< Книга пророка Иеремии 15 >

1 И рече Господь ко мне: аще станут Моисей и Самуил пред лицем Моим, несть душа Моя к людем сим: изрини тех (от лица Моего), и да изыдут.
And he said Yahweh to me if he will stand Moses and Samuel before me not soul my [will be] to the people this send [them] away from on face my so they may go out.
2 И будет, аще рекут к тебе: камо изыдем? И речеши к ним: сия глаголет Господь: иже ко смерти, ко смерти: и иже к мечу, к мечу: и иже ко гладу, ко гладу: и иже ко пленению, ко пленению.
And it will be that they will say to you where? will we go out and you will say to them thus he says Yahweh [those] who [are] for death to death and [those] who [are] for the sword to the sword and [those] who [are] for the famine to the famine and [those] who [are] for captivity to captivity.
3 И отмщу имъчетырьми образы, рече Господь: мечь на заклание, и пси на растерзание, и птицы небесе и зверие земли на пожрения и расхищение.
And I will appoint over them four kinds [the] utterance of Yahweh the sword to kill and the dogs to drag away and [the] bird[s] of the heavens and [the] animal[s] of the earth to devour and to destroy.
4 И предам их во утеснение всем царствам земным, ради Манассии сына Езекиина царя Иудина за вся, яже сотвори во Иерусалиме.
And I will make them (into a terror *Q(K)*) for all [the] kingdoms of the earth on account of Manasseh [the] son of Hezekiah [the] king of Judah on [that] which he did in Jerusalem.
5 Кто умилосердится к тебе, Иерусалиме? И кто поскорбит о тебе, или кто пойдет молити о мире тебе?
For who? will he have compassion on you O Jerusalem and who? will he show sympathy to you and who? will he turn aside to ask to welfare of you.
6 Ты оставил Мя еси, рече Господь, вспять пошел еси: и простру руку Мою на тя и убию тя, и ктому не пощажу их
You you abandoned me [the] utterance of Yahweh backwards you go and I have stretched out hand my on you and I have destroyed you I had wearied myself to relent.
7 и расточу их расточением во вратех людий Моих: обезчадеша, погубиша людий Моих злобами своими, и не обратишася.
And I have winnowed them with a winnowing scoop in [the] gates of the land I have made childless I have destroyed people my from ways their not they have turned away.
8 Умножишася вдовицы их паче песка морскаго: наведох на матерь юношы, бедность о полудни, навергох на ню внезапу страх и трепет.
They are numerous to me (widows its *Q(K)*) more than [the] sand of [the] seas I have brought to them on a mother of a young man a destroyer at noon I have made fall on her suddenly anguish and sudden terror.
9 Праздна бысть родившая седмь, оскуде душа ея, зайде ей солнце еще среде полудне, постыждена бысть и укорена: прочыя их в мечь дам пред враги их, рече Господь.
She has grown feeble [one who] bore seven [children] it has panted breath her (it went *Q(K)*) sun her while still by day she is ashamed and she is abashed and remnant their to the sword I will give before enemies their [the] utterance of Yahweh.
10 Горе мне, мати (моя), вскую мя родила еси мужа прителнаго и судимаго по всей земли? Не заях, ниже заят у мене кто: сила моя оскуде от кленущих мя, (рече Господь).
Woe! to me O mother my that you gave birth to me a man of strife and a man of contention to all the land not I have lent and not people have lent to me all of him [are] cursing me.
11 Буди, Владыко, исправляющым им: аще не притекох ко Тебе во время озлобления их и во время скорби их, во благая на врага.
He said Yahweh if not (I will set free you *Q(K)*) for good if not - I will cause to plead with you in a time evil and in a time of distress the enemy.
12 Еда познается железо? И одеяние медяно крепость твоя.
¿ Will it break iron - iron from [the] north and bronze.
13 И сокровища твоя в расхищение дам, измену за вся грехи твоя, и во всех пределех твоих:
Wealth your and treasures your to plunder I will give not for price and on all sins your and in all territories your.
14 и порабощу тя окрест врагом твоим, в земли, еяже не веси: яко огнь возжжеся от ярости Моея, на вас горети будет.
And I will make to pass enemies your in a land [which] not you have known for a fire it has been kindled in anger my towards you it will burn.
15 Ты веси, Господи, воспомяни мя и посети мя и защити мя от гонящих мя, не в долготерпение Твое восприими мя: веждь, яко приях Тебе ради поношение от отвергающих словеса Твоя:
You you know O Yahweh remember me and visit me and avenge yourself for me from [those who] harass me may not to [the] length of anger your you take away me know bearing my on you reproach.
16 скончай их, и будет слово Твое мне в радость и во веселие сердца моего, яко призвано есть имя Твое на мне, Господи Боже Сил.
They were found words your and I ate them and it became (word your *Q(K)*) to me a joy and [the] delight of heart my for it is called name your on me O Yahweh [the] God of hosts.
17 Не седох в сонме их играющих, но бояхся от лица руки Твоея: на едине седях, яко горести исполнихся.
Not I sat in [the] assembly of merry makers and I rejoiced because of hand your alone I sat for indignation you filled me.
18 Вскую оскорбляющии мя возмогают на мя? Язва моя тверда, откуду изцелюся? Бысть мне яко вода лживая, не имущая верности.
Why? is it pain my perpetuity and wound my incurable it has refused to be healed certainly you are to me like a deceitful thing waters [which] not they are reliable.
19 Сего ради сия глаголет Господь: аще обратишися, возставлю тя, и пред лицем Моим станеши: и аще изведеши честное от недостойнаго, яко уста Моя будеши: и обратятся тии к тебе, и ты не обратишися к ним.
Therefore thus he says Yahweh if you will return and I will restore you before me you will stand and if you will bring forth [the] precious from [the] worthless like mouth my you will be they will return they to you and you not you must return to them.
20 И дам тя людем сим аки стену крепку, медяну: и поратуют на тя и не возмогут на тя, яко Аз с тобою есмь, да спасу тя и избавлю тя, рече Господь:
And I will make you for the people this into a wall of bronze fortified and people will fight against you and not they will prevail to you for [will be] with you I to save you and to deliver you [the] utterance of Yahweh.
21 избавлю тя от рук злейших и искуплю тя от рук губителей.
And I will deliver you from [the] hand of wicked [people] and I will ransom you from [the] hand of ruthless [people].

< Книга пророка Иеремии 15 >