< Книга пророка Иезекииля 9 >
1 И возопи во ушы мои гласом великим, глаголя: приближися отмщение града: и кийждо имеяше сосуды истребления в руце своей.
Then I heard Yahweh call out loudly, “[You men who are going to punish this city, ] bring here the guards of the city, each carrying a weapon.”
2 И се, шесть мужей идоша от пути врат высоких зрящих на север, и коемуждо секира (погубления) в руце его: и муж един посреде их облечен в подир, и пояс от сапфира о чреслех его: и внидоша и сташа близ жертвенника медянаго.
Then I saw six men coming from the north gate of the temple area. Each one was carrying a weapon. With them was a man wearing a white linen robe. [carried] at his side a case containing things to write with. They [all] came into the temple and stood beside the bronze altar.
3 И слава Бога Израилева взыде от Херувимов сущая на них в непокровенное дому: и призва мужа оболчена в подир, иже имеяше на чреслех своих пояс.
[Then] the (glory/dazzling light) [that symbolized the presence] of the God of Israel rose up from above the four winged creatures and moved to the entrance of the temple. Then Yahweh called to the man wearing the linen robe,
4 И рече Господь к нему: пройди среде града Иерусалима и даждь знамения на лица мужей стенящих и болезнующих о всех беззакониих бывающих среде их.
and said to him, “Go throughout Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who are very sad [DOU] because of the detestable things that are being done inside the city.”
5 И сим рече, слышащу мне: идите во град вслед его, изсецыте и не пощадите очима вашима и не помилуйте:
While I was listening, he said to the other six men, “Follow the man wearing the white robe, and kill people. Do not pity them or act mercifully toward them.
6 старца и юношу и деву, и младенцы и жены избийте в потребление: а ко всем, на нихже есть знамение, не прикасайтеся: от освященных Моих начните. И начаша от мужей старых, иже беша внутрь в дому.
Slaughter old men, young men and women, older women and children, but do not harm any of those who have that mark on their forehead. Start at my temple.” So they began by killing the elders who were [worshiping idols] in front of the temple.
7 И рече к ним: оскверните дом, и наполните пути мертвецев исходяще, и изсецыте (сущих во граде).
Then Yahweh said to those men, “Pollute the temple by filling the [with the corpses of those whom] you kill! Start now!” So they went out and starting killing people throughout the city.
8 И бысть внегда сечаху их, остах аз и падох ниц, и возопих и рех: горе, (горе, ) о, люте мне, Адонаю Господи! Еда потребляеши Ты останки Израилевы, егда разливаеши ярость Твою на Иерусалим?
While they were doing that, I was left alone. I prostrated myself on the ground and cried out, “Yahweh my Lord, are you going to get rid of all the people of Israel and Judah who are still alive, while you are severely punishing [MTY] [the people of] Jerusalem?”
9 И рече ко мне: неправда дому Израилева и Иудина возвеличися зело зело, яко наполнися земля людий многих, и град наполнися неправд и нечистот, яко реша: оставил есть Господь землю и не видит Господь.
He replied, “The sins of the people [MTY] of Israel and Judah are extremely great. People are murdered [MTY] everywhere [in this country], and this city is full of [people who act] unjustly. They say, ‘Yahweh has abandoned this country, and he does not [what we are doing].’
10 И Аз есмь, и не пощадит око Мое, ни помилую, пути их на главы их дах.
[So] I will not pity them or act mercifully toward them. I will do to them the evil things that they have done to other people.”
11 И се, муж, оболченый в подир и препоясан поясом о чреслех своих, отвещаваше, глаголя: сотворих, якоже заповедал ми еси.
Then the man wearing the linen robe returned, saying, “I have done what you commanded me to do.”