< Книга пророка Исаии 26 >
1 В той день воспоют песнь сию в земли Иудейстей, глаголюще: се, град крепок, и спасение нам положит стену и ограждение.
At that time, this will be the song that is sung in the land of Judah: “Ours is a strong city! Its walls and defenses are our salvation!
2 Отверзите врата, да внидут людие хранящии правду и хранящии истину,
Open the gates so the nation who follows the right can come in, the nation that stays faithful.
3 приемлющии истину и хранящии мир.
You will keep in complete peace those who keep their minds focused on you, because they trust in you.
4 Яко на тя надеянием надеяшася, Господи, во век, Боже великий, вечный,
Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
5 иже смирив низвел еси живущыя в высоких: грады крепкия разориши и обнизиши я даже до земли.
He brings down those who live so high and mighty; he demolishes the proud city with its high walls, bringing it down to the ground, into the dust.
6 И поперут я ноги кротких и смиренных.
The poor tread it underfoot; the oppressed walk on top of it.
7 Путь благочестивых прав бысть, и приуготован путь благочестивых.
You God, do what is right, and you straighten out the way for those who live right; you smooth out their path.
8 Путь бо Господень суд: уповахом на имя Твое и память, еяже желает душа наша.
Yes, we follow your instructions, Lord, we put our hope in you. What we most want is to remember you and your wonderful character.
9 От нощи утренюет дух мой к Тебе, Боже, зане свет повеления Твоя на земли: правде научитеся, живущии на земли.
I look for you in the night; deep inside me I long for you. When your laws are shown to the earth, then the people of the world learn what is right.
10 Преста бо нечестивый: всяк, иже не научится правде на земли, истины не сотворит: да возмется нечестивый, да не видит славы Господни.
Though grace is shown to the wicked, they don't learn to do right. Even in a country where people do what's right, they continue to do evil and they don't think about how great the Lord is.
11 Господи, высока Твоя мышца, и не ведеша, разумевше же постыдятся: ревность приимет люди ненаказанныя, и ныне огнь супостаты пояст.
Lord, you are holding your hand up, but they don't see it. Let them see your passionate commitment for your people, and be embarrassed; may the fire reserved for your enemies destroy them!
12 Господи Боже наш, мир даждь нам, вся бо воздал еси нам.
Lord, you give us peace and prosperity; everything we've achieved you have done for us.
13 Господи Боже наш, стяжи ны: Господи, разве Тебе иного не вемы: имя Твое именуем.
Lord our God, there have been other lords besides you who have ruled us, but you are the only one we worship.
14 Мертвии же живота не имут видети, ниже врачеве воскресят: сего ради навел еси и погубил еси, и взял еси всяк мужеск пол их.
They are dead, they will not live again; they will not rise from the grave. Lord, you punished them and destroyed them—even wiping out every memory about them.
15 Приложи им зла, Господи, приложи зла славным земли.
You have made the nation grow, Lord, you have made the nation grow. You have expanded our borders of the land, and we honored you.
16 Господи, в скорби помянухом Тя, в скорби мале наказание Твое нам.
Lord, when we were suffering we came to you, pouring out our prayers like whispers as you disciplined us.
17 И яко болящая приближается родити и в болезни своей воскрича, тако быхом возлюбленному Твоему.
Just as a pregnant woman giving birth tosses about and cries out in pain, that's what we were like in your presence, Lord.
18 Страха ради Твоего, Господи, во чреве прияхом и поболехом, и родихом дух спасения Твоего, егоже сотворихом на земли: не падемся, но падутся вси живущии на земли.
However, even though we became pregnant and we tossed about in pain, we gave birth to nothing but air. We did not bring about the salvation of the earth, and the people of the world have not become alive.
19 Воскреснут мертвии и востанут иже во гробех, и возрадуются иже на земли: роса бо, яже от Тебе, изцеление им есть, земля же нечестивых падет.
But those who died in you, Lord, will live! Their bodies will rise again! Wake up, and sing for joy, you people sleeping in the dust, for the dew you receive is like the dew of the morning giving life to those in the grave.
20 Идите, людие мои, внидите во храмину вашу, затворите двери своя, укрыйтеся мало елико елико, дондеже мимоидет гнев Господень.
My people, go inside your homes and close your doors behind you. Hide there for a little while until the fury has passed.
21 Се бо, Господь от святаго (места) наводит гнев на живущыя на земли: и открыет земля кровь свою и не покрыет избиеных.
Watch out! The Lord is coming from where he lives to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The earth will reveal the blood that has been shed on it; the earth won't hide those who have been killed any no longer.”