< Послание к Галатам 3 >

1 О, несмысленнии Галате, кто вы прельстил есть не покоритися истине, имже пред очима Иисус Христос преднаписан бысть, в вас распят?
Foolish Galatians, who has cunningly deceived you, before whose eyes Yeshua the Messiah was openly set forth as crucified?
2 Сие едино хощу уведети от вас: от дел ли закона Духа приясте, или от слуха веры?
I just want to learn this from you. Did you receive the Ruach by the works of the law, or by hearing of faith?
3 Тако ли несмысленни есте? Наченше духом, ныне плотию скончаваете?
Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Ruach, are you now completed in the flesh?
4 Толика пострадасте туне? Аще точию и туне.
Did you suffer so many things in vain, if it is indeed in vain?
5 Подаяй убо вам Духа и действуяй силы в вас, от дел ли закона, или от слуха веры?
He therefore who supplies the Ruach to you, and works miracles among you, does he do it by the works of the law, or by hearing of faith?
6 Якоже Авраам верова Богу, и вменися ему в правду.
Even as Abraham "believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."
7 Разумейте убо, яко сущии от веры, сии суть сынове Авраамли.
Know therefore that those who are of faith, the same are sons of Abraham.
8 Предувидевшее же Писание, яко от веры оправдает языки Бог, прежде благовествова Аврааму, яко благословятся о тебе вси языцы.
The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the non-Jews by faith, preached the Good News beforehand to Abraham, saying, "Through you all the nations will be blessed."
9 Темже сущии от веры, благословятся с верным Авраамом:
So then, those who are of faith are blessed with the faithful Abraham.
10 елицы бо от дел закона суть, под клятвою суть. Писано бо есть: проклят всяк, иже не пребудет во всех писанных в книзе законней, яко творити я.
For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse. For it is written, "Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things that are written in the book of the law, to do them."
11 А яко в законе никтоже оправдается от Бога, яве, яко праведный от веры жив будет.
Now it is evident that that no one is justified by the law before God, for, "The righteous will live by faith."
12 Закон же несть от веры: но сотворивый та человек жив будет в них.
The law is not of faith, but, "The one who does them will live by them."
13 Христос ны искупил есть от клятвы законныя, быв по нас клятва: писано бо есть: проклят всяк висяй на древе:
Messiah redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us. For it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree,"
14 да в языцех благословение Авраамле будет о Христе Иисусе, да обетование Духа приимем верою.
that the blessing of Abraham might come on the non-Jews through Messiah Yeshua; that we might receive the promise of the Ruach through faith.
15 Братие, по человеку глаголю: обаче человеческаго предутвержденна завета никтоже отметает или приповелевает.
Brothers, I am speaking in human terms. Though it is only a human covenant, once it has been ratified, no one annuls it or adds to it.
16 Аврааму же речени быша обеты, и семени его. Не глаголет же: и семенем, яко о мнозех, но яко о едином: и семени твоему, иже есть Христос.
Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his offspring. He does not say, "And to offsprings," as of many, but as of one, "And to your offspring," which is Messiah.
17 Сие же глаголю, завета предутвержденнаго от Бога во Христа, бывый по летех четыриста и тридесятих закон не отметает, во еже разорити обетование.
Now I say this: the law, which came four hundred thirty years later, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to cancel the promise.
18 Аще бо от закона наследие, не ктому уже от обетования: Аврааму же обетованием дарова Бог.
For if the inheritance is of the law, it is no more of promise; but God has granted it to Abraham by promise.
19 Что убо закон? Преступлений ради приложися, дондеже приидет семя, емуже обетовася, вчинен Ангелы, рукою ходатая.
What then is the law? It was added because of transgressions, until the offspring should come to whom the promise has been made. It was ordained through angels by the hand of a mediator.
20 Ходатай же единаго несть, Бог же един есть.
Now a mediator is not between one, but God is one.
21 Закон ли убо противу обетованием Божиим? Да не будет. Аще бо дан бысть закон могий оживити, воистинну от закона бы была правда:
Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not. For if there had been a law given which could give life, most certainly righteousness would have been of the law.
22 но затвори Писание всех под грехом, да обетование от веры Иисус Христовы дастся верующым.
But the Scriptures imprisoned all things under sin, that the promise by faith in Yeshua the Messiah might be given to those who believe.
23 Прежде же пришествия веры, под законом стрегоми бехом, затворени в хотящую веру открытися.
But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, confined for the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
24 Темже закон пестун нам бысть во Христа, да от веры оправдимся:
So that the law was our tutor to bring us to Messiah, that we might be justified by faith.
25 пришедшей же вере, уже не под пестуном есмы.
But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.
26 Вси бо вы сынове Божии есте верою о Христе Иисусе:
For you are all sons of God, through faith in Messiah Yeshua.
27 елицы бо во Христа крестистеся, во Христа облекостеся.
For as many of you as were immersed into Messiah have put on Messiah.
28 Несть Иудей, ни Еллин: несть раб, ни свободь: несть мужеский пол, ни женский: вси бо вы едино есте о Христе Иисусе.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua.
29 Аще ли вы Христовы, убо Авраамле семя есте, и по обетованию наследницы.
If you are Messiah's, then you are Abraham's offspring and heirs according to promise.

< Послание к Галатам 3 >