< Книга пророка Осии 7 >

1 Егда изцелю Израиля, и открыется неправда Ефремова и злоба Самарийска, яко соделаша лжу: и тать к нему внидет, совлачаяй разбойник на пути его:
When I was about to deliver my people from captivity, When I would have healed Israel, Then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, And the wickedness of Samaria; For they practise fraud, And the thief entereth in, And the band of robbers spoileth without.
2 яко да воспоют вкупе, аки поющии сердцем своим. Вся злобы их помянух: ныне обыдоша их совети их, противу лицу Ми быша.
And they think not in their hearts, That I remember all their wickedness. Now shall their doings encompass them; They are before my face.
3 Злобами своими возвеселиша царя и лжами своими князей.
With their wickedness they gladden the king, And with their falsehoods the princes; All of them are adulterers;
4 Вси любодеющии, яко пещь жегома на печение сожжения от пламене, от примешения тука, дондеже вскиснет то все.
They are as an oven heated by the baker; He ceaseth to stir the fire, Until the dough which he hath kneaded be leavened.
5 Во дни царей ваших начаша князи яритися от вина, простроша руки своя с губительми:
On the feast-day of our king, the princes are sick with the heat of wine, And he stretcheth out his hand with revilers.
6 зане разгорешася яко пещь сердца их, внегда устремлятися им: всю нощь сна Ефрем насытися, заутра бысть, и разгореся яко пламень огненный.
For they make ready their heart like an oven, while they lie in wait; All night the baker sleepeth; In the morning it gloweth like a flaming fire.
7 Вси согреяшася, яко пещь жегома, и огнь пояде судий их: вси царие их падоша, не бе в них моляйся ко Мне.
They all glow as an oven; They have devoured their judges; All their kings have fallen; And none among them calleth upon me.
8 Ефрем в людех своих сам смесяшеся, Ефрем бысть опреснок необращаемь.
Ephraim hath mixed himself with the nations; Ephraim is a cake not turned.
9 И снедоша чуждии крепость его, сей же не разуме: и седины явишася на нем, он же не позна.
Strangers have devoured his strength, And he knoweth it not; Yea, gray hairs are sprinkled upon him, Yet he knoweth it not.
10 И смирится укоризна Израилева в лице ему: и не возвратишася ко Господу Богу своему и не взыскаша Его во всех сих.
The pride of Israel testifieth to his face; Yet do not they return to Jehovah their God, Nor seek him, for all this.
11 И бяше Ефрем яко голубь безумный, не имый сердца: Египта моляше, и во Ассирианы отидоша.
Ephraim is like a silly dove, without understanding; They call upon Egypt; they go to Assyria.
12 Якоже идут, возложу на ня мрежу Мою, якоже птицы небесныя свергу я, накажу я в слух скорбения их.
When they go, I will spread my net over them; As birds of heaven will I bring them down. I will chastise them, as hath been proclaimed in their congregation.
13 Горе им, яко отскочиша от Мене: боязливи суть, яко нечествоваша ко Мне: Аз же избавих я, сии же возглаголаша на Мя лжу.
Woe to them, for they have wandered from me! Destruction upon them, for they have rebelled against me! Though I myself would redeem them, they speak falsely to me.
14 И не возопиша ко Мне сердца их, но плакахуся на ложах своих: о пшенице и вине сечахуся.
They cry not to me from their heart, But howl upon their beds; For corn and wine they assemble themselves; They rebel against me.
15 Накажутся Мною, Аз же укрепих мышцу их, и на Мя помыслиша злая.
I have chastened them; I have also strengthened their arms; Yet do they devise evil against me.
16 Совратишася ни во чтоже, быша яко лук напряжен: падутся князи их мечем ради ненаказания языка своего. Сие ругание их в земли Египетстей.
They return, but not to the Most High; They are like a deceitful bow; Their princes shall fall by the sword for the haughtiness of their tongues; This shall be their reproach in the land of Egypt.

< Книга пророка Осии 7 >