< Книга пророка Осии 8 >
1 В недре их, яко земля непроходима, яко орел в дому Господни: понеже преступиша завет Мой и на закон Мой нечествоваша.
'Unto thy mouth — a trumpet, As an eagle against the house of Jehovah, Because they transgressed My covenant, And against My law they have rebelled.
2 Ко Мне воззовут: Боже, познахом Тя,
To Me they cry, 'My God, we — Israel — have known Thee.'
3 яко Израиль отвратися благих, врага прогнаша.
Cast off good hath Israel, an enemy pursueth him.
4 Сами себе царя поставиша, а не Мною, началствоваша, и не явиша Ми: от сребра своего и от злата своего сотвориша себе кумиры, яко да потребятся.
They have made kings, and not by Me, They have made princes, and I have not known, Their silver and their gold they have made to them idols, So that they are cut off.
5 Сокруши телца твоего, Самарие, разгневася ярость Моя на ня: доколе не могут очиститися, иже во Израили?
Cast off hath thy calf, O Samaria, Burned hath Mine anger against them, Till when are they not capable of purity?
6 И то древодель сотвори, и несть бог: зане льстяй бяше телец твой, Самарие.
For even it [is] of Israel; an artificer made it, And it [is] not God, For the calf of Samaria is fragments!
7 Яко ветром истлено всеяша, и разрушение их приимет я: рукоять не имущая силы еже сотворити муку, аще же и сотворит, то чуждии поядят ю.
For wind they sow, and a hurricane they reap, Stalk it hath none — a shoot not yielding grain, If so be it yield — strangers do swallow it up.
8 Поглощен бысть Израиль, ныне бысть во языцех яко сосуд непотребен,
Israel hath been swallowed up, Now they have been among nations, As a vessel in which is no delight.
9 понеже тии взыдоша ко Ассирианом: процвете о себе Ефрем, дары возлюби.
For they — they have gone up [to] Asshur, A wild ass alone by himself [is] Ephraim, They have hired lovers!
10 Сего ради предадутся во языки: ныне восприиму их, и почиют мало еже помазати царя и князи.
Also though they hire among nations, Now I gather them, and they are pained a little, From the burden of a king of princes.
11 Яко умножи Ефрем требища, во грехи быша ему требища возлюбленная.
Because Ephraim did multiply altars to sin, They have been to him altars to sin.
12 Впишу ему множество, и законная его в чуждая вменишася требища возлюбленная.
I write for him numerous things of My law, As a strange thing they have been reckoned.
13 Темже аще и пожрут жертву и снедят мяса, Господь не приимет их: ныне помянет неправды их и отмстит грехи их: тии во Египет возвратишася и во Ассирии нечистая снедят.
The sacrifices of Mine offerings! They sacrifice flesh, and they eat, Jehovah hath not accepted them, Now doth He remember their iniquity, And inspect their sin, They — [to] Egypt they turn back.
14 И забы Израиль Сотворшаго и и возгради требища, и Иуда умножи грады утверждены: но послю огнь на грады его, и потребит основания его.
And forget doth Israel his Maker, and buildeth temples, And Judah hath multiplied cities of defence, And I have sent a fire into his cities, And it hath consumed their palaces!