия рече Господь: напиши мужа сего отвержена, мужа, иже во днех своих не предуспеет: ниже бо будет от семене его муж, иже сядет на престоле Давидове, и власть имеяй ктому во Иуде.
Yahweh says this, 'Write about this man Jehoiachin: He will be childless. He will not prosper during his days, and no one among his descendants will achieve success or ever again sit on David's throne and rule over Judah.'”

< Книга пророка Иеремии 22 >