< Книга пророка Иезекииля 4 >
1 И ты, сыне человечь, возми себе плинфу и положи ю пред лицем твоим, и да напишеши на ней град Иерусалим,
[Yahweh also said to me, ] “You human, take a large clay tablet/brick and put it in front of you. Then on the [engrave/draw] on it lines that represent Jerusalem.
2 и да даси окрест его ограждение, и да соградиши над ним забрала и обложиши его острогом, и да поставиши окрест его полки и да учиниши поставления стрельниц окрест:
[draw figures around it to represent enemy soldiers who will] surround the city. Make mounds around it and a dirt ramp up against the [around the city]. [figures around it that represent] (battering rams/heavy logs that will break though the walls).
3 ты же возми себе сковраду железну, и да положиши ю в стену железну между тобою и между градом, и да уготовиши лице твое нань, и будет в затворе, и затвориши и: знамение сие есть сыном Израилевым.
Then take an iron pan, and place it [to be] like an iron wall between you [the drawing of] the city. Then turn your face toward the drawing. It will symbolize [enemy troops will] surround the city to attack it. That will be a warning to the Israeli people [MTY].
4 Ты же да спиши на левем боку твоем, и да положиши неправды дому Израилева на нем, по числу дний пятьдесят и сто, в няже поспиши на нем, и возмеши неправды их.
Then lie on your left side, and stay like that for 390 days. That [symbolize that the Israeli people will be punished for] their sins; you must lie like that one day for each year during which they will be punished.
5 И Аз дах тебе две неправды их в число дний, в девятьдесят и сто дний, и возмеши неправды дому Израилева.
6 И совершиши сия, и поспиши на десных ребрех твоих второе, и возмеши неправды дому Иудина четыредесять дний, день за едино лето положих тебе.
After that, lie down again. This time, lie on your right side for 40 days. That [symbolize that the Israeli people will be punished more] for their sins, one day for each [during which they will be punished].
7 И на заключение Иерусалима да уготоваеши лице твое, и мышцу твою утвердиши, и пророчествовати будеши на него.
Turn your face [the drawing of] Jerusalem and bare your [like a soldier does who prepares to go into a battle] [MTY], and prophesy [what will happen to] the city.
8 И се, Аз дах на тя узы, и не превратишися от ребр твоих на ребра твоя, дондеже скончаются дние заключения твоего.
[You will not be able to move; it will be as though] I have tied you with ropes in order that you cannot turn from one side to the other until you have [symbolizing how many years the city] will be (besieged/surrounded by enemy soldiers).
9 Ты же (сыне человечь) возми себе пшеницу и ячмень, и боб и лящу, и просо и пыро, и вложиши я в сосуд един глинян: и сотвориши я себе в хлебы, и по числу дний, в няже спиши на ребрех твоих, девятьдесят и сто дний ясти будеши оныя.
[Before you do that, ] take some wheat and barley, beans, lentils, spelt and millet, and put them in a [storage] jar, and use that to bake [for yourself]. That is what you will eat during the 390 days while you lie on your [left] side.
10 Ядь же твоя, юже ясти будеши, весом двадесять сикль на день, от времене до времене снеси сия.
You will eat (8 ounces/a small loaf) of bread each day.
11 И воду мерою пити будеши, и шестую часть ина от времене до времене испиеши.
[Also] measure out (1.5 pints/0.6 liter) of water to drink each day.
12 И опреснок ячменный снеси я, в лайне мотыл человечих сокрыеши я пред очима их
Eat that bread like you would eat a loaf of barley bread. But use your own dried dung for fuel to bake the bread while people are watching.
13 и речеши: сия глаголет Господь Бог Израилев: тако снедят сынове Израилевы хлеб свой нечист во языцех, аможе разсыплю я.
That will symbolize that the Israeli people will be forced to eat food that is unacceptable to me when they are living in the nations to which I will force them to go.”
14 И рех: никакоже, Господи Боже Израилев! Се, душа моя не осквернилася в нечистоте, и мертвечины и звероядины не ядох от рождения моего даже доныне, ниже вниде во уста моя всякое мясо мерзко и сквернаво.
Then I said, “No, Yahweh God![Do not force me to do that]! I have never caused myself to become unacceptable to you [by doing anything like that]. From the time when I was young, I have never eaten meat of any [animal] that was found dead or that had been killed by wild animals. And I have never eaten any meat that is unacceptable to you.”
15 И рече ко мне: се, дах тебе мотыла говяжая вместо мотыл человечих, и сотвориши хлебы себе в них.
Yahweh replied, “Okay, I will allow you to bake your bread using dried cow manure instead of human [for fuel].”
16 И рече ко мне: сыне человечь, се, Аз сотру утверждение хлебное во Иерусалиме, и снедят хлеб весом и во оскудении, и воду мерою и в пагубе испиют,
Then he said to me, “You human, I will cause the supply of food to Jerusalem to be cut off. [Then] the people will eat the small amounts of food and drink the small amounts of [that the government permits them to have], and they will be [very] distressed and anxious as they do that,
17 яко да скудни будут хлебом и водою: и погибнет человек и брат его, и истают в неправдах своих.
because water and food will be very scarce. They will see each other becoming extremely thin, and they will be appalled; [but this will happen] because they are being punished [for the sins that they have committed].”