< Книга пророка Иезекииля 46 >

1 Сия глаголет Господь Бог: врата, яже во дворе внутреннем зрящая на восток, да будут затворена на шесть дний делных: в день же субботный да отверзаются, и в день новомесячия да отверзутся.
Thus said Lord YHWH: “The gate of the inner court that is looking eastward is shut [during] the six days of work, and on the day of rest it is opened, and in the day of the new moon it is opened;
2 И внидет старейшина по пути елама врат внешних и да станет у преддверия врат, и да сотворят жерцы всесожжения его и яже спасения его:
and the prince has come in the way of the porch of the gate from the outside, and he has stood by the post of the gate, and the priests have made his burnt-offering, and his peace-offerings, and he has bowed himself by the opening of the gate, and has gone forth, and the gate is not shut until the evening.
3 и да поклонится у преддверия врат и изыдет, врата же да не заключатся до вечера, и да покланяются людие земли у преддверия врат тех в субботы и в новомесячия пред Господем.
And the people of the land have bowed themselves at the opening of that gate, on Sabbaths, and on new moons, before YHWH.
4 И всесожжения да принесет старейшина в день субботный Господеви, шесть агнцев непорочных и овна непорочна,
And the burnt-offering that the prince brings near to YHWH on the day of rest [is] six lambs, perfect ones, and a ram, a perfect one.
5 и манау, опреснок овну, и агнцем жертву, дар руки своея, и елеа ин опресноку.
And the present [is] an ephah for a ram, and for the lambs a present, the gift of his hand, and a hin of oil for an ephah.
6 И в день новомесячия телец от стада непорочен и шесть агнцев и овен непорочен да будет,
And on the day of the new moon—a bullock, a son of the herd, a perfect one, and six lambs and a ram; they are perfect.
7 и опреснок телцу и опреснок овну да будет манаа, и агнцем, якоже постигнет рука его, и масла ин опресноку.
And with an ephah for a bullock, and an ephah for a ram, he prepares a present, and for the lambs as his hand attains, and a hin of oil for an ephah.
8 И егда входит старейшина, по пути елама врат да внидет и по пути врат да изыдет.
And in the coming in of the prince, he comes in the way of the porch of the gate, and by its way he goes out.
9 И егда входят людие земли пред Господа в праздники, входящии по пути врат зрящих на север поклонитися, да исходят по пути врат яже на юг: и иже входят по пути врат яже на юг, да исходят по пути врат яже на север, да не возвращаются во врата, имиже внидоша, но прямо им да изыдут.
And in the coming in of the people of the land before YHWH at appointed times, he who has come in the way of the north gate to bow himself, goes out the way of the south gate, and he who has come in the way of the south gate, goes out by the way of the north gate: he does not turn back the way of the gate by which he came in, but he goes out opposite it.
10 И старейшина посреде их, егда тии входят, да внидет с ними, и егда исходят, да изыдет.
And in their coming in the prince in their midst comes in, and in their going out he goes out.
11 И в праздники и в торжества да будет манаа опреснок телцу и опреснок овну, и агнцем, якоже постигнет рука его, и елеа ин опресноку.
And in celebrations, and in appointed times, the present is an ephah for a bullock, and an ephah for a ram, and for lambs the gift of his hand, and a hin of oil for an ephah.
12 Аще же сотворит старейшина исповедание, всесожжение спасения Господеви, и отворит себе врата зрящая на восток и сотворит всесожжение свое и яже спасения своего, якоже есть обычай творити в день субботный: и да изыдет и затворит двери по исхождении своем:
And when the prince makes a free-will burnt-offering, or free-will peace-offerings, to YHWH, then he has opened the gate that is looking eastward for himself, and has made his burnt-offering and his peace-offerings as he does in the day of rest, and he has gone out, and has shut the gate after his going out.
13 агнца же единолетнаго непорочна да сотворит во всесожжение на всяк день Господеви, заутра да сотворит его.
And you make a daily burnt-offering of a lamb, son of a year, a perfect one, to YHWH; you make it morning by morning.
14 И манаа да сотворит над ним заутра заутра, шестую часть меры, и елеа третию часть ина, еже смесити семидал манаа Господеви, заповедь вечная присно.
And you make a present with it morning by morning, a sixth part of the ephah, and a third part of the hin of oil, to temper with the fine flour, a present to YHWH, by a continuous statute—continually;
15 Да сотворите агнца, и манаа, и масло древяно да сотворите заутра всесожжение присно.
and they prepare the lamb, and the present, and the oil, morning by morning—a continual burnt-offering.”
16 Сия глаголет Господь Бог: аще даст старейшина даяние единому от сынов своих от наследия своего, сие сыном его да будет: одержание их сие в наследие.
Thus said Lord YHWH: “When the prince gives a gift to any of his sons, it [is] his inheritance, it [is] for his sons; it [is] their possession by inheritance.
17 Аще же даст даяние единому от раб своих, да будет ему до лета отпущения, и да воздаст старейшине: обаче наследие сынов его им да будет.
And when he gives a gift out of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it has been his until the year of freedom, and it has turned back to the prince, only the inheritance of his sons is theirs.
18 И да не вземлет старейшина от наследия людий еже насилити им, от одержания своего даст наследие сыном своим: яко да не расточатся людие Мои кийждо от одержания своего.
And the prince does not take from the people’s inheritance to oppress them—from their possession; he causes his sons to inherit out of his own possession, so that My people are not each scattered from his possession.”
19 И введе мя во вход врат, яже к югу, в преграду святых жерцев, зрящую на север: и се, тамо место отлучено.
And he brings me in through the entrance that [is] by the side of the gate, to the holy chambers, to the priests, that are looking northward, and behold, there [is] a place in their two sides westward.
20 И рече ко мне: сие место есть, идеже варят жерцы, яже за неведение и яже за грехи, и тамо да пекут манау весьма, еже не износити во двор внешний освящати люди.
And he says to me, “This [is] the place where the priests boil the guilt-offering and the sin-offering, where they bake the present, so as not to bring [it] out to the outer court, to sanctify the people.”
21 И изведе мя во двор внешний и обведе мя на четыри части двора: и се, двор по углам двора.
And he brings me out to the outer court, and causes me to pass over to the four corners of the court, and behold, a court in a corner of the court, [moreover] a court in [every] corner of the corner.
22 По углу двор, на четырех углех двора, двор малый в долготу лактей четыредесять, а в широту лактей тридесять, мера едина четырем.
In the four corners of the court [are] enclosed courts, forty long and thirty broad, [with] one measure for the four corners.
23 И преграды окрест в них, окрест четырем: и поварни устроеныя под преградами окрест.
And a row [is] all around in them—around the four of them—and made with boilers under the rows all around.
24 И рече ко мне: сии домове поваров, идеже варят служащии храму заколения людская.
And he says to me, “These [are] the houses of those boiling where the servants of the house boil the sacrifice of the people.”

< Книга пророка Иезекииля 46 >