< Книга пророка Иезекииля 43 >

1 И веде мя ко вратом зрящым на востоки и изведе мя:
And he led me to the gate [the] gate which [was] facing [the] direction of the east.
2 и се, слава Бога Израилева грядяше по пути врат зрящих на востоки, и глас полка аки глас усугубляющих многих, и земля светяшеся аки свет от славы Его окрест.
And there! [the] glory of [the] God of Israel [was] coming from [the] direction of the east and sound its [was] like [the] sound of waters many and the earth it gave light from glory his.
3 И видение, еже видех, по видению, еже видех, егда вхождах помазати град: и видение колесницы, юже видех, подобяшеся видению, еже видех на реце Ховар. И падох на лице мое.
And like [the] appearance of the vision which I saw [was] like the vision which I had seen when came I to destroy the city and visions like the vision which I had seen to [the] river of Kebar and I fell to face my.
4 Слава же Господня вниде во храм по пути врат зрящих на восток.
And [the] glory of Yahweh it came into the house [the] way of [the] gate which face its [was] [the] direction of the east.
5 И взя мя дух и введе мя во двор внутренний: и се, полн славы дом Господень.
And it lifted up me a spirit and it brought me into the courtyard inner and there! it filled [the] glory of Yahweh the house.
6 И стах, и се, глас от храма глаголющаго ко мне, и муж стояше близ мене
And I heard [one who] spoke to me from the house and a man he was standing beside me.
7 и рече ко мне: сыне человечь, видел ли еси место престола Моего и место стопы ног Моих, идеже вселится имя Мое среде дому Израилева во век? И не осквернят ктому имене Моего святаго дом Израилев, тии и старейшины их во блужении своем и во убийствах старейшин своих среде себе,
And he said to me O son of humankind [the] place of throne my and [the] place of [the] soles of feet my where I will dwell there in among [the] people of Israel for ever and not they will defile again [the] house of Israel [the] name of holiness my they and kings their by prostitution their and by [the] corpses of kings their high places their.
8 внегда полагаху преддверие Мое во преддвериих своих и праги Моя близ прагов своих: и даша стену Мою яко держащуюся Мене и онех, и оскверниша имя Мое святое в беззакониих своих, яже творяху: и скончах я в ярости Моей и во избиении:
When put they threshold their with threshold my and doorpost their beside doorpost my and the wall between me and between them and they defiled - [the] name of holiness my by abominations their which they did and I made an end of them in anger my.
9 и ныне да отринут блужение свое и убийства старейшин своих от Мене, и вселюся среде их во век.
Now let them put far away prostitution their and [the] corpses of kings their from me and I will dwell in midst of them for ever.
10 Ты же, сыне человечь, покажи дому Израилеву храм, и да престанут от грехов своих: и видение его, и чиноположение его,
You O son of humankind declare [the] house of Israel the house so they may be ashamed from iniquities their and they will measure a pattern.
11 и тии приимут казнь свою о всех, яже сотвориша: и распишеши храм и уготование его, и исходы его и входы его, и бытие его и вся повеления его и вся законы его возвестиши им и да впишеши пред ними, и снабдят вся оправдания Моя и вся повеления Моя и сотворят я.
And if they are ashamed from all that they have done [the] design of the house and arrangement its and exits its and entrances its and all (designs its *Q(K)*) and all statutes its and all (designs its *Q(K)*) and all (laws its *Q(K)*) make known to them and write to eyes their so they may keep all design its and all statutes its and they will do them.
12 И расписание храма на верху горы: вси пределы его окрест Святая Святых суть.
This [is] [the] law of the house on [the] top of the mountain all territory its all around - all around [will be] a holy place of holy places there! this [is] [the] law of the house.
13 Сей закон храма, и сия мера требника, в лакоть лактя и длани, недро глубины лакоть на лакоть и лакоть в широту, и ограждение устия ему окрест, пяди.
And these [are] [the] measurements of the altar by cubits a cubit [is] a cubit and a hand breadth and a gutter [is] the cubit and [is] a cubit [the] breadth and border its to edge its around a span one and this [is] [the] mound of the altar.
14 И сия высота требника, и от глубины начала вдоления его ко очистилищу великому, еже внизу, двух лактей, широта же лакоть: а от очистилища малаго ко очистилищу великому лакти четыри, и широта лакоть.
And from [the] gutter of the ground to the ledge lower [is] two cubits and [the] breadth [is] a cubit one and from the ledge small to the ledge large [is] four cubits and [the] breadth [is] the cubit.
15 И ариил четырех лактей, а от ариила и выше рогов лакоть:
And the altar hearth [is] four cubits (and [are] from the altar hearth *Q(K)*) and upwards the horns four.
16 ариил же дванадесять лактей в долготу и дванадесять лактей в широту, четвероуголен на четыри части своя.
(And the altar hearth *Q(K)*) [is] two [plus] ten [cubits] [the] length by two [plus] ten [cubits] [the] breadth square to [the] four sides its.
17 И очистилище четыренадесять лактей в долготу и четыренадесять лактей в широту, четвероуголно на четыри части своя: и ограждение ему окрест окружающее его пол лактя, и обдержание его лакоть окрест, и степени его зрящыя на восток.
And the ledge [is] four-teen [cubits] [the] length by four-teen [cubits] [the] breadth to [the] four sides its and the border around it [is] [the] half of cubit and the gutter of it [is] a cubit all around and steps its to face east.
18 И рече ко мне: сыне человечь, сия глаголет Господь Бог Израилев: сия заповеди требника в день сотворения его, еже возносити на нем всесожжения и возливати нань кровь.
And he said to me O son of humankind thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh these [are] [the] statutes of the altar on [the] day is made it to offer up on it a burnt offering and to sprinkle on it blood.
19 И даси жерцем и левитом, иже суть от семене Садукова, приступающым ко Мне, глаголет Господь Бог, еже служити Мне, телца от говяд за грех:
And you will give to the priests the Levites who they [are] of [the] offspring of Zadok near to me [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh to serve me a young bull a young one of cattle to a sin offering.
20 и да возмут от крове его и да возложат на четыри роги требника и на четыри части очистилища и на основание окрест, и окропиши е, и очистят е:
And you will take some of blood its and you will put [it] on [the] four horns its and to [the] four [the] corners of the ledge and to the border all around and you will cleanse from sin it and you will make atonement for it.
21 и да возмут телца, иже за грех, и да сожжется во отлученнем храме вне святых.
And you will take the young bull the sin offering and someone will burn it in [the] appointed place of the house from [the] outside of the sanctuary.
22 А во вторый день да возмут два козлища от коз непорочных за грех и да очистят требник, якоже очистиша телцем.
And on the day second you will bring near a male goat of goats unblemished to a sin offering and they will cleanse from sin the altar just as they cleansed [it] from sin by the young bull.
23 И егда скончают очищение, да принесут телца от говяд непорочна и овна от овец непорочна,
When finishing you from cleansing [it] from sin you will bring near a young bull a young one of cattle unblemished and a ram from the flock unblemished.
24 и да принесете пред Господа: и да возвергут на ня жерцы соль и да вознесут я Господеви всесожжения.
And you will bring near them before Yahweh and they will throw the priests on them salt and they will offer up them a burnt offering to Yahweh.
25 Седмь дний да сотвориши козлище за грех по вся дни, и телца от говяд и овна от овец непорочна, да сотворят седмь дний:
Seven days you will offer a male goat of a sin offering for the day and a young bull a young one of cattle and a ram from the flock unblemished they will offer.
26 и да очистят требник и освятят его, и наполнят руки своя.
Seven days they will make atonement for the altar and they will purify it and they will fill (hands its. *Q(K)*)
27 И скончают седмь дний, и будет от осмаго дне и потом, сотворят жерцы на жертвеннице всесожжения ваша и яже спасения вашего: и прииму вы, глаголет Господь.
So they may complete the days. And it will be on the day eighth and onwards they will offer the priests on the altar burnt offerings your and peace offerings your and I will accept you [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.

< Книга пророка Иезекииля 43 >