< Книга пророка Иезекииля 43 >

1 И веде мя ко вратом зрящым на востоки и изведе мя:
Then [in the vision] the man brought me to the entrance on the east side.
2 и се, слава Бога Израилева грядяше по пути врат зрящих на востоки, и глас полка аки глас усугубляющих многих, и земля светяшеся аки свет от славы Его окрест.
Suddenly I saw the glory/brightness of the God of Israel coming from the east. The sound of his coming was like the roar of a rushing river, and all that area shone with his glory.
3 И видение, еже видех, по видению, еже видех, егда вхождах помазати град: и видение колесницы, юже видех, подобяшеся видению, еже видех на реце Ховар. И падох на лице мое.
What I saw in this vision was like what I saw in the visions that I had seen [previously, first] by the Kebar River and [later] when God came to destroy Jerusalem. I prostrated myself on the ground.
4 Слава же Господня вниде во храм по пути врат зрящих на восток.
The glory of Yahweh entered the temple through the east entrance.
5 И взя мя дух и введе мя во двор внутренний: и се, полн славы дом Господень.
Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner courtyard, and the glory of Yahweh filled the temple.
6 И стах, и се, глас от храма глаголющаго ко мне, и муж стояше близ мене
[Then] while the man was standing beside me, I heard someone speak to me from inside the temple.
7 и рече ко мне: сыне человечь, видел ли еси место престола Моего и место стопы ног Моих, идеже вселится имя Мое среде дому Израилева во век? И не осквернят ктому имене Моего святаго дом Израилев, тии и старейшины их во блужении своем и во убийствах старейшин своих среде себе,
He said, “You human, this is [my temple], the place [I sit on] my throne and where I rest my feet. This is where I will live with the Israeli people forever. The Israeli people and their kings will never again disgrace me [SYN] by worshiping other gods [MET] at the shrines on their hilltops, or by [building] monuments to honor their kings who have died.
8 внегда полагаху преддверие Мое во преддвериих своих и праги Моя близ прагов своих: и даша стену Мою яко держащуюся Мене и онех, и оскверниша имя Мое святое в беззакониих своих, яже творяху: и скончах я в ярости Моей и во избиении:
They placed their altars near mine, and the doorposts of their [temples] were next to the doorposts of my [temple]. There was only a wall between them. And they disgraced me by the detestable things that they did. So, being very angry with them, I got rid of them.
9 и ныне да отринут блужение свое и убийства старейшин своих от Мене, и вселюся среде их во век.
Now they must stop this disgusting worship of idols and these rituals to honor their kings who have died. If they stop doing those things, I will live among them forever.
10 Ты же, сыне человечь, покажи дому Израилеву храм, и да престанут от грехов своих: и видение его, и чиноположение его,
You human, describe to the Israeli people what this temple that I have shown you [in a vision] is like, in order that they will be ashamed of the sins that they have committed [which resulted in their temple in Jerusalem being destroyed].
11 и тии приимут казнь свою о всех, яже сотвориша: и распишеши храм и уготование его, и исходы его и входы его, и бытие его и вся повеления его и вся законы его возвестиши им и да впишеши пред ними, и снабдят вся оправдания Моя и вся повеления Моя и сотворят я.
If they are ashamed of all [the evil things] that they have done, tell them [all] about the temple [that I showed you]: its design/shape, the exits and entrances, [and everything else about it]. And tell them all my laws and regulations about worshiping me there. Write all these things down while they watch you, in order that they will be able to faithfully obey those laws.
12 И расписание храма на верху горы: вси пределы его окрест Святая Святых суть.
And this is the supreme law about the temple [DOU]: All of the area on top of the hill [where the temple will be built] must be kept sacred and holy.”
13 Сей закон храма, и сия мера требника, в лакоть лактя и длани, недро глубины лакоть на лакоть и лакоть в широту, и ограждение устия ему окрест, пяди.
These are the measurements of the altar, using the same kind of measuring stick that was used for the temple area: There is a gutter around the altar that is (21 in./53 cm.) deep and (21 in./53 cm.) wide. There is a rim around it that is (9 in./23 cm.) wide.
14 И сия высота требника, и от глубины начала вдоления его ко очистилищу великому, еже внизу, двух лактей, широта же лакоть: а от очистилища малаго ко очистилищу великому лакти четыри, и широта лакоть.
The lower part of the gutter is (3-1/2 feet/1.1 meters) high to the lower ledge/rim that surrounds the altar. The lower ledge is (21 in./53 cm.) wide. The upper part of the altar is (7 feet/2.1 meters) high, up to the upper ledge. That ledge is also (21 in./53 cm.) wide.
15 И ариил четырех лактей, а от ариила и выше рогов лакоть:
The (hearth/place where the sacrifices are burned) at the top of the altar is another (7 feet/2.2 meters) high, and there is a projection that juts/extends up from each of the four corners.
16 ариил же дванадесять лактей в долготу и дванадесять лактей в широту, четвероуголен на четыри части своя.
That place at the top of the altar is square, (21 feet/6.4 meters) on each side.
17 И очистилище четыренадесять лактей в долготу и четыренадесять лактей в широту, четвероуголно на четыри части своя: и ограждение ему окрест окружающее его пол лактя, и обдержание его лакоть окрест, и степени его зрящыя на восток.
The upper ledge is also a square, (24-1/2 feet/7.4 meters) on each side. There is a (21 in./53 cm.) gutter [at the bottom of the altar], and a (10.5 in./26.6 cm.) rim all around it. There are steps up to the east side of the altar.”
18 И рече ко мне: сыне человечь, сия глаголет Господь Бог Израилев: сия заповеди требника в день сотворения его, еже возносити на нем всесожжения и возливати нань кровь.
Then the man said to me, “You human, this is what Yahweh the Lord says: These are the regulations for sacrificing offerings that will be completely burned and for sprinkling the blood against the sides of the altar when it is built:
19 И даси жерцем и левитом, иже суть от семене Садукова, приступающым ко Мне, глаголет Господь Бог, еже служити Мне, телца от говяд за грех:
You must present to the priests a young bull to be an offering to cause the altar to be acceptable to me. The priests are descendants of Levi, from the clan of Zadok, who come near to the altar to serve me.
20 и да возмут от крове его и да возложат на четыри роги требника и на четыри части очистилища и на основание окрест, и окропиши е, и очистят е:
You must take some of the blood [from the bull that is sacrificed], and smear it on the four projections of the altar and on the four corners of the upper ledge, and all around the rim, to cause the altar to be acceptable to me, and to consecrate it.
21 и да возмут телца, иже за грех, и да сожжется во отлученнем храме вне святых.
You must burn that bull outside the temple in the part of the temple area [that I have] designated for that.
22 А во вторый день да возмут два козлища от коз непорочных за грех и да очистят требник, якоже очистиша телцем.
The next day, you must offer a male goat that has no defects, to be an offering to cause the altar to be acceptable to me. Then you must purify the altar again, like you did with the bull that was sacrificed.
23 И егда скончают очищение, да принесут телца от говяд непорочна и овна от овец непорочна,
When you have finished doing all that, you must offer a young bull and a ram, both of them without any defects.
24 и да принесете пред Господа: и да возвергут на ня жерцы соль и да вознесут я Господеви всесожжения.
You must offer them to [me], Yahweh, and the priests must sprinkle salt on them and completely burn them [on the altar] for a sacrifice to me.
25 Седмь дний да сотвориши козлище за грех по вся дни, и телца от говяд и овна от овец непорочна, да сотворят седмь дний:
[Then], each day for seven days, you must bring [to the priest] a male goat [to be sacrificed] for an offering to cause the altar to be acceptable to me. You must also sacrifice a young bull and a ram, [each] without any defect.
26 и да очистят требник и освятят его, и наполнят руки своя.
For seven days the priests will consecrate the altar and cause it to be acceptable to me. By doing that they will dedicate it to me.
27 И скончают седмь дний, и будет от осмаго дне и потом, сотворят жерцы на жертвеннице всесожжения ваша и яже спасения вашего: и прииму вы, глаголет Господь.
At the end of those seven days, starting on the following day, the priests will continue to put on the altar offerings to be completely burned and offerings to maintain fellowship with me. Then I will accept you. [That it what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.”

< Книга пророка Иезекииля 43 >